Rvm: 通过 Bash 版本安装失败

创建于 2014-07-26  ·  3评论  ·  资料来源: rvm/rvm

ain$ \curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash
Unknown option: n
Unknown option: 1
Usage: head [-options] <url>...
    -m <method>   use method for the request (default is 'HEAD')
    -f            make request even if head believes method is illegal
    -b <base>     Use the specified URL as base
    -t <timeout>  Set timeout value
    -i <time>     Set the If-Modified-Since header on the request
    -c <conttype> use this content-type for POST, PUT, CHECKIN
    -a            Use text mode for content I/O
    -p <proxyurl> use this as a proxy
    -P            don't load proxy settings from environment
    -H <header>   send this HTTP header (you can specify several)

    -u            Display method and URL before any response
    -U            Display request headers (implies -u)
    -s            Display response status code
    -S            Display response status chain
    -e            Display response headers
    -d            Do not display content
    -o <format>   Process HTML content in various ways

    -v            Show program version
    -h            Print this message

    -x            Extra debugging output
BASH 3.2.25 required (you have 4.3.18(1)-release)

Bash 以前是Mac OS X 10.9.4附带的默认设置。 我已将其升级为version 4.3.18(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin13.2.0) ,但错误仍然存​​在。


feedback needed



  1. 下载 RVM 安装程序: curl -Lk get.rvm.io -o rvm-installer
  2. 通过取消注释ln:12-19禁用 Bash 版本检查
  3. 使 RVM 安装程序可执行: chmod +x rvm-installer
  4. 运行 RVM 安装程序: ./rvm-installer
  5. 使rvm可用: source /Users/[username]/.rvm/scripts/rvm



  1. 下载 RVM 安装程序: curl -Lk get.rvm.io -o rvm-installer
  2. 通过取消注释ln:12-19禁用 Bash 版本检查
  3. 使 RVM 安装程序可执行: chmod +x rvm-installer
  4. 运行 RVM 安装程序: ./rvm-installer
  5. 使rvm可用: source /Users/[username]/.rvm/scripts/rvm


$ printf "1\n2\n" | \head -n1


$ printf "1\n2\n" | \command \head -n1

已经两个星期了,没有回应 - 关闭票,如果你能提供更多细节,请告诉我,我会重新打开

0 / 5 - 0 等级