async.waterfall breaks when given an async function (node 8)

Created on 5 Oct 2017  ·  8Comments  ·  Source: caolan/async

What version of async are you using?

Which environment did the issue occur in (Node version/browser version)
Node 8

What did you do? Please include a minimal reproducable case illustrating issue.


async function myFirstFunction(callback) {
     callback(null, 'one', 'two');

function mySecondFunction(arg1, arg2, callback) {
     // arg1 now equals 'one' and arg2 now equals 'two'
     callback(null, 'three');

async function myLastFunction(arg1, callback) {
     // arg1 now equals 'three'
     callback(null, 'done');

], function (err, result) {
     // result now equals 'done'
     console.log(err, result)

What did you expect to happen?
to not have an exception

What was the actual result?

> TypeError: callback is not a function
    at myFirstFunction (repl:2:5)
    at /Users/scott/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:143:27
    at /Users/scott/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:21:12
    at nextTask (/Users/scott/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:5297:14)
    at Object.waterfall (/Users/scott/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:5307:5)
    at repl:1:7
    at ContextifyScript.Script.runInThisContext (vm.js:44:33)
    at REPLServer.defaultEval (repl.js:239:29)
    at bound (domain.js:301:14)
    at REPLServer.runBound [as eval] (domain.js:314:12) undefined
docs question

Most helpful comment

Yeah, you could do something like:

  // ...
  async function (arg1, arg2) {
    const arg3 = await foo()
    return [arg1, arg2, arg3]
  function ([arg1, arg2, arg3], callback) {

All 8 comments

Callbacks are not passed to async functions, instead, simply return a value.

In the case of the first function above, where more than one argument is passed to callback in myFirstFunction, should we instead return an array?

Yeah, you could do something like:

  // ...
  async function (arg1, arg2) {
    const arg3 = await foo()
    return [arg1, arg2, arg3]
  function ([arg1, arg2, arg3], callback) {

Then how to return error? Just using throw?

Any answers to the above question? I believe to bail when encountered an error in a async function , you still need to call the "next" callback

How about this?

  // ...
  async function (arg1, arg2, callback) {
    try {
      const arg3 = await foo()
      return [arg1, arg2, arg3]
    } catch (err) {
      callback('An error occured:' + err.message);
  function ([arg1, arg2, arg3], callback) {

async functions don't get passed callbacks. Just throw an error.


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