Pegjs: Inconsistent behaviour of generated parser

Created on 8 Mar 2018  ·  15Comments  ·  Source: pegjs/pegjs

Issue type

  • Bug Report:


  • Can you reproduce the issue?: _yes_
  • Did you search the repository issues?: _yes_
  • Did you check the forums?: _no_
  • Did you perform a web search (google, yahoo, etc)?: _yes_


At the moment I'm using the JS API to generate the parser on runtime. This works fine.

I then tried to generate the parser using the CLI, to avoid generating it during runtime. When I use it though I get errors (~half of my tests for parsing the string throw errors).

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Move the grammar into its own file grammar.pegjs
  2. Generate the parser using the CLI
pegjs -o parser.js grammar.pegjs
  1. Remove the peg.generate('...') and replace it with the new parser
const parser = require('./parser');
  1. Run the tests

Expected behavior:
I would expect that the generated parser from the CLI works the same as the generated parser from the JS API.

Actual behavior:
Using the JS API, when I pass this string ('foo = "bar"') to the parser I get the following AST:

  kind: 'condition',
  target: 'foo',
  operator: '=',
  value: 'bar',
  valueType: 'string',
  attributeType: undefined

However, when I use the "generated" parser using the CLI, and pass the same string ('foo = "bar"') I get the following error:

SyntaxError: Expected "(", boolean, date, datetime, number, string, or time but "\"" found.
    at peg$buildStructuredError (/Users/emmenko/xxx/parser.js:446:12)
    at Object.peg$parse [as parse] (/Users/emmenko/xxx/parser.js:2865:11)
    at repl:1:7
    at ContextifyScript.Script.runInThisContext (vm.js:50:33)
    at REPLServer.defaultEval (repl.js:240:29)
    at bound (domain.js:301:14)
    at REPLServer.runBound [as eval] (domain.js:314:12)
    at REPLServer.onLine (repl.js:441:10)
    at emitOne (events.js:121:20)
    at REPLServer.emit (events.js:211:7) 


  • PEG.js: 0.10.0
  • Node.js: 8.9.1
  • NPM or Yarn: [email protected]
  • Browser: Chrome
  • OS: OSX
  • Editor: VSCode

All 15 comments

Nice, you filled it correctly 👍, now we just need the grammar and I can help you 😄

Here you go:

const parser = peg.generate(`
  function getFlattenedValue (value) {
    if (!value) return undefined
    return Array.isArray(value)
      ?{return v.value})
      : value.value
  function getValueType (value) {
    if (!value) return undefined
    var rawType = value.type
    if (Array.isArray(value))
      rawType = value[0].type
    switch (rawType) {
      case 'string':
      case 'number':
      case 'boolean':
        return rawType
        return 'string'
  function getAttributeType (target, op, val) {
    if (typeof target === 'string' && target.indexOf('attributes.') === 0) {
      if (!val)
        return undefined
      switch (op) {
        case 'in':
        case 'not in':
          return val[0].type;
        case 'contains':
          return 'set-' + val.type
          return Array.isArray(val) ? 'set-' + val[0].type : val.type;
  function transformToCondition (target, op, val) {
    return {
      kind: "condition",
      target: target,
      operator: op,
      value: getFlattenedValue(val),
      valueType: getValueType(val),
      attributeType: getAttributeType(target, op, val),

  function createIdentifier (body) {
    return body
      .map(identifiers => identifiers.filter(identifier => (identifier && identifier !== '.'))) // gets raw_identifiers without dots and empty identifiers
      .filter(identifiers => identifiers.length > 0) // filter out empty identifiers arrays
      .map(identifiers => identifiers.join('.'))
      .join('.') // join back to construct the path

// ----- DSL Grammar -----
  = ws exp:expression ws { return exp; }

  = head:term tail:("or" term)*
      if (tail.length === 0) {
        return head;

      return {
        kind: "logical",
        logical: "or",
        conditions: [head].concat({return el[1];})),

  = head:factor tail:("and" factor)*
      if (tail.length === 0) {
        return head;

      return {
        kind: "logical",
        logical: "and",
        conditions: [head].concat({return el[1];})),

  = ws negation:"not" ws primary:primary ws
      return {
        kind: "negation",
        condition: primary,
  / ws primary:primary ws { return primary; }

  = basic_comparison
  / list_comparison
  / empty_comparison
  / parens

// ----- Comparators -----
  = target:val_expression ws op:single_operators ws val:value
    { return transformToCondition(target, op, val); }

  = target:val_expression ws op:list_operators ws val:list_of_values
    { return transformToCondition(target, op, val); }

  = target:val_expression ws op:empty_operators
    { return transformToCondition(target, op); }

// ----- Operators -----
  = "!="
  / "="
  / "<>"
  / ">="
  / ">"
  / "<="
  / "<"
  / "contains"

  = "!="
  / "="
  / "<>"
  / "not in"
  / "in"
  / "contains all"
  / "contains any"

  = "is not empty"
  / "is empty"
  / "is not defined"
  / "is defined"

  = ws "(" ws head:value tail:(ws "," ws value)* ws ")" ws
      if (tail.length === 0) {
        return [head];
      return [head].concat({ return el[el.length -1];}));

// ----- Expressions -----
  = application_expression
  / constant_expression
  / field_expression

  = identifier ws "(" ws function_argument (ws "," ws function_argument)* ws ")"
constant_expression = ws val:value ws { return val; }
field_expression = ws i:identifier ws { return i; }

  = expression
  / constant_expression
  / field_expression

  = v:boolean { return { type: 'boolean', value: v }; }
  / v:datetime { return { type: 'datetime', value: v }; }
  / v:date { return { type: 'date', value: v }; }
  / v:time { return { type: 'time', value: v }; }
  / v:number { return { type: 'number', value: v }; }
  / v:string { return { type: 'string', value: v }; }

// ----- Common rules -----
  = ws "(" ws ex:expression ws ")" ws { return ex; }

  = body:((raw_identifier "." escaped_identifier)+ / (raw_identifier "." raw_identifier)+)
      return createIdentifier(body)
    / i:raw_identifier { return i; }

  = "\`" head:raw_identifier tail:("-" raw_identifier)* "\`"
    { return [head].concat({return el.join('');})).join(''); }

raw_identifier = i:[a-zA-Z0-9_]* { return i.join(''); }

ws "whitespace" = [ \\t\\n\\r]*

// ----- Types: booleans -----
boolean "boolean"
  = "false" { return false; }
  / "true" { return true; }

// ----- Types: datetime -----
datetime "datetime"
  =  quotation_mark datetime:datetime_format quotation_mark
    { return{return Array.isArray(el) ? el.join('') : el;}).join(''); }

datetime_format = date_format time_mark time_format zulu_mark
time_mark = "T"
zulu_mark = "Z"

// ----- Types: date -----
date "date"
  =  quotation_mark date:date_format quotation_mark { return date.join("");}

date_format = [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] minus [0-9][0-9] minus [0-9][0-9]

// ----- Types: time -----
time "time"
  =  quotation_mark time:time_format quotation_mark { return time.join("");}

time_format = [0-2][0-9] colon [0-5][0-9] colon [0-5][0-9] decimal_point [0-9][0-9][0-9]
colon = ":"

// ----- Types: numbers -----
number "number"
  = minus? int frac? exp? { return parseFloat(text()); }

decimal_point = "."
digit1_9 = [1-9]
e = [eE]
exp = e (minus / plus)? DIGIT+
frac = decimal_point DIGIT+
int = zero / (digit1_9 DIGIT*)
minus = "-"
plus = "+"
zero = "0"

// ----- Types: strings -----
string "string"
  = quotation_mark chars:char* quotation_mark { return chars.join(""); }

  = unescaped
  / escape
      / "\\\\"
      / "/"
      / "b" { return "\\b"; }
      / "f" { return "\\f"; }
      / "n" { return "\\n"; }
      / "r" { return "\\r"; }
      / "t" { return "\\t"; }
      / "u" digits:$(HEXDIG HEXDIG HEXDIG HEXDIG)
        { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(digits, 16)); }
    { return sequence; }

escape = "\\\\"
quotation_mark = '"'
unescaped = [^\\0-\\x1F\\x22\\x5C]
// See RFC 4234, Appendix B (
DIGIT  = [0-9]
HEXDIG = [0-9a-f]i

A little related addition to the bug. I setup pegjs via the pegjs-loader. It operates on the JS API under the hood calling parser.generate it also leads to the same error.

Many thanks for the project by the way!

@emmenko I don't know why your grammar was working with the API (will continue to try to find out why), but your grammar was incorrect, the unescaped rule should be:

unescaped = !'"' [^\\0-\\x1F\\x22\\x5C]

Tell me if this fixes the issue from your side

@tdeekens If its the same error (e.g. Expected ... but "\"" found.), then check if your grammar is correct, or post it here

@futagoza me and @tdeekens are on the same team, so it's the same issue 😅

We'll keep you posted! Thanks for your support so far 🙏

I don't know why your grammar was working with the API

We never had a problem with that to be honest. Thanks for pointing it out anyway!

Is it working now?

Unfortunately it didn't help ☹️

Using your grammar, PEG.js 0.10, Node 8.9.0 and the input foo = "bar", I tried this via 3 routes:

  2. PEG.js API
  3. pegjs CLI

All 3 showed the same error: Line 1, column 7: Expected "(", boolean, date, datetime, number, string, or time but "\"" found.

If I change your grammar, it fixes this error for all 3 routes:

// orignal
unescaped = [^\\0-\\x1F\\x22\\x5C]

// fixed
unescaped = !'"' [^\\0-\\x1F\\x22\\x5C]

After applying the fixed rule, can you check if:

  • you are getting the same error message or a different error
  • you are doing something different (or additional steps) from what I've mentioned
  • are you using options when using the PEG.js API

Also, after tweaking the input a bit, I realised that your grammar doesn't account for newlines as whitespaces correctly, this is most likely because of your ws rule.

EDIT: Here's my test script:

/* eslint node/no-unsupported-features: 0 */

"use strict";

const { exec } = require( "child_process" );
const { readFileSync } = require( "fs" );
const { join } = require( "path" );
const { generate } = require( "pegjs" );

function test( parser ) {

    try {

        console.log( parser.parse( `foo = "bar"` ) );

    } catch ( error ) {

        if ( !== "SyntaxError" ) throw error;

        const loc = error.location.start;

        console.log( `Line ${ loc.line }, column ${ loc.column }: ${ error.message }` );



const COMMAND = process.argv[ 2 ];
switch ( COMMAND ) {

    case "api":
        test( generate( readFileSync( join( __dirname, "grammar.pegjs" ), "utf8" ) ) );

    case "cli":
        exec( "node node_modules/pegjs/bin/pegjs -o parser.js grammar.pegjs", error => {

            if ( error ) console.error( error ), process.exit( 1 );

            test( require( "./parser" ) );

        } );

        console.error( `Invalid command "${ COMMAND }" passed to test script.` );
        process.exit( 1 );


Many thanks for the feedback! We'll try tomorrow with your suggestion and we'll let you know as soon as possible if that helped. 🙏

Thanks for the feedback. Apologies first for the confusion. I just wanted to point out that the issue was also in the webpack-loader. Sorry it that caused confusion on this issue.

We tried out the improvement. It fixes the parser in general but we run into a new issue now we have a hard time understanding the reason of.

An example is of a test is (more below)

Object {
+   "attributeType": undefined,
    "kind": "condition",
    "operator": "=",
    "target": "foo",
-   "value": "bar",
+   "value": ",b,a,r",
    "valueType": "string",

We think the error might likely be on our side we're just not sure where yet. This happens e.g. with the following input != ("b33f8e3a-f8d1-476f-a595-2615c4b57556")

which becomes != (",b,3,3,f,8,e,3,a,-,f,8,d,1,-,4,7,6,f,-,a,5,9,5,-,2,6,1,5,c,4,b,5,7,5,5,6")

when parsed.

We would obviously be super grateful for a clue but also understand if can support us there.

whoops, my mistake 😨, this should fix that

unescaped = !'"' value:[^\\0-\\x1F\\x22\\x5C] { return value; }

Thanks for the super quick response. It does help but not when using the CLI or webpack-loader which often return the initial error of SyntaxError: Expected "(", boolean, date, datetime, number, string, or time but "\"" found.. Something which happens for instance with a not(sku = "123") or a more complex example lineItemTotal(sku = "SKU1" or list contains all (1,2,3),, "third arg") = "10 EUR". Might that still have something todo with the escaping?

Yep, turns out it's because of the double escaping. Here are the fixed rules:

ws "whitespace" = [ \t\n\r]*

  = unescaped
  / escape
      / "\\"
      / "/"
      / "b" { return "\b"; }
      / "f" { return "\f"; }
      / "n" { return "\n"; }
      / "r" { return "\r"; }
      / "t" { return "\t"; }
      / "u" digits:$(HEXDIG HEXDIG HEXDIG HEXDIG)
        { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(digits, 16)); }
    { return sequence; }

escape = "\\"

unescaped = !'"' value:[^\0-\x1F\x22\x5C] { return value; }

EDIT: It seem's you might want to work on the rules that parse the complex example: lineItemTotal(sku = "SKU1" or list contains all (1,2,3),, "third arg") = "10 EUR", it is currently ouputing a wierd "kind":"condition" node

Thanks a lot for the help and advice. It seems to solve the problems we had. We will look into the advise regarding the "condition" node.

You're welcome 😄

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