Ansible: stat 挂在大文件上

创建于 2016-02-17  ·  3评论  ·  资料来源: ansible/ansible

Issue Type: Bug Report问题类型:错误报告
Ansible Version: Ansible 版本:
Ansible Configuration: Ansible 配置:
cat ansible.cfg
host_key_checking = False

Amazon Linux, both server and remote host Amazon Linux,服务器和远程主机


Ansible hangs on stat. Ansible 挂在统计数据上。

- name: Check if file was already downloaded from s3
  stat: path=/db-restore/{{ filename_gz }}
  register: s3_target_file
Steps To Reproduce:重现步骤:

Create a file 10-100G and check its stat创建一个文件 10-100G 并检查其状态

Expected Results:预期成绩:

Step should pass without delay步骤应立即通过

Actual Results:实际结果:

Step hangs forever步骤永远挂起



The default for the stat module is to calculate the sha1 and md5 of the file. stat 模块的默认值是计算文件的 sha1 和 md5。 You should supply get_md5=false get_checksum=false to prevent this from happening.您应该提供get_md5=false get_checksum=false以防止这种情况发生。 Otherwise it will take time to calculate those hashes.否则,计算这些哈希需要时间。

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Thanks very much for your interest in Ansible.非常感谢您对 Ansible 的关注。 It sincerely means a lot to us.它真诚地对我们意义重大。

This appears to be a user question, and we'd like to direct these kinds of things to either the mailing list or the IRC channel.这似乎是一个用户问题,我们希望将这类事情直接发送到邮件列表或 IRC 频道。

If you can stop by there, we'd appreciate it.如果你能在那儿停下来,我们将不胜感激。 This allows us to keep the issue tracker for bugs, pull requests, RFEs and the like.这使我们能够为错误、拉取请求、RFE 等保留问题跟踪器。

Thank you once again and we look forward to seeing you on the list or IRC.再次感谢您,我们期待在列表或 IRC 上见到您。 Thanks!谢谢!



The default for the stat module is to calculate the sha1 and md5 of the file. stat 模块的默认值是计算文件的 sha1 和 md5。 You should supply get_md5=false get_checksum=false to prevent this from happening.您应该提供get_md5=false get_checksum=false以防止这种情况发生。 Otherwise it will take time to calculate those hashes.否则,计算这些哈希需要时间。

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Thanks very much for your interest in Ansible.非常感谢您对 Ansible 的关注。 It sincerely means a lot to us.它真诚地对我们意义重大。

This appears to be a user question, and we'd like to direct these kinds of things to either the mailing list or the IRC channel.这似乎是一个用户问题,我们希望将这类事情直接发送到邮件列表或 IRC 频道。

If you can stop by there, we'd appreciate it.如果你能在那儿停下来,我们将不胜感激。 This allows us to keep the issue tracker for bugs, pull requests, RFEs and the like.这使我们能够为错误、拉取请求、RFE 等保留问题跟踪器。

Thank you once again and we look forward to seeing you on the list or IRC.再次感谢您,我们期待在列表或 IRC 上见到您。 Thanks!谢谢!




谢谢西维尔 :)

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