Hardhat-deploy: Verwenden des Open Zeppelin-Upgrade-Plugins

Erstellt am 14. März 2021  ·  2Kommentare  ·  Quelle: wighawag/hardhat-deploy


Ich habe festgestellt, dass der Ersteller dieses Pakets bereits versucht hat, hardhat-deploy mit dem Open-Zeppelin-Upgrade-Plug-in für Helme zu integrieren, möchte aber auch wiederholen, dass diese Ergänzung großartig wäre.

Derzeit verwenden wir das oz-Upgrade-Plugin, und obwohl wir auch das Hardhat-Deploy-Plugin verwenden möchten, möchten wir nicht auf Dinge verzichten, die uns das oz-Plugin bietet.


Hilfreichster Kommentar

Hallo @Remscar , das wäre auf jeden Fall toll.
In der Zwischenzeit habe ich ein "Workaround"-Plugin entwickelt, um dies zu tun, ich habe etwas Code aus der @openzeppelin/upgrade-core-Bibliothek kopiert.
Es ist ein bisschen hässlich, aber es kann die Arbeit erledigen (Verwendung auf eigene Gefahr).

Importieren Sie diese Datei (nach dem Importieren von hardhat-deploy ) in die hardhat-config.js :

const { extendEnvironment } = require("hardhat/config")
const AdminUpgradeabilityProxy = require("@openzeppelin/upgrades-core/artifacts/contracts/proxy/AdminUpgradeabilityProxy.sol/AdminUpgradeabilityProxy.json")
const ProxyAdmin = require("@openzeppelin/upgrades-core/artifacts/contracts/proxy/ProxyAdmin.sol/ProxyAdmin.json")
const { assertUpgradeSafe, getVersion, getUnlinkedBytecode } = require("@openzeppelin/upgrades-core")
const { readValidations } = require("@openzeppelin/hardhat-upgrades/dist/validations")

const getSigner = async address => {
  const signers = await hre.ethers.getSigners()
  return signers.find(signer => signer.address === address)

const getInitializerData = (ImplFactory, args = [], initializer) => {
  if (initializer === false) {
    return "0x"
  const allowNoInitialization = initializer === undefined && args.length === 0
  initializer = initializer ?? "initialize"
  try {
    const fragment = ImplFactory.interface.getFunction(initializer)
    return ImplFactory.interface.encodeFunctionData(fragment, args)
  } catch (e) {
    if (e instanceof Error) {
      if (allowNoInitialization && e.message.includes("no matching function")) {
        return "0x"
    throw e

const deployProxyAdmin = async (owner) => {
  const { deployments } = hre
  const { deploy } = deployments
  return await deploy("ProxyAdmin", {
    contract: ProxyAdmin,
    from: owner,
    log: true,

const deployOrUpgrade = async (firstImplName, opts, { initializer, postUpgrade, upgrades }) => {
  const { deployments } = hre
  const { deploy } = deployments
  let proxyAdmin
  try {
    proxyAdmin = await deployments.get("ProxyAdmin")
  } catch (error) {
    proxyAdmin = await deployProxyAdmin(opts.from)
  const proxyName = `${firstImplName}Proxy`
  const firstImpl = await deploy(firstImplName, opts)
  const initData = getInitializerData(
    await ethers.getContractFactory(firstImplName),
    initializer && initializer.args ? initializer.args : [],
    initializer ? initializer.method : false
  const proxy = await deploy(proxyName, {
    contract: AdminUpgradeabilityProxy,
    from: opts.from,
    log: true,
    args: [firstImpl.address, proxyAdmin.address, initData],

  if (upgrades && upgrades.length > 0) {
    let previousImplName, newImplName
    if (upgrades.length === 1) {
      previousImplName = firstImplName
      newImplName = upgrades[0]
    } else {
      newImplName = upgrades.pop()
      previousImplName = upgrades.pop()
      for (oldUpgrade in upgrades) {
        // unsure previous upgrades exists
        await deployments.get(upgrades[oldUpgrade])
    if (previousImplName === newImplName) throw new Error("Same implementation, can't upgrade.")
    const newImplFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory(newImplName)
    const validations = await readValidations(hre)
    const unlinkedBytecode = getUnlinkedBytecode(validations, newImplFactory.bytecode)
    const version = getVersion(unlinkedBytecode, newImplFactory.bytecode)
    assertUpgradeSafe(validations, version, {
      unsafeAllowCustomTypes: false,
      unsafeAllowLinkedLibraries: false,

    const signer = await getSigner(opts.from)
    const proxyAdminContract = await ethers.getContractAt(proxyAdmin.abi, proxyAdmin.address, signer)
    const previousImpl = await deployments.get(previousImplName)
    const actualImpl = await proxyAdminContract.getProxyImplementation(proxy.address)
    const newImpl = await deploy(newImplName, {
      from: opts.from,
      log: true,
    if (newImpl.newlyDeployed)
      if (actualImpl == previousImpl.address) {
        console.log(`Upgrading from ${previousImplName} to ${newImplName}`)
        if (postUpgrade && postUpgrade.method && postUpgrade.args) {
          const upgradeData = getInitializerData(await ethers.getContractFactory(newImplName), postUpgrade.args, postUpgrade.method)
          await proxyAdminContract.upgradeAndCall(proxy.address, newImpl.address, upgradeData)
        } else await proxyAdminContract.upgrade(proxy.address, newImpl.address)
      } else throw new Error(`Proxy is actually pointing on: ${actualImpl}`)
  return proxy

extendEnvironment(hre => {
  hre.myPlugin = {

Verwendungszweck :

module.exports = async ({ getNamedAccounts, myPlugin }) => {
  const { deployer } = await getNamedAccounts()
  // This will deploy the "Contract" with a proxy and  a proxyAdmin if it doesn't exist.
  const proxy = await myPlugin.deployOrUpgrade(
    { from: deployer, log: true },
      initializer: { method: "initialize", args: [] },
      // bellow attributes for upgrading
      postUpgrade: { method: "postUpgrade", args: [] }, // method to  exec after upgrade
      upgrades: ["ContractV2", "ContractV3"], // you should keep the list of upgrades and add the new one at  the last

Alle 2 Kommentare

Hallo @Remscar , das wäre auf jeden Fall toll.
In der Zwischenzeit habe ich ein "Workaround"-Plugin entwickelt, um dies zu tun, ich habe etwas Code aus der @openzeppelin/upgrade-core-Bibliothek kopiert.
Es ist ein bisschen hässlich, aber es kann die Arbeit erledigen (Verwendung auf eigene Gefahr).

Importieren Sie diese Datei (nach dem Importieren von hardhat-deploy ) in die hardhat-config.js :

const { extendEnvironment } = require("hardhat/config")
const AdminUpgradeabilityProxy = require("@openzeppelin/upgrades-core/artifacts/contracts/proxy/AdminUpgradeabilityProxy.sol/AdminUpgradeabilityProxy.json")
const ProxyAdmin = require("@openzeppelin/upgrades-core/artifacts/contracts/proxy/ProxyAdmin.sol/ProxyAdmin.json")
const { assertUpgradeSafe, getVersion, getUnlinkedBytecode } = require("@openzeppelin/upgrades-core")
const { readValidations } = require("@openzeppelin/hardhat-upgrades/dist/validations")

const getSigner = async address => {
  const signers = await hre.ethers.getSigners()
  return signers.find(signer => signer.address === address)

const getInitializerData = (ImplFactory, args = [], initializer) => {
  if (initializer === false) {
    return "0x"
  const allowNoInitialization = initializer === undefined && args.length === 0
  initializer = initializer ?? "initialize"
  try {
    const fragment = ImplFactory.interface.getFunction(initializer)
    return ImplFactory.interface.encodeFunctionData(fragment, args)
  } catch (e) {
    if (e instanceof Error) {
      if (allowNoInitialization && e.message.includes("no matching function")) {
        return "0x"
    throw e

const deployProxyAdmin = async (owner) => {
  const { deployments } = hre
  const { deploy } = deployments
  return await deploy("ProxyAdmin", {
    contract: ProxyAdmin,
    from: owner,
    log: true,

const deployOrUpgrade = async (firstImplName, opts, { initializer, postUpgrade, upgrades }) => {
  const { deployments } = hre
  const { deploy } = deployments
  let proxyAdmin
  try {
    proxyAdmin = await deployments.get("ProxyAdmin")
  } catch (error) {
    proxyAdmin = await deployProxyAdmin(opts.from)
  const proxyName = `${firstImplName}Proxy`
  const firstImpl = await deploy(firstImplName, opts)
  const initData = getInitializerData(
    await ethers.getContractFactory(firstImplName),
    initializer && initializer.args ? initializer.args : [],
    initializer ? initializer.method : false
  const proxy = await deploy(proxyName, {
    contract: AdminUpgradeabilityProxy,
    from: opts.from,
    log: true,
    args: [firstImpl.address, proxyAdmin.address, initData],

  if (upgrades && upgrades.length > 0) {
    let previousImplName, newImplName
    if (upgrades.length === 1) {
      previousImplName = firstImplName
      newImplName = upgrades[0]
    } else {
      newImplName = upgrades.pop()
      previousImplName = upgrades.pop()
      for (oldUpgrade in upgrades) {
        // unsure previous upgrades exists
        await deployments.get(upgrades[oldUpgrade])
    if (previousImplName === newImplName) throw new Error("Same implementation, can't upgrade.")
    const newImplFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory(newImplName)
    const validations = await readValidations(hre)
    const unlinkedBytecode = getUnlinkedBytecode(validations, newImplFactory.bytecode)
    const version = getVersion(unlinkedBytecode, newImplFactory.bytecode)
    assertUpgradeSafe(validations, version, {
      unsafeAllowCustomTypes: false,
      unsafeAllowLinkedLibraries: false,

    const signer = await getSigner(opts.from)
    const proxyAdminContract = await ethers.getContractAt(proxyAdmin.abi, proxyAdmin.address, signer)
    const previousImpl = await deployments.get(previousImplName)
    const actualImpl = await proxyAdminContract.getProxyImplementation(proxy.address)
    const newImpl = await deploy(newImplName, {
      from: opts.from,
      log: true,
    if (newImpl.newlyDeployed)
      if (actualImpl == previousImpl.address) {
        console.log(`Upgrading from ${previousImplName} to ${newImplName}`)
        if (postUpgrade && postUpgrade.method && postUpgrade.args) {
          const upgradeData = getInitializerData(await ethers.getContractFactory(newImplName), postUpgrade.args, postUpgrade.method)
          await proxyAdminContract.upgradeAndCall(proxy.address, newImpl.address, upgradeData)
        } else await proxyAdminContract.upgrade(proxy.address, newImpl.address)
      } else throw new Error(`Proxy is actually pointing on: ${actualImpl}`)
  return proxy

extendEnvironment(hre => {
  hre.myPlugin = {

Verwendungszweck :

module.exports = async ({ getNamedAccounts, myPlugin }) => {
  const { deployer } = await getNamedAccounts()
  // This will deploy the "Contract" with a proxy and  a proxyAdmin if it doesn't exist.
  const proxy = await myPlugin.deployOrUpgrade(
    { from: deployer, log: true },
      initializer: { method: "initialize", args: [] },
      // bellow attributes for upgrading
      postUpgrade: { method: "postUpgrade", args: [] }, // method to  exec after upgrade
      upgrades: ["ContractV2", "ContractV3"], // you should keep the list of upgrades and add the new one at  the last

Es gibt jetzt eine integrierte Möglichkeit, Openzeppelin Transparent Proxy zu verwenden. Ich werde dieses Thema schließen

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