Circe: 找不到 io.circe.generic.decoding.DerivedDecoder[A] 类型的惰性隐式值

创建于 2017-01-10  ·  6评论  ·  资料来源: circe/circe

我有一些来自 finagle http get client 的 json :

package com.hendisantika.circe

import cats.syntax.either._
import io.circe.{Decoder, Json}
import io.circe.optics.JsonPath._
import io.circe.parser._
import io.circe.generic.semiauto._

object TryCirce extends App {

  val json: String = """
        "q":"content_t:circe &&\narticle_id_l:6729941",
        "email_s":"[email protected]",
        "content_t":"Hello circe! I am learning about you now ",
        "email_s":"[email protected]",
        "content_t":"Hai circe, You are very handsome.",

  implicit val comDecoder: Decoder[SolrDoc] = deriveDecoder[SolrDoc]

  val obj = decode[SolrDoc](json2) match {
    case Left(failure) => println("Oh no --> " + failure)
    case Right(com) => println("OK Success")


case class SolrDoc(response: Option[SolrResponse])

case class SolrResponse(
                       start : Int,
                       docs : List[Article]

case class Article(
                        id: String,
                        comment_id_l: Option[Long],
                        article_id_l: Option[Long],
                        reply_to_id_l: Option[Long],
                        user_id_l: Option[Long],
                        username_s: Option[String],
                        email_s: Option[String],
                        content_t: String,
                        report_i: Option[Int],
                        type_s: Option[String],
                        category_is: List[Int],
                        category_ss: List[String],
                        created_dt: Option[String],
                        created_ts_l: Option[Long],
                        is_deleted_i: Option[Int],
                        country_code_s: Option[String],
                        version: Option[Long]

//Error:(43, 47) could not find Lazy implicit value of type io.circe.generic.decoding.DerivedDecoder[A]
  implicit val comDecoder: Decoder[SolrDoc] = deriveDecoder

// Error:(43, 47) not enough arguments for method deriveDecoder: (implicit decode: shapeless.Lazy[io.circe.generic.decoding.DerivedDecoder[A]])io.circe.Decoder[A].
Unspecified value parameter decode.
  implicit val comDecoder: Decoder[SolrDoc] = deriveDecoder

找不到 io.circe.generic.decoding.DerivedDecoder[A] 类型的惰性隐式值
我想将 JSON 对象解码为 scala 案例类对象
我也从谷歌阅读了关于 circe 的问题。
我如何解决这个问题。 谢谢


半自动派生不会自动派生嵌套案例类的解码器。 以下应该可以正常工作:

case class SolrDoc(response: SolrResponse)
case class SolrResponse(docs: Seq[Article])
case class Article()

object TryCirce extends App {
  import io.circe.Decoder
  import io.circe.generic.semiauto.deriveDecoder

  implicit val decodeArticle: Decoder[Article] = deriveDecoder[Article]
  implicit val decodeSolrResponse: Decoder[SolrResponse] = deriveDecoder[SolrResponse]
  implicit val decodeSolrDoc: Decoder[SolrDoc] = deriveDecoder[SolrDoc]

它也适用于真正的Article 。 如果这不能解决您的问题,请重新打开。



@hendisantika有这方面的消息吗? 我也遇到了同样的错误。

@castillobgr ,我还没有更新的消息。

case class SolrDoc(response: SolrResponse)

case class SolrResponse(docs: Seq[Article])

case class Article()

object TryCirce extends App {

  import io.circe.generic.semiauto.deriveDecoder

  implicit val comDecoder: Decoder[SolrDoc] = deriveDecoder[SolrDoc]

 could not find Lazy implicit value of type io.circe.generic.decoding.DerivedDecoder[]
[error]   implicit val comDecoder: Decoder[SolrDoc] = deriveDecoder[SolrDoc]

半自动派生不会自动派生嵌套案例类的解码器。 以下应该可以正常工作:

case class SolrDoc(response: SolrResponse)
case class SolrResponse(docs: Seq[Article])
case class Article()

object TryCirce extends App {
  import io.circe.Decoder
  import io.circe.generic.semiauto.deriveDecoder

  implicit val decodeArticle: Decoder[Article] = deriveDecoder[Article]
  implicit val decodeSolrResponse: Decoder[SolrResponse] = deriveDecoder[SolrResponse]
  implicit val decodeSolrDoc: Decoder[SolrDoc] = deriveDecoder[SolrDoc]

它也适用于真正的Article 。 如果这不能解决您的问题,请重新打开。

@travisbrown我已将我的评论移至。 这在我看来是更好的地方

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