Libelektra: kdb 列表文档已过时

创建于 2019-10-27  ·  3评论  ·  资料来源: ElektraInitiative/libelektra

我们的网站在这里提到了kdb list命令。 但是,在我的 Docker 容器中找不到该命令。 文档是否已过时,或者我在设置容器时遗漏了什么?

jenkins<strong i="8">@44fb32900e01</strong>:~/workspace/elektra-build-docker$ kdb list -v
The command kdb list is not known
Usage: kdb <command> [args]

kdb is a program to manage Elektra's key database.
Please run a command with -H or --help as args to show a help text for
a specific command.

Known commands are:
cache   Enable, disable or clear the cache.
cmerge  Three-way merge of KeySets.
complete    Show suggestions how to complete key names.
convert Convert configuration.
cp  Copy keys within the key database.
editor  Use your editor for editing KDB.
export  Export configuration from the key database.
file    Prints the file where a key is located.
find    Find keys with a given regex.
gen Execute a code-generator template.
get Get the value of an individual key.
global-mount    Globally mount given plugins.
global-umount   Unmounts a global plugin from key database.
gmount  Globally mount given plugins.
gumount Unmounts a global plugin from key database.
help    View the man page of a tool
import  Import configuration to the key database.
list-commands   List available kdb commands.
list-tools  List all external tools
ls  List the names of keys below a given name.
merge   Three-way merge of KeySets.
meta-get    Get a metavalue.
meta-ls Get all meta information of an individual key.
meta-rm Remove a metakey.
meta-set    Set a metavalue.
meta-show   Print all metakeys along with their value for the given key.
mount   Mount a new backend.
mv  Move configuration within the key database.
plugin-check    Do some basic checks on a plugin.
plugin-info Print information about a plugin.
plugin-list List all available or provided plugins.
remount Remount an existing backend with a different filename.
rm  Remove key(s) from key database.
set Set the value of an individual key.
sget    Get the value of an individual key within a shell script.
shell   Start a kdb shell.
smount  Mount a new backend by specification. All necessary plugins will be loaded automatically, depending on the metadata.
spec-mount  Mount a new backend by specification. All necessary plugins will be loaded automatically, depending on the metadata.
test    Run key database test suite.
umount  Unmount backend from key database.
vset    Set a value together with a validation regex.
documentation question



据我所知,该网站在很长一段时间内都没有正确更新(另请参阅:问题 #2897)。

谢谢你的提示! 我现在更彻底地检查了 repo 并且找不到kdb list -v ,所以我认为这个问题会在 #2897 解决后立即解决。

该命令现在称为kdb plugin-list如果您已经提供了最新信息。

0 / 5 - 0 等级


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