Pytorch: 在文档中添加关于 optim 中使用的动量公式的注释

创建于 2017-03-25  ·  3评论  ·  资料来源: pytorch/pytorch

我一直在研究 PyTorch 中 SGD + Momentum 的实现,并注意到与其他包(和论文)描述它的方式有些不同。 目前,让我们只关注(经典)动量,而不是 Nesterov 的版本。


如果动量 != 0:
param_state = self.state[p]
如果 'momentum_buffer' 不在 param_state 中:
buf = param_state['momentum_buffer'] = d_p.clone()
buf = param_state['momentum_buffer']
buf.mul_(momentum).add_(1 - 阻尼,d_p)
d_p = d_p.add(动量,buf)
d_p = buf

  ['lr'], d_p)
Mathematically, if we denote the momentum buffer by `v` and assume that `dampening=0`, at every iteration, the buffer is updated as `v = m*v + g` and the step is `∆x = lr * v`. Notice that the learning rate `lr` hits the momentum term `v` as well as the gradient. To me, this is different from what classical momentum is, and also differs from how other packages implement SGD+M.

Let us contrast this with the Sutskever et. al. paper and other commonly used pacakges such as Lasagne, Keras, Neon, etc.

## [Sutskever et. al.](
The snippet of the relevant section is pasted below. 
![Sutskever et. al.](

Retaining the syntax from above, the algorithm updates `v` as `v = m*v - lr * g` with the step `∆x = v`. So, the learning rate `lr` only hits the gradient. It does not (explicitly) influence the effect of the momentum term which is in contrast with PyTorch's implementation. 

# [Lasagne](

Lasagne employs the same rule as suggested in Sutskever for momentum. 

for param in params:
    value = param.get_value(borrow=True)
    velocity = theano.shared(np.zeros(value.shape, dtype=value.dtype),
    x = momentum * velocity + updates[param]
    updates[velocity] = x - param
# [Keras](

Same for Keras:
   for p, g, m in zip(params, grads, moments):
        v = self.momentum * m - lr * g  # velocity
        self.updates.append(K.update(m, v))

        if self.nesterov:
            new_p = p + self.momentum * v - lr * g
            new_p = p + v
# [Neon](

and Neon.
            velocity[:] = self.momentum_coef * velocity - lrate * grad

            # Nesterov accelerated gradient (NAG) is implemented the same
            # as in torch's "sgd.lua". It's a reformulation of Sutskever's
            # NAG equation found in "On the importance of initialization
            # and momentum in deep learning".
            if self.nesterov:
                param[:] = param + self.momentum_coef * velocity -\
                           lrate * grad
                param[:] = param + velocity


两种实现之间的差异并非微不足道,尤其是当lr一路减少时。 如果我的说法属实,也许我们可以更新参考资料(我不确定那是什么)或将上述版本包含在 SGD 代码中(如有必要,我可以采纳)?

medium priority (this tag is deprecated)


对于固定的学习率,这两个公式是等价的。 选择 Torch 公式是因为步长与学习率成正比。 这意味着如果你降低学习率,步长会立即减小,而不是经过一定次数的迭代后,这通常是你想要的。


对于固定的学习率,这两个公式是等价的。 选择 Torch 公式是因为步长与学习率成正比。 这意味着如果你降低学习率,步长会立即减小,而不是经过一定次数的迭代后,这通常是你想要的。

我同意。 我唯一担心的是,鉴于该方法的参考文献是 Sutskever 论文并且没有解释差异的文档,对于从其他框架迁移到 PyTorch 的人们来说,当前的实现可能是一个潜在的_“陷阱”_。

@keskarnitish如果您发送 PR 向文档添加注释,我很乐意合并。

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