Async: Can you use async.series with async / await?

Created on 4 Nov 2017  ·  11Comments  ·  Source: caolan/async

Can you use async await inside the async.series function?

I did some simple experiments, but they did not work as expected.

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There is some mad science planned. 😉

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Yes, you can! But instead of using a callback, just return a value or throw an error.

Ok - please forgive me If I misunderstod something 😄 Like this?

    const result = await async.each(openFiles, async (file) => {
        try: {
            await asyncOperation(file);
            return null
        } catch(err) {
            return err

Since async functions automatically convert errors into rejections, unless you wanted to do something special with the error, your example could be reduced to:

    const result = await async.each(openFiles, async (file) => {
        await asyncOperation(file);

Thank you for the improved snippet. It seems to work in a simple scenario, but in the following setting I can't get it to work:

for (const tasks of fileTasks) {
    const result = await async.each(tasks, async (file) => {
        await asyncOperation(file);

I was of the understanding that the for-of loop would allow asynchronous operations?

Since async.each doesn't return a Promise, you can't await it.

Ahh ok. So using the for-of async/await option is not a good pattern with async. Do you now if this is on the roadmap for async?

There is some mad science planned. 😉

Or util.promisify() 😉

(or pify())

Why does this go from a question about async.series to async.each?

const _async = require('async');
const _ = require('lodash');

public doSomething = async(num) : Promise<any> => {
     return num*num + 1;

public async getResults() {
    let results = new Array<any>();
    let tasks = [];

    try {
      const list = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10];

      list.forEach((item) => {
        tasks.push((callback) => {
            (res) => {
              callback(null, res);

      results = await new Promise((resolve) => {
        _async.series(tasks, (err, res) => {
          if (err) {
    } catch (err) {

    return _.join(results, '\r\n');

@aearly Hey fen could you please tell me which extracly version support async/await ?
I'm using caolan/async version 2.6.0

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