Django-debug-toolbar: 工具栏未显示 POST 请求

创建于 2017-10-04  ·  6评论  ·  资料来源: jazzband/django-debug-toolbar


这只发生在从 django rest 框架向ViewSetsModelViewSet提出的请求时,似乎工作得很好,我怎么知道出了什么问题?



def Fix_XMLHttpRequest(get_response):
    def middleware(request):
        # When `POST`ing data from the DRF browsable API, it will set the
        # header `X_REQUESTED_WITH: XMLHttpRequest`. (Not sure if the browser
        # adds that header of if DRF's front-end does, but that doesn't matter,
        # the header is there.) It's a little contradictory that the header is
        # there since the browser also requests that the response be 'text/html'.
        # Anyway, that's fine except for one thing. Django Debug Toolbar will
        # not show the debug toolbar whenever that header is set on the request!
        # See:
        #   -
        #   -
        # My workaround is to remove that header whenever the request explicitly
        # asks for 'text/html'. Again, in my opinion, that header doesn't really
        # make sense anyway when the browser wants to receive HTML back.
        # This makes is so that when you POST data from the DRF browsable API,
        # you can still see the Django Debug Toolbar. It maintains the desired
        # behavior of _not_ showing the toolbar when you POST from Javascript
        # to obtain JSON data.

        if 'text/html' in request.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', ''):
            if request.META.get('HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH', '') == 'XMLHttpRequest':
                del request.META['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']

        response = get_response(request)

        return response

    return middleware

请务必在 Django 调试工具栏的中间件 _before_ 添加该中间件。



我不确定为什么 POST 请求会被工具栏忽略?


def Fix_XMLHttpRequest(get_response):
    def middleware(request):
        # When `POST`ing data from the DRF browsable API, it will set the
        # header `X_REQUESTED_WITH: XMLHttpRequest`. (Not sure if the browser
        # adds that header of if DRF's front-end does, but that doesn't matter,
        # the header is there.) It's a little contradictory that the header is
        # there since the browser also requests that the response be 'text/html'.
        # Anyway, that's fine except for one thing. Django Debug Toolbar will
        # not show the debug toolbar whenever that header is set on the request!
        # See:
        #   -
        #   -
        # My workaround is to remove that header whenever the request explicitly
        # asks for 'text/html'. Again, in my opinion, that header doesn't really
        # make sense anyway when the browser wants to receive HTML back.
        # This makes is so that when you POST data from the DRF browsable API,
        # you can still see the Django Debug Toolbar. It maintains the desired
        # behavior of _not_ showing the toolbar when you POST from Javascript
        # to obtain JSON data.

        if 'text/html' in request.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', ''):
            if request.META.get('HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH', '') == 'XMLHttpRequest':
                del request.META['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']

        response = get_response(request)

        return response

    return middleware

请务必在 Django 调试工具栏的中间件 _before_ 添加该中间件。

我不确定它是否可以。 我正在尝试使用多种方法来捕获发布请求,但仍然无法捕获,这意味着如果您使用 'get' 方法在网站上使用请求,显然没问题。 我使用 Django 的目的是为移动客户端开发服务器,大多数请求方法是 'POST' 。 希望大家帮帮我,不胜感激。

对我有用的(结合 Django REST Framework 的可浏览 API)是这个django-debug-toolbar-history

django-debug-toolbar-history使用可浏览的 DRF 开发人员页面也对我有用。

这使我能够跟踪 POST 期间使用的 SQL 查询。

关闭历史面板已发布。 我还确认对于返回的 POST 请求和 HTML 响应,会显示首次亮相的工具栏。

如果您更新到最新版本并继续遇到错误,请重新打开并提供新的详细信息。 谢谢。

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