Django-bootstrap3: Add tests to PyPI sdist

Created on 27 Oct 2020  ·  7Comments  ·  Source: zostera/django-bootstrap3

Distros need to run tests before promoting packages, and this is especially important here. Without tests in the PyPI sdist, we need to fetch the tarball from github, and then we need to rely on poetry to build the package. While poetry is a pretty decent tool for development, it is a lot more cumbersome and error prone than using raw setuptools.

As you are already releasing wheels on PyPI, adding tests to the sdist wont impact most users who will be fetching the wheels via pip, but it will make packagers lives a bit easier.


If that link stops working, you can see my initial packaging at , where I use a few sed commands to sanitise the pyproject.toml, and then use @dephell to convert the pyproject.toml to , so that the GitHub tarball build can be done using the same toolchain as if it was a PyPI released sdist. We have only recently got poetry working on openSUSE Tumbleweed (we had to bootstrap it using dephell until recently), and it hasnt been released as part of any openSUSE release.
You can see how few distros are actually keeping up with poetry releases at , and a few more appear on (poetry now depends on poetry-core, so discrepancies in those lists suggests those distros are not keeping up with poetry releases).

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poetry is great for use within development projects. Probably the best in my experience, at least from a usability & simplicity perspective. I'll try to get it to emit the tests into the sdist.

All 7 comments

Please at least move to poetry-core as build backend.

Maybe I should just get rid of poetry. Too much magic?

poetry(-core) is a valid PEP517 backend and nothing should stop you to use it.

The fact that you are publishing a poetry generated in the sdist is actually enough:

Please just include the tests into the sdist (but make sure that setuptools does not install them as package, when install is called. I do not know how to achieve this, maybe this is related:

Thanks @bnavigator. I'm considering reverting the choice for poetry because I feel uncomfortable not understanding everything that it does (not) do.

poetry is great for use within development projects. Probably the best in my experience, at least from a usability & simplicity perspective. I'll try to get it to emit the tests into the sdist.

Thanks @dyve . No need to push out a new release - @bnavigator has already got the current version packaged for openSUSE. We'll take advantage of this for the next release.

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