Ant-design: 💥 Ant Design 4.0 is in progress!

Created on 31 May 2019  ·  182Comments  ·  Source: ant-design/ant-design

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It has been 16 months since December 2017 when Ant Design 3.0 was released. We fixed plenty of bugs and added lots of new features(changelog) within 4289 commits, 138 releases, 7675 issues & PRs, that brought us 25375 stars in GitHub. We also released Ant Design Pro 4.0. Support for TypeScript, blocks, and abstraction of layouts. We want to thank every contributors and your contribution makes Ant Design better and better.

At the same time, we released Ant Design Pro 4.0. Support TypeScript, Block and Provides Layout component.

At this moment, we are thinking: Ok then, what's next? What can we do to make Ant Design going further? It is the time to plan for the Ant Design 4.0! 🍻

Following is the detail plan about 4.0. We may adjust some of them since it's still in planning.

🌓 About Compatibility

We will remove deprecated props in 4.0, which means deprecated props will be no longer supported. If you're not getting any warning from latest 3.x, it will be seamless to upgrade. Otherwise, there will be half year maintenance phase for 3.0 after 4.0 is released.

We know it's troublesome to do upgrades. We're planning to provide compatible package to handle this:

import Compatible from '@ant-design/compatible';

// It works, but will warning in console
const Demo = () => (
    <YourApp />

This package will be available till the end of 3.x maintenance phase.

Use latest React API

We have provided React 15 support for a long time. But it seems not necessary from social feedback (There are nearly 0% of issues about React 15), since React has strong compatibility. To support React 15, we use new API very carefully. This will be not a problem after 4.0 anymore:

  • Provides Hooks api for related component
  • Support Concurrent mode (Still preparing, will continue adjust in 4.0)
  • Embrace React 17(wow!~)

Stop IE9/10 support

Ant Design 3.0 spends lots of effort to support old IE. But according to the industry statistics, usage of IE9/10 get lower and lower with Windows upgrade. We will stop support IE 9/10 in 4.0 (but still support IE 11), which means newer browser feature support will be possible.

Other compatible update

  • Less 2.x upgrade to Less 3.x
  • Icon adjustment
  • Mention deprecated

📦 Reduce size

Optimize icon size

We use svg icon (why svg?) after  [email protected] . We use string name to map the icon, which can not load on demand. We import all the icon file into antd which makes bundle size large. We will handle this in 4.0.

Old Icon usage way will be* deprecated*:

import { Icon, Button } from 'antd';

const Demo = () => (
    <Icon type="smile" />
    <Button icon="smile" />

Will use import single Icon instead in 4.0 :

// Directly import
import SmileOutline from 'antd/icons/SmileOutline';

// If tree-shaking supported
import { SmileOutline } from 'antd/icons';

const Demo = () => (
    <SmileOutline />
    <Button icon={<SmileOutline />} />

You can still use compatible way in old way.

Remove Draft.js

We use Draft.js in Mention component to confirm popup location, but only a small part functionality of it is used. It seems over cost. We plan to remove Draft.js in 4.0,  and use other light solution instead. At the same time, to distinguish with origin Mention component in 3.0, a new component Mentions will be introduced to avoid api conflict. Also, it supports compatible way:

// Follow Code will not work
import { Mention } from 'antd';

const Demo = () => (
  <Mention />
// Added `Mentions` in 4.0
import { Mentions } from 'antd';

const Demo = () => (
  <Mentions />

🧭 Performance optimization

We get few performance issue for large data set from community. We'll make sure some optimization will be done here.

Virtual scrolling

Virtual scrolling is a common way to do performance optimization. We're planning to support this natively in components. It may not finish immediately in 4.0 release. Will integrate step by step.

Refactor Animation

We did some hack with animation in the past. It works well in most case. We plan to use much pure React way instead of hack one. This update will be in silence, nothing will affect you.

🧩 Components Optimization

We've add many components in 3.0, and will continue in 4.0. These components will come from business scenario, Ant Design Pro and social requirement.  New components process will be same as Ant Design 3.0, we will put related design file in PR and collect it in the official website. Release in each minor version.

Besides, we plan to refactor some key components to make easier to use. Includes but not only:


Form is one of the most usage component. We notice that social have many comments on the API design.
 We wish to simplify the API in 4.0:

  • Form will include data store. No need to use Form.create() anymore.
  • Fom.Item will include field bind. No need to use getFieldDecorator anymore.
  • Form.Item will keep the value, but the validator will be disabled when field removed.
const Demo = () => {
  const [form] = Form.useForm();

  const onFinish = () => {
    // Do something...

  useEffect(() => {
    // Something like ajax call
      username: 'light',
  }, []);

  return (
    <Form form={form} onFinish={onFinish}>
      <Form.Item name="username" rules={[{ required: true }]}>
        <Input />

In the real world, we meets lots of communication between forms (usually in detail configuration). We want to make it easier:

const { useForm, createContext } = Form;
const FormContext = createContext();

const Demo = () => {
  return (
      <YourForm1 />
      <YourForm2 />

If you want to follow Form progress, you can see here.


In the past, we received lots of Table feedback. We know that expand and scroll props not works well together. This time, we will focus to fix it. Besides, we will do much on the Table optimization. And easy way to do the layout:

const Demo = () => {
  return (
        templateAreas: `
          name    address     address
          name    building    no
        cells: [
          { key: 'name', title: 'Name' },
          { key: 'address', title: 'Address' },
          { key: 'building', title: 'Building' },
          { key: 'no', title: 'No' },


We also plan to add Summary Footer to support summary row.

New DatePicker

Current DatePicker satisfies most requirement. But from community discussion, we can dig it more. We will provide rest year picker and ranger picker (discuss). And also, we will update the DatePicker design style to enhance user experience.

🚀 Continue updating

Besides content above, we also plan to do some continue updating. These will keep updating in 4.0 to enhance development and user experience.

🧶 Improve accessibility

Ant Design 3.0 has limited support for accessibility, we plan to adjust the dom structure and add more aria mark to enhance the screen reader experience. Besides, we also prepare to optimize key board interaction.

🎯 Developer API standard

We find some  API naming style is little different with others. It's not a problem for Typescript developer, but it's hard to remember otherwise.
Thus, we will create a naming standard document which includes current APIs and related naming rules. In new feature, will follow the naming rule to avoid API naming conflict. Also, we welcome community opinions about this in PR.

💼 React Strict Mode

If you tried wrap antd component with <React.StrictMode> , you will get warning. We've already replace some components with new life cycle method. This work will continue in 4.0.

💡 Improve developer experience

In the past, we found that some issue comes repeatedly. These issues somehow are usage question. We think we can do something on this (actually already start in 3.0). In development environment, we will warning unexpected status (like invalidate Moment object, prefix/affix adjustment cause dom structure change, etc.). We believe that console is the first place to focus when meet problem. Provides proper tips can help to find the problem. At same time, we will summary other questions into FAQ of each Component document. From the side of maintenance, we can't help on each usage question, but they do exist, particularly with new come developers. FAQ may help to save lots of searching time. If you have interest on this, welcome to help enhancing developer experience with us.

🐱 Design Resource

Ant Design is not only a component library. Design is the support power. We will sync update the design resource (Sketch component package, Kitchen tools, Design Token, etc.).  We will also adjust current component style to enhance user experience.


Here is our milestones plan. We will create related issue on Github. And also welcome social contributor:


  • Mark related API as Deprecated and remove from document.
  • Low level component warn update.


  • Create antd 4.0 branch and update the document.
  • Components development.


  • Release Ant Design 4.0.

Welcome aboard

We will keep you posted during the developing process. Content above may not be final. Thought/advice from community will be more than welcome! Let's make Ant Design 4.0 better!


Ant Design 于 17 年 12 月发布 3.0 以来,已经经历了 16 个月的时间。在此期间,我们修复了海量 Bug、以及增加大量新功能(更新日志)。提交了 4289 个 commits,发布了 138 个版本,关闭了 7675 个 issues 和 PRs,新增了 25375 个 stars。我们也发布了 Ant Design Pro 4.0。支持了 TypeScript、区块以及对布局进行抽象。我们想感谢各位社区志愿者,是你们的奉献使 Ant Design 变得更加好用。

与此同时,我们也在思考下一步是什么,如何才能使 Ant Design 走的更远,我们预计在今年 Q4 发布 Ant Design 4.0 版本。🍻

以下是关于 4.0 的详细计划,当然这仍在计划中。正式发布时可能会有调整。

🌓 兼容性调整

我们将在 4.0 中,对标记为 Deprecated 的属性进行移除。届时你将不能再使用废弃的方法。如果你将你的项目升级到最新的 3.x 于控制台中没有看到来自 antd 的 warning 信息,那么你升级 4.0 也将是无缝的。对于 3.x 版本,我们仍将在 4.0 发布后额外进行半年的维护工作。

我们知道升级版本舍弃废弃 API 的精力非常大,我们计划在发布 4.0 的同时也提供兼容包以协助项目过渡(相关 API 仍在设计中,正式发布时可能会有所不同):

import Compatible from '@ant-design/compatible';

// It works, but will warning in console
const Demo = () => (
    <YourApp />

该兼容包同样会维持更新直到 3.0 维护工作停止为止。

使用最新版本 React API

我们相当长一段时间内都在支持 React 15 版本,但是从社区反馈上看,这其实并不重要(React 15 的 issue 数趋近于 0%)。因为 React 本身就具备非常健壮的兼容性。而为了支持 React 15,我们在开发过程中对于新的 API 使用非常慎重。在 4.0 版本后,我们会以最新 React 版本作为基准进行开发:

  • 提供相关组件的 Hooks 版本
  • 支持 Concurrent 模式(当然,需要准备的事情比较多,会在 4.0 发布中持续调整。)
  • 拥抱 React 17 (wow!~)

停止 IE9/10 支持

Ant Design 3.0 为了兼容旧版 IE 做出了非常多的努力。然而根据业界统计,IE9/10 浏览器无论是在全球还是在国内份额都在随着 Windows 系统更新而在不断缩减。我们在 4.0 版本,会停止对 IE 9/10 的支持工作(但仍然会支持 IE 11)。这也意味着,支持新的游览器特性成为可能。


  • Less 2.x 升级为 Less 3.x
  • Icon 使用变更
  • Mention 废弃

📦 减小体积


[email protected] 中,我们引入了 svg 图标(为何使用 svg 图标?)。使用了字符串命名设置图标的 API,在这种设计下我们无法做到按需加载,因而我们全量引入了 svg 图标文件,这大大增加了打包产物的尺寸。在 4.0 中,我们将会对此进行调整以优化体积。

旧版 Icon 使用方式将被废弃

import { Icon, Button } from 'antd';

const Demo = () => (
    <Icon type="smile" />
    <Button icon="smile" />

4.0 中会采用按需引入的方式:

// Directly import
import SmileOutline from 'antd/icons/SmileOutline';

// If tree-shaking supported
import { SmileOutline } from 'antd/icons';

const Demo = () => (
    <SmileOutline />
    <Button icon={<SmileOutline />} />


移除 Draft.js

我们在 Mention 组件中引入了 Draft.js 以实现下拉提示定位功能,然而我们只使用了它很小一部分的功能。从性价比上考虑,显得有些浪费。我们计划在 4.0 中移除对其的依赖,转而使用更轻量级的解决方案。同时,为了区分 3.0 中的 Mention 组件,我们会提供一个新的组件 Mentions 以防止 API 冲突。同样的,它也支持通过上文兼容方法来继续使用:

// Follow Code will not work
import { Mention } from 'antd';

const Demo = () => (
  <Mention />
// Added `Mentions` in 4.0
import { Mentions } from 'antd';

const Demo = () => (
  <Mentions />

🧭 性能优化



虚拟滚动是一个常见的优化手段,但是在 Ant Design 中由于存在动画效果,使得自定义虚拟滚动并不那么容易。现在,我们计划带滚动的组件中原生支持虚拟滚动。当然,我们并不会保证在 4.0 发布时所有组件已经更新完成,会持续更新。


过去,我们使用了一些 hack 的方式来对动画进行处理。大部分场景下,都工作的相当好。在 4.0 中,我们计划对此进行调整,摒弃 hack 的方式转向更加 React 的道路。该调整将会静默更新,你不需要对此做任何更改。

🧩 关于组件

在 3.0 中,我们已经持续添加了不少组件。在 4.0 中,我们仍将进行下去。这些组件将从我们的业务场景、Ant Design Pro 以及社区需求中进行提炼,这是一个持续的过程。新增组件的流程与 Ant Design 3.0 相同,我们会沉淀相关组件的设计稿在 PR 中展示并与官网进行更新,开发完成后会在每个月的 minor 版本中发布。


Form 组件

表单组件的受众群体十分庞大,我们也注意到社区对繁琐的表单 API 的抱怨,在 4.0 里我们希望探索更好的 API 形式以简化开发成本:

  • Form 将默认聚合表单数据域,你不再需要通过 Form.create() 创建上下文。
  • Fom.Item 将默认聚合表单字段,你不需要通过 getFieldDecorator 绑定 Field。
  • Form.Item 的值将总会保留,但是其验证功能只有表单项可见时才会生效。
const Demo = () => {
  const [form] = Form.useForm();

  const onFinish = () => {
    // Do something...

  useEffect(() => {
    // Something like ajax call
      username: 'light',
  }, []);

  return (
    <Form form={form} onFinish={onFinish}>
      <Form.Item name="username" rules={[{ required: true }]}>
        <Input />


const { useForm, createContext } = Form;
const FormContext = createContext();

const Demo = () => {
  return (
      <YourForm1 />
      <YourForm2 />

如果你想关注 Form 进度,欢迎查看进度

Table 组件

在过去的版本中,我们接到了关于 Table 组件非常多的反馈。我们知道过去 Table 的 expand 和 scroll 属性一直不能很好的工作。这一次,我们会着力解决这方面的冲突问题。此外,我们还会进一步对 Table 组件进行性能调优。以及探索一些更加简易的表格布局方式:

const Demo = () => {
  return (
        templateAreas: `
          name    address     address
          name    building    no
        cells: [
          { key: 'name', title: 'Name' },
          { key: 'address', title: 'Address' },
          { key: 'building', title: 'Building' },
          { key: 'no', title: 'No' },


此外,我们还计划添加 Summary Footer,以支持汇总需求。

DatePicker 重做

现有的 DatePicker 已经满足了大部分需求,但是从社区讨论来看。我们还有更加深入挖掘的机会,我们将补全剩余的年选择器以及对应的范围选择器(讨论)。此外,我们会调整相关日期时间选择器样式,进一步降低用户的认知成本。

🚀 持续更新

除了以上内容外,我们也计划一部分持续更新的内容。这会在 4.0 中保持跟进,以更好的提升用户开发与使用体验。

🧶 改进无障碍体验

Ant Design 3.0 中对于无障碍体验支持度稍显欠缺,为此我们计划调整组件结构并添加更多的 aria 标记以改进读屏体验。此外,我们还准备优化现有的组件键盘交互方式,以确保可以有更好的全键盘交互体验。

🎯 开发者 API 规范

在演进过程中,我们发现少量 API 风格会与其他组件显得格格不入。对于 TypeScript 用户而言这不是什么问题,但是对于其他用户而言,这会造成记忆困扰。

因此我们会整理出一份标准命名文档。该文档会包含现有的 API 列表以及恰当的命名规范。在新增功能时,也会依据该规范进行命名。以避免未来可能产生的 API 分歧。当然,我们也欢迎社区同学在 PR 中进行反馈。

💼 React 严格模式

如果你尝试在 antd 组件外包裹 <React.StrictMode> 你会得到不少来自 antd 组件的警告信息。我们在 3.0 时已经更新了一部分组件的生命周期方法。在 4.0 中,我们仍将继续。

💡 改进开发者体验

在过去的维护过程中,我们发现某些 issue 会往复的出现。这些 issue 常见于一些使用规范或者应用场景的问题。为此,我们决定在这边做出改进(其实从 3.0 开始,我们已经在改进了)。在开发环境中,我们对于一些意外情况(例如无效的 Moment 对象、Input 的 preffix/affix 动态调整导致的 Dom 结构变化等等)会在控制台进行提示。我们确信,控制台是开发者在遇到问题时首先会关注的地方,在此提供适当的提示可以帮助快速定位问题。同时,对于一些特殊的使用方式或者场景。我们会在相应的组件文档中提供 FAQ。从项目维护角度看,我们的精力无法针对使用方式的 issue 做详细的解答。但是这些疑问是现实存在的,尤其对于新人开发者而言,一个 FAQ 可以帮助节省大量搜索时间。如果你有兴趣,也欢迎社区志愿者帮助一起完善开发者体验。

🐱 设计资产管理

Ant Design 不仅仅是一套组件库,背后有着强大的设计体系作为支撑。我们在 4.0 会同步更新最新的设计相关资产(Sketch 组件包、Kitchen 工具集、Design Token 等等),以方便设计师以及对设计感兴趣的同学作为参考。也会对现有的组件设计样式进行微调,以提升视觉效果以及用户体验。


以下是我们的时间安排,其中部分组件更新是持续进行的。我们会在 github 上建立相关 issue,也欢迎社区志愿者一同参与:


  • 将需要废弃 API 标记为 Deprecated 状态,并于文档中清除。
  • 底层组件进行预热。


  • 建立 antd 4.0 分支,并进行文档更新。
  • 底层组件开发。


  • 发布 4.0 版本。


在 4.0 开发过程中,上述内容可能会有所调整。欢迎社区同学提供宝贵的想法和建议,让我们把 Ant Design 4.0 一起做的更方便好用!

4.x ✨ Announcement 🕙 Plan 🗣 Discussion

Most helpful comment


Will we replace Moment.js in version 4?

All 182 comments


Will we replace Moment.js in version 4?


V4 alpha prepare

Mainly Target

  • [x] v4 branch
  • [x] Compatible package
  • [x] Remove Deprecated Content

    • [x] Mention Component

    • [x] New Mentions Component #16532

    • [x] Form.create

    • [x] Icon with type #12011

    • [x] Other with deprecated warning props

  • [x] Less v3
  • [x] Performance

    • [x] rc-animate upgrade

    • [x] concurrent mode support

    • [x] Virtual scroll animation support

    • [x] Virtual Scroll

    • [x] rc component

    • [x] Tree

    • [x] Select

    • [x] TreeSelect

    • [x] Form:

    • [x] Provides Hooks version

    • [x] Table

    • [ ] templateAreas

    • [x] Support expand & scroll co-work

  • [x] DatePicker with new design

    • [x] YearPicker

    • [x] RangePicker.YearPicker

    • [x] RangePicker.MonthPicker

    • [x] RangePicker.YearMonthPicker

    • [x] RangePicker.WeekPicker

    • [x] TimePicker.RangePicker

Continue Target

  • [ ] Accessibility
  • [x] API standard
  • [ ] React.StrictMode

Here are some suggestions about Ant 4

About templateAreas

templateArea parses string at runtime, it will cause unexcepted parsing errors or slient errors when string typo. Runtime parsing is also unfriendly to TypeScript. Would Ant Team considers the proposal below:

const columnTemplate = [
  ['name', 'address', 'adress'],
  ['name', 'building', 'no']

About dependence

Would Ant Team considers remove moment dependence?

Moment is too big to front-end project, there are many alternatives, but TimePicker and DatePicker's props relay on Moment. It leads us cannot replace moment with date-fns or other library which smaller than Moment.

About Icon

I think the way that Ant Icons used now should not be deprecated, the new way that import icon may cause common bundle chunk change when I add or remove one Icon.

Ant Team can provider two ways to use Ant Icons:

  1. Package all Icons into one jsfile, developers can import whole file use <script> tag, and set externals in webpack.
  2. The new way that introduce above.

这是我对 Ant4 的一些建议

关于 templateAreas

templateAreas 在运行时对字符串进行解析,当字符串出现拼写错误的时候,可能会导致解析失败或者静默错误。运行时解析对 TypeScript 也不友好。Ant 团队是否考虑如下方案:

const columnTemplate = [
  ['name', 'address', 'adress'],
  ['name', 'building', 'no']


是否考虑移除对 Moment 的依赖?

Moment 对于前端项目来时实在是太大了,市面上有许多可供替代的库,但是 TimePickerDatePicker 的参数依赖于 Moment 对象,这导致了我们没办法使用 date-fns 或者一些比 Moment 更小的库来替代 Moment。


我认为当前使用 Ant 图标的方式不应该被废弃。新的使用方式在我新增或者删除一个图标引用的时候,可能会导致公共 chunk 反复变更。

Ant 团队可以提供如下两种方案来使用 Ant 图标:

  1. 打包所有图标到一个 js 文件中,开发者通过 <script> 标签引用全部图标,并且在 Webpack 中设置为 externals
  2. 4.0 新介绍的图标使用方式

Any plan to support virtual scroll for table? Infinite table is preferred in some cases rather than pagination.
And as 'Comment' is included in 3.11, maybe ChatBox and ChatMessage?

Any plan to support virtual scroll for table? Infinite table is preferred in some cases rather than pagination.
And as 'Comment' is included in 3.11, maybe ChatBox and ChatMessage?

UserInfo maybe priorities.

about templateAreas

I also support the syntax of two-dimensional arrays.

关于 templateAreas ,这里给出一个静态检查的示例
This is an example of a type static check using ts for templateAreas

interface Cell<T extends string = string> {
  key: T;
  title: string;

interface Config<K extends string = string> {
  header: {
    templateAreas: ReadonlyArray<ReadonlyArray<K>>;
    cells: ReadonlyArray<Cell<K>>

declare function check<T extends string>(config: Config<T>): void;

const config = {
  header: {
    templateAreas: [
      ['name', 'address', 'address'],
      ['name', 'building', 'error'],
    cells: [
      { key: "name", title: "Name" },
      { key: "address", title: "Address" },
      { key: "building", title: "Building" },
      { key: "no", title: "No" }
} as const;





Will we replace Moment.js in version 4?

I think the main issue for moving away from moment is breaking change around locales.


Great seeing 4.0 is in progress! I have a few suggestions below for consideration, i'm not quite sure if they fit into the design pattern, but for customisability they would be great in my opinion.

  • Being able to control the background color of a row within <Table>. For example colouring a row as orange to highlight warning for that row.
  • Button colors, did not find any previous discussions around this. But it would be great to be able to have a similar API as <Tag color="red">RED<Tag /> for Buttons, example <Button color="red">Red Button<Button/>.
  • Support for Font-Awesome 5.x icons within the different components, or ensure that they will work with the other Icon work ongoing. I've noticed some issues with alignment when using FA instead of the native <Icon> component.
  • The <Pagination> component does not support supplying the amount of pages directly, the use case is that I only have the amount of pages and the current page available to me for example, but not how many items within each page. I have not found a good way to handle this yet.


For example colouring a row as orange to highlight warning for that row

I tend to use rowClassName to attach a class to this row and then override the default style with css.

The component does not support supplying the amount of pages directly

Can pass a fake total. For example, if you want 50 pages, can pass total = pageSize * 50.

That's really a good news 🚀 Focus on performance is visible and that's great, because some component's are not usable with large amounts of data.

How do you want to implement virtual scroll? Using react-window?

Are there priorities for Mainly target features?
I'd like to try virtual select in alpha stage and I think I'm not alone regarding this one.


Why string name cannot load on demand? doesn't react's lazy() solve the problem?

可以是可以,但是依赖 webpack 的特性,具体操作


  • /* webpackChunkName: "icons/icon-" */ 这种写法是 webpack 提供的 Magic Comments
  • 如原文所说 "每一个图标都包含了除图标内容以外的额外的 Webpack 模块信息"

Any ideas about global style pollution? #4331 #9363

Any ideas about global style pollution? #4331 #9363

IMHO it would be great for 4.0 to allow users to scope antdesign styles under a global name (see my comment

Great to hear about next milestone!

My 2 Ct. regarding docs and streamlining:

There are often props passed through to the underlying DOM elements, that are not documented (IIRC In some cases, all props that aren't picked by the component implementation are passed through). It would be very helpful to have them documented, grouped by target element (there may me more than one): "The following props are passed through to the container

" or "The following props are passed through the element..." or "All other props are passed to ...". For those props is no need for detailed explanation, links to MDN could be sufficient.

Such a change would also be great for us TypeScript developers, currently it's a lot of tedious work to keep the TS definition up-to-date in this regard.

In the "Developer API standard", this should be documented, and there should be a decision which props should always be passed (className, id, ?)

Another question:

Are you planning to switch more files (or even rc-components) from JavaScript with TypeScript definitions to native TypeScript?

Consider replacing rc-form with something more flexible, like Formik.

Question for the maintainers:

My team is interested in trying out Ant, but (Antd Less creates global JavaScript leaks) is blocking us. The roadmap above says that Ant will be moving to LESS version 3, and I've read that the insecure, deprecated inline JavaScript feature in question is disabled by default. Does this mean that Ant version 4 will no longer have the LESS issue?

Not only IE9/10 , but stop IE support,

Oh gosh, it would be so useful to not pollute global styles (html, body, *::before, ...)


@cztflove 这个库的 commits 描述 全是no message 😃 , 而且社区关注度过低,应该不会考虑吧。

@yoyo837 主要这个组件是新出的吧,所以关注度比较低,但是它支持 virtual list 还有 仿ios边缘弹性 ,基于这个组件还能实现一些 拖拽 功能🤔 后续有比较大的扩展空间

Shouldn't we migrate to one universal language?

I completely agree & respects regional languages, even i'm not a native English speaker. There are 100s of repetitive, or better to say duplicate tasks with double language, above all most important factor is time, translating strings discussed, learning from documentation or tuts. demos etc.

I must admit, there isn't lack of contributors due to language conflicts, still hundreds of us afraid to get involved. There is already many sprints, issues ongoing for translation, but what I request is, to completely migrate to one universal language with this major release to reduce communication gap among all of us.

Shouldn't we migrate to one universal language?

I completely agree & respects regional languages, even i'm not a native English speaker. There are 100s of repetitive, or better to say duplicate tasks with double language, above all most important factor is time, translating strings discussed, learning from documentation or tuts. demos etc.

I must admit, there isn't lack of contributors due to language conflicts, still hundreds of us afraid to get involved. There is already many sprints, issues ongoing for translation, but what I request is, to completely migrate to one universal language with this major release to _reduce communication gap_ among all of us.


Question for maintainers: is there plan to use CSS vars for change color and style themes on-flight?

I learned in practice that changing component styles through variables is a very comfortable way. I tried to rewrite Less variables with var(--css-vars), but I caught a lot of errors on style compiles, cause of a lot of styles use functions and operations with vars, not just values. I suppose that it is big task and this way create breaking changes, but major versions had created for breaking changes :) And usage CSS vars can give a lot of opportunities for customization of component styles.

What you think about that? I planned develop theme with CSS vars usage as pull request anyway, cause this feature (changing theme on-flight) is needed in my project.

Sorry, if that suggestion is duplicate, but I didn't find nothing about that in other issues and PRs.

@Z3SA This needs to stop all IE support, stop IE11 support is too radical, although I also support doing that.

@yoyo837, I agree that it's too radical cause of IE support problems. But also Ant Design has official support (as told on of Electron (as separated platform, not web). May be for this case there could be way to create two themes: one with Less vars, other with CSS vars. But it seems like too hard to support.

So, other possible strategy that I suppose - create Less vars for all customizable attributes in Less, or remove usage of any functions and operations under Less vars that any developer can use as entry for his CSS vars. Or if say it more simple - use Less vars only as value container, not for functions and operations.

If only support major browsers, I believe that the size of the code will be smaller and and the code will be easier to maintain.

Not only IE9/10 , but stop IE support,

@wanliyunyan Too breaking. Some developer may stick on antd@3 and it is not a good thing for us.

@Z3SA That will be a huge work.

@dancerphil Fortunately, I only consider the latest version of chrome for my project. 😃 So I hope that the smaller the size, the better.

@yoyo837 I know it. And I'll do it myself if this idea could not get enough attention.

We're a company that would love to gradually migrate to antd by using individual components; However ant's use of Global styles really complicates this issue. Please stop polluting global styles.

Form is one of the most usage component. We notice that social have many comments on the API design. We wish to simplify the API in 4.0:

Fom.Item will include field bind. No need to use getFieldDecorator anymore.

Will these changes still allow us to use Form.Item as a strictly presentational component? I love antd's components, but I prefer react-final-form for state management. I want the style of Form.Item, and none of the state-management logic.

branch 4.0 is created. When can I preview

the new form component is awesome!

Please replace momentjs by dayjs as momentjs is huge and bundle size also became huge.


What is the release date?

@rafaelodassi There is no confirmed date yet, but probably in Q4.

Upgrading to @babel/runtime@7 and core-js@3 would be our priority too.

Not v3 ? Is there any news for core-js@4?

Everyone talking about removing IE support altogether because the stats show it’s barely used. How about the millions of corporate users behind intranet that don’t get into the stats whatsoever? They are stuck with IE10 and IE11 because of the corporate policies.

I will stick with antd@3 if IE11 support is dropped. Drop of IE10 can be accepted by most clients since it’s not supported by MS anymore and corporate PCs get updated to IE11.

I would suggest introducing an API to allow usage of objects as <Select/> values.
for details please see

cc @zombieJ





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@fwh1990 @jas0ncn @redclown
on English pls)

Keep it as an English channel, thanks~

4.0 alpha was published. That's amazing. Come on brother.

I will refactor my project once you publish beta version

The default theme of antd is beautiful, but it also can be better.
For readability, consider enhanced contrast and use bigger text.

There are so many articles and tools.

It is better to provide a script to migrate antd v3 to v4.

In biz project, it exist too many form component. Migrate antd v3 to v4 will cost too many times.

The react-relay team have done something similar.
If you want to migrate react-relay v3 to react-relay v4 Realease, you need to modify many files.
Therefor, they use jscodeshift to write a migrating script, so that the user of react-relay can easy to Migrate react-relay v3 to v4.

I feel it's difficult to overwirte some of the styles. So if there is a plan of improving that?

I personally prefer using CSS-in-JS, it's very flexible and incredibly fit well with React.

4.0 alpha下在使用class component时,无法获取form实体, 这个链接下的示例代码无法实现,formRef中不存在实体方法


@Kwei9 , 能开个 issue 附上重现不?我看一下哈

@Kwei9 , 能开个 issue 附上重现不?我看一下哈


I think now would be the time to address the global style pollution! This makes it very had to use antd along side other applications!

Moment is too big to front-end project, there are many alternatives, but TimePicker and DatePicker's props relay on Moment. It leads us cannot replace moment ...

@jas0ncn Hi, please consider replace momentjs by dayjs (a 2kb alternative). These is already a tested issue of Replace Moment.js in Ant Design (Antd) with Day.js and it works really well.

As a core maintainer of dayjs, we are willing to offer any help with this replacement.


请考虑使用轻量的 Dayjs 来替换 moment.js , 在这里已经充分测试过替换的可行性

Old Icon usage way will be* deprecated*:

import { Icon, Button } from 'antd';

const Demo = () => (
    <Icon type="smile" />
    <Button icon="smile" />

Will use import single Icon instead in 4.0 :

// Directly import
import SmileOutline from 'antd/icons/SmileOutline';

// If tree-shaking supported
import { SmileOutline } from 'antd/icons';

const Demo = () => (
    <SmileOutline />
    <Button icon={<SmileOutline />} />

关于新的图标引用我有一个想法,因为上面的新写法,每个图标相当于一个单独的组件, 比如引入 loading 图标,可能像这样:

import Loading from 'antd/icons/Loading';

<Loading />

但是平常可能自己会封装一个 真的的loading 组件,而且以前 <Icon /> 一眼就知道这是个图标,现在占用名字太多了而且想知道是图标还得往上找到 import 的地方。

<Title />
<Loading />
<Sun />  

一眼看上去下面两个看不出来是 icon(当然对代码运行没有任何影响~)

 import {Icon} from 'antd';
 import {Loading, Sun} from '@antd/icons';  

<Icon spec={Loading}  {...otherProps}/>
<Icon spec={Sun} />

通过外面包一层的样式,跟以前看起来很相似,而且同样可以按需使用,无非多引入一个 Icon 组件。
而且如果满足一定的约定的话,用户自定义 Icon 可以通过 spec 属性传进去?就相当于 antd 预先帮忙定义了许多图标,但是用户自定义是一模一样的~~~(随便说说~)

ps: 还是说这种写法其实早就想到了或者根本没想因为这种写法有某方面的问题?。。😂

@ppbl 按照你的想法写法类似如下:

import Icon from '@antd/icons'; 
imoort { LoadingOutline } from '@antd/icons-svg';

<Icon component={LoadingOutline}  {...otherProps}/>

新的 Icon 也是类似生成的,可见

是否我们可以通过在 Icon 的名字增加 Icon 前缀/后缀的方式来避免这种情况呢?

imoort { LoadingOutlineIcon } from '@antd/icons';

<LoadingOutlineIcon  {...otherProps}/>

Please work on reducing bundle size
When importing Button adds 95kb to the project - that is simply unacceptable in 2019. 👎

@vagusX 可能我只是觉得名字有点长了? 我总觉得名字简洁一点看起来就是小组件或者比较单一的组件,名字太长了应该是个很大的组件(当然这是错误的感觉~ 我知道)。。~

当然这个我如果仅仅是为了想看见<Icon /> 就知道是 icon 的话,完全也可以自己搞一个 <Icon />组件 ,然后用的时候 把 antd 的 icon 包裹一下,是差不多的效果~ 我只是感觉全都是 icon, 确是一堆散落的名字感觉有点奇怪~ 差别就是原来先知道是 icon, 后知道是什么类型的, 现在是先知道类型,后知道, 哦, 是个icon~

@avalanche1 you can have a look at the bundle analysis result from this pr, and the size of component Button declines clearly

Good to know. But on your screenshots there there is no indication of actual size, so I can neither confirm nor disprove.

I'm going to migrate Form to new APIs, but I found that the version of field-form is unstable, so I want to know whether it would get breaking changes with these interfaces now in the future.

@orzyyyy ,
antd release the 4.0-alpha.x version for social & internal volunteer to test it. If no negative feedback from alpha version, this api will be the final one on release.

@avalanche1 @ant-design/icons v4-alpha version supports tree-shaking, so the bundle size dependents on how much icons you used in your own project, whether you use antd component which import icons internally or you use @ant-design/icons directly, so maybe I couldn't understand your concern about this point.

Why are we talking about icons when my initial post was about Button, Calendar and other components?

DatePicker value must be moment, can be remove moment? If i update the from, I must convert to moment

For the moment, here is my consideration. DatePicker still use moment by default since compatibility requirement, but it provides the factory function to create with other date lib:

import DatePicker, { createPicker } from 'antd/lib/date-picker';

import dayjs from 'dayjs';

const basicDemo = <DatePicker />

const MyDatePicker = createPicker(dayjs, {
  // Some proxy function, maybe can provided by default...
  format(dayObj, formatStr) {
    return ...;
  parse(str, formatStr) {
    return ...;

const dayDemo = <MyDatePicker />;

Just thought, welcome discussion.

Now is the time to get rid of moment.js !

  1. Moment.js will never be tree-shakable due to it's complex OOP API. (They'd need to re-write it from scratch). It's a huge overhead for antd and users.

  2. Ant Design v4 is a major release with breaking changes already. Now is the time!

  3. I suggest not to replace it with another library. Antd might use something small like dayjs or date-fns internally but it should accept native Date objects or strings for its components.

Every time you call moment(), a puppy dies..


@zombieJ 想了解Table组件的进展如何了,有没有像Form一样的预览版可以使用?快被合计搞到吐血了😂

Does the alpha version include the new Table already? If so, the preview website should contain an example of it?

Table is in the queue, currently I'm working on the virtual list.

What about the styled-components support?

希望 Form 可以提供非受控版本,以解决那种类似 Excel 的大表单性能问题

Any chance the alpha documentation could be moved to the regular Ant documentation site?

My employer blocks Netlify domains and I assume others might as well.

Any concrete plan to support keyboard operation over Menu and Dropdown?

Any chance the alpha documentation could be moved to the regular Ant documentation site?

My employer blocks Netlify domains and I assume others might as well.

why? lol

It is hoped that the Table component will resemble Element's Table component. Each column will automatically set a width first. It is suggested that the header character of the table be changed to min-width instead of line-changing. It is hoped that the folding and scrolling functions can be used simultaneously. It is hoped that the tree-shaped table will resemble TreeSelect when multiple choices are made.


Any chance that with v4 or maybe v5 you will do something about customization? MaterialUI is much easier to customize which keeps making it a choice for the project which I am working on, even if I would really like to use AntD as it is much more complete etc.
Please, please drop less for something better for customization.

After letting an agency test our antd web app, they identified serious accessibility flaws and we got the worst grade possible. When investigating the main reasons, it boils down to the following rc-components:

  • rc-select (we had to replace with Downshift and apply antd styles on top)
  • rc-tabs (see #18798)
  • and maybe others we do not use so far

How big of a governance does antd have over rc-components and would the team be able to fix this in a timely manner for the 4.0 release? Accessibility will always be relatively deprioritized, but the truth is, it is increasingly harder to ignore it as enterprises become legally bound to provide accessible apps to the employees/customers.

You can count me in on some heavy testing with screen readers and benchmarking against best practices.

MaterialUI is much easier to customize

@murbanowicz could you elaborate ? I'm curious why you think that.

@abenhamdine No problem!
In MUI there is a ThemeProvider which you wrap your app in and you configure whole theme just by the JS object which is typed in TypeScript so it's so nice to work with.

In AntD to customize you have to mess with LESS or SASS (with some plugins) so you have to maintain other deps etc, you have to go through the components source to find variable which you want to change for specific component etc.
Also, there is no good way of changing the theme in runtime which is so easy with MUI, just by switching JS object which can be easily sourced from the server etc.

Basically when you look for customization of AntD and MUI, you find easy examples on MUI because there is nothing to talk about as it is straight forward, but when you google for AntD cusotmization, you find a lot of hacky solutions etc.

I love AntD for completnes and so many great components, but customization is really bad and based on my experience and talking to other developers it should be one of the key points on the roadmap

@abenhamdine No problem!
In MUI there is a ThemeProvider which you wrap your app in and you configure whole theme just by the JS object which is typed in TypeScript so it's so nice to work with.

In AntD to customize you have to mess with LESS or SASS (with some plugins) so you have to maintain other deps etc, you have to go through the components source to find variable which you want to change for specific component etc.
Also, there is no good way of changing the theme in runtime which is so easy with MUI, just by switching JS object which can be easily sourced from the server etc.

Basically when you look for customization of AntD and MUI, you find easy examples on MUI because there is nothing to talk about as it is straight forward, but when you google for AntD cusotmization, you find a lot of hacky solutions etc.

I love AntD for completnes and so many great components, but customization is really bad and based on my experience and talking to other developers it should be one of the key points on the roadmap

clear and precise explanation, thx !

@abenhamdine No problem!
In MUI there is a ThemeProvider which you wrap your app in and you configure whole theme just by the JS object which is typed in TypeScript so it's so nice to work with.

In AntD to customize you have to mess with LESS or SASS (with some plugins) so you have to maintain other deps etc, you have to go through the components source to find variable which you want to change for specific component etc.
Also, there is no good way of changing the theme in runtime which is so easy with MUI, just by switching JS object which can be easily sourced from the server etc.

Basically when you look for customization of AntD and MUI, you find easy examples on MUI because there is nothing to talk about as it is straight forward, but when you google for AntD cusotmization, you find a lot of hacky solutions etc.

I love AntD for completnes and so many great components, but customization is really bad and based on my experience and talking to other developers it should be one of the key points on the roadmap

I agree with @murbanowicz that customization with Antd can get a bit messy (global style leaking, hacky way of using Sass, priority conflicts between style overrides, quite a lot of external dependencies such as moment leading to huge bundle size), but having used MUI for a long time, I find Antd a lot more customizable.

I am not up to date to MUI's new releases, but last time I checked, there were part of components that you were unable to customize, since MUI uses styled-components, if the developpers did not add classNames everywhere, you couldn't just select the component's exact className and override it with your own style.
Theming is cool for direct usage of a library, but if you want to adapt styling to your design system, it's very messy with MUI, sometimes even impossible ;)

But still, antd indeed needs some work to make the customization experience easier ;)

rc-select released alpha version which enhance the accessibility. You can help to test on that. And v4 prepare branch has used it you can see preview on the top.
For rc-tabs, since it's not on the top priority, I will enhance it also but later.

@zombieJ alright, I will take a look at rc-select alpha.

Even though rc-tabs is not a priority, can you please have a look at my pull request, where I fix the most critical points from our accessibility test results?


@zkwolf 对的,我们正在给 icon 做重命名:

cc @vagusX

I would very much want that the issue with constant Form re-rendering is addressed

Pleae note that on Components are not sorted alphabetically in component sidebar
Schermata 2019-09-30 alle 18 01 03

As you might know, ant-design is not doing really well in terms of accessibility. This is not too visible on the surface for the majority of people, but is a big issue when you dive deeper. See how ant-design is scoring pretty badly here:

The good news is, since I love ant-design a lot and I indend to use it further for enterprise projects, my goal is to bring it to the top of the list.

I let an agency test one of my enterprise apps for a client in Germany (where accessibility is a huge topic in big firms). The most critical things were:

  1. Screen reader accessibility for basic but crucial components like Select, Autocomplete and Tabs
  2. Color contrasts in many places
  3. Keyboard navigation in some places

I picked rc-tabs first as a quick-win to fix all of its accessibility issues -- it should be out soon ( But what worries me most is rc-select, especially the combobox (autocomplete) part of it. Comboboxes are one of the most tricky aspects of screen reader accessibility and it's easy to get it wrong. To fix all of the issues it requires not only some tweaks to aria properties but rather a big overhaul.

To fix it quickly in my application before go-live, I've replaced ant-design's Select and AutoComplete (rc-select) with my own components based on I just replicated the ARIA best practices and applied antd styles on top -- looks almost exactly the same and it's perfectly accessible.

So the provocative question is: would you consider not doing the double-work and deprecate rc-select in favour of the more popular and complete downshiftlibrary? You could save some time in the team and focus on perfecting the other core components, which do not have good alternatives on the open-source market.

This idea looks fantastic to me @filipjnc . Also, downshift it's 1/4 of the size of rc-select. I hope the antd team can do this.

I would love to see more colors improvements in the 4.0 release. Specifically, the docs mention a “Data Visualization Color Palette (Coming soon)” that would be very helpful in dashboards and other data heavy applications. Warm and cool greys would help build more cohesive color palettes as well. Plus, it's a good opportunity to fix color contrast for accessibility (as mentioned by @filipjnc). Keep up the good work 👍

As you might know, ant-design is not doing really well in terms of accessibility. This is not too visible on the surface for the majority of people, but is a big issue when you dive deeper. See how ant-design is scoring pretty badly here:

The good news is, since I love ant-design a lot and I indend to use it further for enterprise projects, my goal is to bring it to the top of the list.

I let an agency test one of my enterprise apps for a client in Germany (where accessibility is a huge topic in big firms). The most critical things were:

1. Screen reader accessibility for basic but crucial components like Select, Autocomplete and Tabs

2. Color contrasts in many places

3. Keyboard navigation in some places

I picked rc-tabs first as a quick-win to fix all of its accessibility issues -- it should be out soon (react-component/tabs#218). But what worries me most is rc-select, especially the combobox (autocomplete) part of it. Comboboxes are one of the most tricky aspects of screen reader accessibility and it's easy to get it wrong. To fix all of the issues it requires not only some tweaks to aria properties but rather a big overhaul.

To fix it quickly in my application before go-live, I've replaced ant-design's Select and AutoComplete (rc-select) with my own components based on I just replicated the ARIA best practices and applied antd styles on top -- looks almost exactly the same and it's perfectly accessible.

So the provocative question is: would you consider not doing the double-work and deprecate rc-select in favour of the more popular and complete downshiftlibrary? You could save some time in the team and focus on perfecting the other core components, which do not have good alternatives on the open-source market.

I wouldn't be so enthusiastic about downshift, see
Accessibility is important for some users, but performance is important for even more users.

Table is in the queue, currently I'm working on the virtual list.

hi, @zombieJ
Is there any progress in Summary Footer?

Pending on new lifecycle code update. Table is the next after done : )

4.0 能把一些 props 参数改成驼峰式吗?比如 Input.TextArea 里面的 autosize 改成 autoSize
原生 HTML 的标签在 React 里的 props 都是驼峰式的,比如 <input autoComplete />,这个 autosize 看着总是不和谐。。。

3.x 里就能改,兼容并废弃原来的用法即可。@jinliming2 有没有兴趣来个 PR?

  • 4.0 为啥把Tree的 props.children 标记为过时的api, 转而推荐treeData这种纯数据的方式了, 感觉 props.children 这个很好用,可玩性很高
  • react 最新的 api 中已经将 componentWillReceiveProps 标记为过时, 目前试用时发现 table 组件和Animate组件还存在

+1 for accessibility. Please!


@zombieJ 计划添加Table 多列排序的功能吗

pls write on English

moment size 太大的问题会被修复吗?

moment size 太大的问题会被修复吗?

试试先用 dayjs 吧

可不可以 in English ,考虑考虑老外的感受,我都是 google translate,语法标不标准不重要,单词对他们就看的懂

Have you considered that foreigners people are following this repo? Unfortunately, Google Translate is not a good tool to understand what you are saying. I realize that most of the developers and users of Ant-Design are Chinese, but do you consider non-Chinese as well?
Therefore, I urge you to use the international language to respect all of us.

I wanted to try Ant Design 4.0 with create-react-app and Typescript.
I followed the instruction on but can't get a working app.
Followed basic instruction (import Button from 'antd/es/button';) for create-react-app causes error:

cannot find module antd/es/button

After add react-app-rewired, customize-cra, babel-plugin-import and changing import to import {Button} from 'antd' I get error message:

Could not find a declaration file for module 'antd'

Can you give me advice on how to make antd4 work with crea-react-app and typescript, please?

Please check if node_modules installed correctly.


@lvlohammadi Unfortunately, some Chinese people like me are not good enough in English, but I will try my best to use the international language to participate in community communication.

Please check if node_modules installed correctly.


You're right. I run

yarn add ""


yarn add "[email protected]"

Thank you.

dropdownMatchSelectWidth on Select component break on alpha version, 在之前的版本是生效的

If I'm to start a new project using antd, would you choose version 3 or 4 alpha? How "production ready" is the version 4? Do you still aim for a q4 release?

If I'm to start a new project using antd, would you choose version 3 or 4 alpha? How "production ready" is the version 4? Do you still aim for a q4 release?

Antd 4 is not production ready yet. You should start with antd 3, transition should be easy (notably if codemods are provided as expected).

I hope to see a complete separation between logic and display, that is, other than manipulating class names, js does nothing else to the view. Visual appearance should all be handled by CSS (LESS). Also, instead of React Components, maybe use Web Components so non-React developers could use it more easily.

I hope to see a complete separation between logic and display, that is, other than manipulating class names, js does nothing else to the view. Visual appearance should all be handled by CSS (LESS). Also, instead of React Components, maybe use Web Components so non-React developers could use it more easily.

I think this idea to purify everything is pointless. It's better to focus on something more important.

Any plans for multi-select in AutoComplete, like

I hope to see a complete separation between logic and display, that is, other than manipulating class names, js does nothing else to the view. Visual appearance should all be handled by CSS (LESS). Also, instead of React Components, maybe use Web Components so non-React developers could use it more easily.

I think this idea to purify everything is pointless. It's better to focus on something more important.

I don't think there's more pressing matter than the separation. In a team, CSS is generally handled by designers, whereas JS is usually by coders. Allowing both to manipulate the style will lead to chaos and unnecessarily lost development time.

Take Menu for example, default width and height are set by JS, problem is, when someone wants to change outter wrapper's width or height, the menu would either stick out or having gaps around. This would require both the designer and the coder to fix, which means downtime.

Also, as components, the code is not overly complex, separation should not take too much an effort, but the result would make life much easier for users, and the team itself.

Another small issue, Icon needs to default to 16px, not 14px, which is the global default font size. This means Icon should use variables like @default-icon-size, @icon-size-lg, etc., separate from text. This is not really a bug, but a feature lost.

Have you considered that foreigners people are following this repo? Unfortunately, Google Translate is not a good tool to understand what you are saying. I realize that most of the developers and users of Ant-Design are Chinese, but do you consider non-Chinese as well?
Therefore, I urge you to use the international language to respect all of us.

People are entitled to use their own language and should feel comfortable doing so, and as much as I respect the effort to involve the largest audience possible by provide translations, no one should be given a lecture just for using the language he's most comfortable with and that the maintainer understands to communicate. The idea that major contributors on this project should not use their native language to communicate for that some other language is superior is beyond absurd. It's ok to ask for translations, but with respect. To downvote responses because they are in Chinese is both counter-productive and childish.

Dudes, Does And Design version 4.0 have JSS instead of _Less_ for generating CSS?

Dudes, Does And Design version 4.0 have JSS instead of _Less_ for generating CSS?

AFAIK, no. But you can try to use styled-components (for instance) in addition to less.

Thanks, dear @tomgao365, I create the issue that you referenced it. I wanna make a great PR for removing Less completely and use JSS instead in. working on version 3 is not a Good Idea, because many projects were made by using version 3, so I decided to work on implementing JSS on version 4.

Also, I have a little question, dear @abenhamdine, what's your idea about using JSS instead of using Less?

Also, I have a little question, dear @abenhamdine, what's your idea about using JSS instead of using Less?

Main benefits according to me :

  • dynamic styling (pain with less)
  • autocompletion (not sure for that one, depend on which tooling/JSS library you use)
  • inheritance of styles

worth to try.
But it' not a silver bullet.

Dear @abenhamdine, I leave an issue that got Discussion badge. It's #19181.

And I want to start to implement JSS and omit Less but a new version is coming and I afraid all of my efforts will be wasted.

Glad to see a discussion about replacing moment.js to some alternative like Day.js or native Date Object here

Will there be an easier way to change the color themes using create-react-app in version 4?

I agree with @flashtheman that overriding the theme without requirement of working with less variables would be nice - i.e. something like ThemeProvider from emotion:

In the jQuery era, theme settings are very popular and users like to use it.
I have waited for an easy way to modify the theme in the production environment for more than 2 years.

google translate:In the new version of the icon component, if the icon is dynamically determined, then how to deal with it in the new version, for the time being can only think of the require + variable string, the original only need to fill the type attribute with variables, what other processing methods?

google translate:In the new version of the icon component, if the icon is dynamically determined, then how to deal with it in the new version, for the time being can only think of the require + variable string, the original only need to fill the type attribute with variables, what other processing methods?

试试用 React 文档里推荐的


4.0 Table有支持Pivot功能吗?

@afc163 - Seems like the global style pollution is the number 1 issue folks want with a new release. Do you have someone to work on this? I would be happy to do this work and help. It should not be hard, just will take some effort. I also suffer from this problem with Ant Design. I'd like to resolve it.

Is there any work being done on reducing component size?
For once: why if I want a simple Button- I have to import the whole of antd.css file??

Is there any work being done on reducing component size?
For once: why if I want a simple Button- I have to import the whole of antd.css file??

@avalanche1 Refer to

Use modularized antd



If want a speed display, onChange has returned the percentage of the file that has been uploaded. You can calculate the upload speed.

@Z3SA This needs to stop all IE support, stop IE11 support is too radical, although I also support doing that.

You could still do this with fallback support. Ex: color: var(--red, @red); A simple global find/replace for all current variables would solve for this.

Is dropping LESS in favor of SASS or other better styling solution being considered for v4 or not?

@murbanowicz , Hi, thanks for your comment, I leave an issue about using JSS instead of Less and here, I show my readiness about this migration but no one shows any actions.

Hi @zombieJ, thank you for your great work on Ant Design? Is there any plans to provide an out of the box way to toggle dark theme in the application?

关于 form 组件的一个建议:
非常高兴看到在新的4.0版本中,form 组件将会对开发人员更友好。我看到新的示例,Form 组件下面的Form.Item 组件将不再需要使用getFieldDecorator 。这是一个非常好的改进,但是我有一个一个更激进的建议:移除 Form.Item 组件,进一步优化代码的编写体验,让编码更清爽。而 Form.Item 组件的原有功能直接下放到具体的输入组件(如:Input、DataPick等)中。
这样做是考虑到大部分情况下开发的表单,使用的都是 antd 内置的输入组件,具备条件通过增强输入组件的能力来实现 Form.Item 组件的功能;而对于少部分特殊情况(如用户自定义组件、某个输入组件不希望通过 Form 进行绑定),可以专门提供特殊的包装组件来进行指示。
对 antd 的研究不深,仅从普通的使用者角度提出上诉建议,如有不妥,请海涵。

关于 form 组件的一个建议:
非常高兴看到在新的4.0版本中,form 组件将会对开发人员更友好。我看到新的示例,Form 组件下面的Form.Item 组件将不再需要使用getFieldDecorator 。这是一个非常好的改进,但是我有一个一个更激进的建议:移除 Form.Item 组件,进一步优化代码的编写体验,让编码更清爽。而 Form.Item 组件的原有功能直接下放到具体的输入组件(如:Input、DataPick等)中。
这样做是考虑到大部分情况下开发的表单,使用的都是 antd 内置的输入组件,具备条件通过增强输入组件的能力来实现 Form.Item 组件的功能;而对于少部分特殊情况(如用户自定义组件、某个输入组件不希望通过 Form 进行绑定),可以专门提供特殊的包装组件来进行指示。
对 antd 的研究不深,仅从普通的使用者角度提出上诉建议,如有不妥,请海涵。

@shengliangli 感觉耦合性太强了吧。。。

关于 form 组件的一个建议:
非常高兴看到在新的4.0版本中,form 组件将会对开发人员更友好。我看到新的示例,Form 组件下面的Form.Item 组件将不再需要使用getFieldDecorator 。这是一个非常好的改进,但是我有一个一个更激进的建议:移除 Form.Item 组件,进一步优化代码的编写体验,让编码更清爽。而 Form.Item 组件的原有功能直接下放到具体的输入组件(如:Input、DataPick等)中。
这样做是考虑到大部分情况下开发的表单,使用的都是 antd 内置的输入组件,具备条件通过增强输入组件的能力来实现 Form.Item 组件的功能;而对于少部分特殊情况(如用户自定义组件、某个输入组件不希望通过 Form 进行绑定),可以专门提供特殊的包装组件来进行指示。
对 antd 的研究不深,仅从普通的使用者角度提出上诉建议,如有不妥,请海涵。

@shengliangli 感觉耦合性太强了吧。。。

我认为 Form.Item 是 antd 为了实现 Form 组件数据绑定功能而“额外” 增加的一个组件,本身这样实现固然有原因,但是终归是增加了一个额外的东西。就像大家诟病 redux 的模式化代码太多的问题一样,开发人员可能也并不喜欢这样的写法。如果能够把 form.item 实现的数据绑定的功能理解为 Input 这样的输入组件应该具有的特质,从而增强 输入组件的能力,是不是感觉更自然一些。


关于 form 组件的一个建议:
非常高兴看到在新的4.0版本中,form 组件将会对开发人员更友好。我看到新的示例,Form 组件下面的Form.Item 组件将不再需要使用getFieldDecorator 。这是一个非常好的改进,但是我有一个一个更激进的建议:移除 Form.Item 组件,进一步优化代码的编写体验,让编码更清爽。而 Form.Item 组件的原有功能直接下放到具体的输入组件(如:Input、DataPick等)中。
这样做是考虑到大部分情况下开发的表单,使用的都是 antd 内置的输入组件,具备条件通过增强输入组件的能力来实现 Form.Item 组件的功能;而对于少部分特殊情况(如用户自定义组件、某个输入组件不希望通过 Form 进行绑定),可以专门提供特殊的包装组件来进行指示。
对 antd 的研究不深,仅从普通的使用者角度提出上诉建议,如有不妥,请海涵。

@shengliangli 感觉耦合性太强了吧。。。

我认为 Form.Item 是 antd 为了实现 Form 组件数据绑定功能而“额外” 增加的一个组件,本身这样实现固然有原因,但是终归是增加了一个额外的东西。就像大家诟病 redux 的模式化代码太多的问题一样,开发人员可能也并不喜欢这样的写法。如果能够把 form.item 实现的数据绑定的功能理解为 Input 这样的输入组件应该具有的特质,从而增强 输入组件的能力,是不是感觉更自然一些。


不是特别同意,我认为 Form.Item 主要还是一个组件的外部包装,比如 label 和 column 之类的属性,确实不适合 inline 到组件里。

Hi @zombieJ
Interested to know when version 4 will be out?
Looking forward to hearing back

How do I contribute to the design too.
Looking to hear from someone


关于 form 组件的一个建议:
非常高兴看到在新的4.0版本中,form 组件将会对开发人员更友好。我看到新的示例,Form 组件下面的Form.Item 组件将不再需要使用getFieldDecorator 。这是一个非常好的改进,但是我有一个一个更激进的建议:移除 Form.Item 组件,进一步优化代码的编写体验,让编码更清爽。而 Form.Item 组件的原有功能直接下放到具体的输入组件(如:Input、DataPick等)中。
这样做是考虑到大部分情况下开发的表单,使用的都是 antd 内置的输入组件,具备条件通过增强输入组件的能力来实现 Form.Item 组件的功能;而对于少部分特殊情况(如用户自定义组件、某个输入组件不希望通过 Form 进行绑定),可以专门提供特殊的包装组件来进行指示。
对 antd 的研究不深,仅从普通的使用者角度提出上诉建议,如有不妥,请海涵。

getFieldDecorator是连接form组件和input组件的桥梁 form.item传入valueonChange两个属性,然后被wrap的组件通过valueonChange这两个接口方法和外部交互。换句话说,任何组件只要implement了valueonChange就都可以成为getFieldDecorator的参数。这是典型的program to interface的思想


The reason why Form.Item can interact with the underlying Component has nothing to do with some 'build-in' mechanism as someone expects. It just a common trick in the programming world called program to interface

Basically, the Form Component and the underlying Component agree on something like value and onChange. They serve as the interface between the two worlds in order to communicate. It is a good design for the purpose of decoupling

@dancerphil Maybe you can clarify the idea more explicitly on the official documentation

Hi all, v4 beta is released. API is stable now which means no breaking change on API unless critical issue happened. During beta version, designers will help on continue UI visual design adjustment and we will focus on bug fix. Please feel free to try on and help us for fire bug or feed back.

Thanks for everyone participate in coding & trying. Your help means a lot : )

大家好,beta 版本已经发布。API 如果没有重大设计问题,不会再进行变动。在 beta 版本中,设计师会协助对 v4 的 UI 样式进行调整,而我们会聚焦在 bug 修复。欢迎使用来帮助我们找 bug 或者有任何其他反馈。

感谢大家参与开发和试用工作。你们的帮助意义非凡 : )


How do I contribute to the design too.
Looking to hear from someone

@ekeminimarkk001 maybe refer:

@zombieJ Have all changes listed in the issue been implemented in the beta version?

关于 form 组件的一个建议:
非常高兴看到在新的4.0版本中,form 组件将会对开发人员更友好。我看到新的示例,Form 组件下面的Form.Item 组件将不再需要使用getFieldDecorator 。这是一个非常好的改进,但是我有一个一个更激进的建议:移除 Form.Item 组件,进一步优化代码的编写体验,让编码更清爽。而 Form.Item 组件的原有功能直接下放到具体的输入组件(如:Input、DataPick等)中。
这样做是考虑到大部分情况下开发的表单,使用的都是 antd 内置的输入组件,具备条件通过增强输入组件的能力来实现 Form.Item 组件的功能;而对于少部分特殊情况(如用户自定义组件、某个输入组件不希望通过 Form 进行绑定),可以专门提供特殊的包装组件来进行指示。
对 antd 的研究不深,仅从普通的使用者角度提出上诉建议,如有不妥,请海涵。

getFieldDecorator是连接form组件和input组件的桥梁 form.item传入valueonChange两个属性,然后被wrap的组件通过valueonChange这两个接口方法和外部交互。换句话说,任何组件只要implement了valueonChange就都可以成为getFieldDecorator的参数。这是典型的program to interface的思想


看了各位的回复,不得不说我对 antd 的 form 组件的建议不是太成熟,但是另一方面,提出这个建议也完全是从一个普通用户的角度出发在思考问题。对于一个使用强度如此之高的组件来说,如何能够更便利开发使用,写更少的代码,使用更清晰和自然的表达方式,是我对 antd 的殷切期望。

从使用者的角度,antd 已经非常优秀了,绝大部分的组件都能够做到拿来就用,用完就忘,下次想用,还能拿来就用。之所以能够达到这种效果,是同组件良好的 api 设计和封装分不开的,但是还有部分组件(比如 from、table)的使用场景,还有更好的提升的空间。

antd 只是工程中的一个工具组件,最好是不暴露自己的实现机制,或者说把实现机制巧妙地隐藏和同化在对外的 api 中。用户只是想用这个组件,想用最方便的形式,最自然的形式去使用,而不想成为某个工具组件的专家。

回到 form 组件,在现今 3.x 的 api 下,我其实更多地愿意使用阿里系的 uform,相比于 antd 的 form, uform 需要写的代码更少,生产效率更高。当然,uform 感觉更像是一个声明式的写法, 这点和 antd 的 form 差别很大,可能没有太多借鉴的价值。

作为 antd 的伸手党来说,提这么多要求确实有点不好意思,但是正因为热爱,所以才希望它更好,希望项目组理解,也希望能够在合适的版本下,进一步优化组件的开发使用体验。



Use this config

                    test: /\.js?$/,
                    include: [/node_modules[\\\\/]antd/],
                    use: [
                            loader: 'babel-loader',
                            options: {
                                plugins: [
                                            libraryName: 'antd',
                                            style: true,
                                            libraryDirectory: 'es',
                                            libraryName: '@ant-design/icons',
                                            customName: name => {
    const formatName = name.split('-').reduce((acum, value) => acum + value[0].toUpperCase() + value.slice(1), '');

    return `@ant-design/icons/lib/icons/${formatName}`;


Use this config

                    test: /\.js?$/,
                    include: [/node_modules[\\\\/]antd/],
                    use: [
                            loader: 'babel-loader',
                            options: {
                                plugins: [
                                            libraryName: 'antd',
                                            style: true,
                                            libraryDirectory: 'es',
                                            libraryName: '@ant-design/icons',
                                            customName: name => {
    const formatName = name.split('-').reduce((acum, value) => acum + value[0].toUpperCase() + value.slice(1), '');

    return `@ant-design/icons/lib/icons/${formatName}`;


版本: 4.0.0-beta.0

@xiaoxintang It's fixed in the master branch, waiting for merge.

@afc163 我要怎么安装 antd4.0 beta

@afc163 我要怎么安装 antd4.0 beta

npm install antd@next
yarn add antd@next

It seems that the preview site is broken. I get only a Page Not Found error.

关于 form 组件的一个建议:
非常高兴看到在新的4.0版本中,form 组件将会对开发人员更友好。我看到新的示例,Form 组件下面的Form.Item 组件将不再需要使用getFieldDecorator 。这是一个非常好的改进,但是我有一个一个更激进的建议:移除 Form.Item 组件,进一步优化代码的编写体验,让编码更清爽。而 Form.Item 组件的原有功能直接下放到具体的输入组件(如:Input、DataPick等)中。
这样做是考虑到大部分情况下开发的表单,使用的都是 antd 内置的输入组件,具备条件通过增强输入组件的能力来实现 Form.Item 组件的功能;而对于少部分特殊情况(如用户自定义组件、某个输入组件不希望通过 Form 进行绑定),可以专门提供特殊的包装组件来进行指示。
对 antd 的研究不深,仅从普通的使用者角度提出上诉建议,如有不妥,请海涵。







嗯这个前缀我知道,我是指全局css reset的那部分的污染,对在遗留项目中引入antd,css reset造成的污染问题




求问 有Antd Pro 4.0 layout迁移Antd4.0的计划吗?
自己迁移项目的时候遇到 pro-layout 中 SiderMenu.js Icon.createFromIconfontCN错误

求问 有Antd Pro 4.0 layout迁移Antd4.0的计划吗?
自己迁移项目的时候遇到 pro-layout 中 SiderMenu.js Icon.createFromIconfontCN错误


Thanks all your contribution on v4 version. Close since 4.0.0-rc.0 version released: ref #20661

Is StrictMode a goal? Legacy context needs to be migrated

Can we keep both antd3 and antd4 in the repo? Can't change everywhere as the repo is too big and it will be almost rewriting of complete codebase.
Also if yes, can we keep antd3 CSS in global and antd4 CSS for just some folder and it's children

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