Angular-google-maps: Access to full google.maps object

Created on 10 Mar 2016  ·  8Comments  ·  Source: SebastianM/angular-google-maps

Hi, loving your work so far, but am curious, will this library ever grant access to the full google.maps object, similar to angular1's implementation of google-maps? (see here:!/api/GoogleMapApi)

Getting the google.maps object lets you create, for example...

A1 code to create new DirectionsRenderer and DirectionsService:

            uiGmapGoogleMapApi.then(function(maps) {
                vm.gmaps = maps;
       = new vm.gmaps.DirectionsRenderer();
       = new vm.gmaps.DirectionsService();

Or to create a new LatLng object:

var latlng = new vm.gmaps.LatLng(lat, lng);

Is this going to be possible with this library?

EDIT: I do see that the google object is available globally.. so we can do var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat,lng); However, isn't it one goals of the project to prevent the google object from polluting the global namespace?

EDIT to EDIT: Also see now we can use LatLngLiteral interface, so that deals with one problem:

import {LatLngLiteral} from 'angular2-google-maps/core';


var latlng = <LatLngLiteral>{lat: this.latitude, lng: this.longitude};;
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If I'm understanding everything here correctly, wouldn't the most angular way of handling this be to have a service that returns the global object? This would enable mocking for testing and avoid global dependencies.

All 8 comments

Hi cviccaro,

Please refer below mentioned comment to get access of google.maps object.


Thanks. I've managed to get the map object, but I was referring to the whole SDK's API. The DirectionsRenderer and DirectionsService are not located on the map object itself, but on the google.maps namespace.

In rethinking this, however, I imagine direct access to the full google.maps namespace won't be available by design, but instead wrappers around each will be available later down the line.


Correct me if I am wrong, You want to access google.maps and want to play with DirectionsRenderer and DirectionsService services.

Below is the code.

declare var google: any;

  selector: 'my-comp',  // <home></home>
export class MyComp {
  constructor(private _mapsWrapper:GoogleMapsAPIWrapper){
    _mapsWrapper.getMap().then((m: mapTypes.GoogleMap) => {

@parmod-arora Exactly. As I wrote in my edit to the original post, I see that the global google object is indeed available, so my question has deviated a bit I guess. Will this project eventually remove the google object from the global namespace, providing a module to import to initialize a DirectionsRenderer or DirectionsService?

Will this project eventually remove the google object from the global namespace

No, this is not a goal for the project. It shoud provide an easy to use abstraction layer for angular2/google maps. We can think about how we use certain services of the google maps API like DirectionsRenderer or DirectionsService. I let this open to discuss how a good API for Angular 2 could look like

If I'm understanding everything here correctly, wouldn't the most angular way of handling this be to have a service that returns the global object? This would enable mocking for testing and avoid global dependencies.

Hi @cviccaro you mentioned you got the google.maps object working, could you show me how you did that? Was it via the GoogleMapsAPIWrapper?

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