Input-mask-ios: 编辑后附加了错误的蒙版

创建于 2018-07-25  ·  11评论  ·  资料来源: RedMadRobot/input-mask-ios

self.login.affineFormats = [ "{+7} ([000]) [000] [00] [00]", "{8} ([000]) [000]-[00]-[00]" ]

当我输入带有 +7 掩码的电话号码,然后编辑 ([000]) 掩码中的值时,掩码切换为 8 而不是 +7,然后将 7 放入 ([000])





一旦使用任何掩码初始化,也许有一种方法可以在 textField 中“锁定”掩码?

@MrJox ,感谢您的报告。



我有一个从缓存中读取并插入到 textField 的电话号码(这是一个自定义的 JVFloat textField)。
电话号码是 +7 (926) 000-00-00,然后我将指针设置在“2”之后并删除该号码。 结果,我的 textView 内容转换为 8 (796) 000-00-00。

因此,出于某种原因,它删除了 + 并将 7 视为电话号码的实际部分而不是掩码,并将其放入括号中,然后添加 8 掩码。



实际上,这是使用自定义亲和力计算方法的PolyMaskTextFieldDelegate修改。 此方法不是与掩码的整体文本亲和性,而是比较前缀交集的长度,即字符数。


import Foundation
import UIKit

import InputMask

<strong i="10">@IBDesignable</strong>
class PrefixAffinityMaskedTextFieldDelegate: MaskedTextFieldDelegate {
    public var affineFormats: [String]

    public init(primaryFormat: String, affineFormats: [String]) {
        self.affineFormats = affineFormats
        super.init(format: primaryFormat)

    public override init(format: String) {
        self.affineFormats = []
        super.init(format: format)

    override open func put(text: String, into field: UITextField) {
        let mask: Mask = pickMask(
            forText: text,
            caretPosition: text.endIndex,
            autocomplete: autocomplete

        let result: Mask.Result = mask.apply(
            toText: CaretString(
                string: text,
                caretPosition: text.endIndex
            autocomplete: autocomplete

        field.text = result.formattedText.string
        field.caretPosition = result.formattedText.string.distance(
            from: result.formattedText.string.startIndex,
            to: result.formattedText.caretPosition

        listener?.textField?(field, didFillMandatoryCharacters: result.complete, didExtractValue: result.extractedValue)

    override open func deleteText(inRange range: NSRange, inTextInput field: UITextInput) -> Mask.Result {
        let text: String = replaceCharacters(
            inText: field.allText,
            range: range,
            withCharacters: ""

        let mask: Mask = pickMask(
            forText: text,
            caretPosition: text.index(text.startIndex, offsetBy: range.location),
            autocomplete: false

        let result: Mask.Result = mask.apply(
            toText: CaretString(
                string: text,
                caretPosition: text.index(text.startIndex, offsetBy: range.location)
            autocomplete: false

        field.allText = result.formattedText.string
        field.caretPosition = range.location

        return result

    override open func modifyText(
        inRange range: NSRange,
        inTextInput field: UITextInput,
        withText text: String
    ) -> Mask.Result {
        let updatedText: String = replaceCharacters(
            inText: field.allText,
            range: range,
            withCharacters: text

        let mask: Mask = pickMask(
            forText: updatedText,
            caretPosition: updatedText.index(updatedText.startIndex, offsetBy: field.caretPosition + text.count),
            autocomplete: autocomplete

        let result: Mask.Result = mask.apply(
            toText: CaretString(
                string: updatedText,
                caretPosition: updatedText.index(updatedText.startIndex, offsetBy: field.caretPosition + text.count)
            autocomplete: autocomplete

        field.allText = result.formattedText.string
        field.caretPosition = result.formattedText.string.distance(
            from: result.formattedText.string.startIndex,
            to: result.formattedText.caretPosition

        return result

    func pickMask(forText text: String, caretPosition: String.Index, autocomplete: Bool) -> Mask {
        let primaryAffinity: Int = calculateAffinity(
            ofMask: mask,
            forText: text,
            caretPosition: caretPosition,
            autocomplete: autocomplete

        var masks: [(Mask, Int)] = { (affineFormat: String) -> (Mask, Int) in
            let mask:     Mask = try! Mask.getOrCreate(withFormat: affineFormat, customNotations: customNotations)
            let affinity: Int  = calculateAffinity(
                ofMask: mask,
                forText: text,
                caretPosition: caretPosition,
                autocomplete: autocomplete

            return (mask, affinity)

        masks.sort { (left: (Mask, Int), right: (Mask, Int)) -> Bool in
            return left.1 > right.1

        var insertIndex: Int = -1

        for (index, maskAffinity) in masks.enumerated() {
            if primaryAffinity >= maskAffinity.1 {
                insertIndex = index

        if (insertIndex >= 0) {
            masks.insert((mask, primaryAffinity), at: insertIndex)
        } else {
            masks.append((mask, primaryAffinity))

        return masks.first!.0

    func calculateAffinity(
        ofMask mask: Mask,
        forText text: String,
        caretPosition: String.Index,
        autocomplete: Bool
    ) -> Int {
        return mask.apply(
            toText: CaretString(
                string: text,
                caretPosition: caretPosition
            autocomplete: autocomplete
        ).formattedText.string.prefixIntersection(with: text).count

    func replaceCharacters(inText text: String, range: NSRange, withCharacters newText: String) -> String {
        if 0 < range.length {
            let result = NSMutableString(string: text)
            result.replaceCharacters(in: range, with: newText)
            return result as String
        } else {
            let result = NSMutableString(string: text)
            result.insert(newText, at: range.location)
            return result as String


extension String {

    func prefixIntersection(with string: String) -> Substring {
        let lhsStartIndex = startIndex
        var lhsEndIndex = startIndex
        let rhsStartIndex = string.startIndex
        var rhsEndIndex = string.startIndex

        while (self[lhsStartIndex...lhsEndIndex] == string[rhsStartIndex...rhsEndIndex]) {
            lhsEndIndex = lhsEndIndex != endIndex ? index(after: lhsEndIndex) : endIndex
            rhsEndIndex = rhsEndIndex != string.endIndex ? string.index(after: rhsEndIndex) : endIndex

            if (lhsEndIndex == endIndex || rhsEndIndex == string.endIndex) {
                return self[lhsStartIndex..<lhsEndIndex]

        return self[lhsStartIndex..<lhsEndIndex]


extension UITextInput {
    var allText: String {
        get {
            guard let all: UITextRange = allTextRange
                else { return "" }
            return self.text(in: all) ?? ""

        set(newText) {
            guard let all: UITextRange = allTextRange
                else { return }
            self.replace(all, withText: newText)

    var caretPosition: Int {
        get {
            if let responder = self as? UIResponder {
                // Workaround for non-optional `beginningOfDocument`, which could actually be nil if field doesn't have focus
                guard responder.isFirstResponder
                    else { return allText.count }

            if let range: UITextRange = selectedTextRange {
                let selectedTextLocation: UITextPosition = range.start
                return offset(from: beginningOfDocument, to: selectedTextLocation)
            } else {
                return 0

        set(newPosition) {
            if let responder = self as? UIResponder {
                // Workaround for non-optional `beginningOfDocument`, which could actually be nil if field doesn't have focus
                guard responder.isFirstResponder
                    else { return }

            if newPosition > allText.count {

            let from: UITextPosition = position(from: beginningOfDocument, offset: newPosition)!
            let to:   UITextPosition = position(from: from, offset: 0)!
            selectedTextRange = textRange(from: from, to: to)

    var allTextRange: UITextRange? {
        return self.textRange(from: self.beginningOfDocument, to: self.endOfDocument)

<strong i="6">@IBOutlet</strong> var loginListener: PrefixAffinityMaskedTextFieldDelegate!

但它仍然行不通。 我注意到,如果您使用 Del 键删除括号内的数字,则该数字将被删除,现在括号内的数字少一个,但是当我使用 Backspace 按钮删除时,它会放置/移动左侧的数字或右侧的数字所以括号内的位数保持不变。

原件:+7 (916) 000-00-00
带删除键:+7 (96) 000-00-00
带退格键:8 (796) 000-00-00


线程 1:致命错误:不能超过 endIndex

请注意,iOS 上没有Del键,只有Backspace 。 不要让虚拟键盘仿真欺骗您。


extension String {

    func prefixIntersection(with string: String) -> Substring {
        guard !self.isEmpty && !string.isEmpty
        else { return "" }

        let lhsStartIndex = startIndex
        var lhsEndIndex = startIndex
        let rhsStartIndex = string.startIndex
        var rhsEndIndex = string.startIndex

        while (self[lhsStartIndex...lhsEndIndex] == string[rhsStartIndex...rhsEndIndex]) {
            lhsEndIndex = lhsEndIndex != endIndex ? index(after: lhsEndIndex) : endIndex
            rhsEndIndex = rhsEndIndex != string.endIndex ? string.index(after: rhsEndIndex) : endIndex

            if (lhsEndIndex == endIndex || rhsEndIndex == string.endIndex) {
                return self[lhsStartIndex..<lhsEndIndex]

        return self[lhsStartIndex..<lhsEndIndex]





extension String {

    func prefixIntersection(with string: String) -> Substring {
        var lhsIndex = startIndex
        var rhsIndex = string.startIndex

        while lhsIndex != endIndex && rhsIndex != string.endIndex {
            if self[...lhsIndex] == string[...rhsIndex] {
                lhsIndex = index(after: lhsIndex)
                rhsIndex = string.index(after: rhsIndex)
            } else {
                return self[..<lhsIndex]

        return self[..<lhsIndex]



0 / 5 - 0 等级


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