Ember.js: Cleanup eager URLs after abort

Created on 22 Jul 2014  ·  28Comments  ·  Source: emberjs/ember.js

Eager URL updates are nice when everything manages to abort or transition in the same runloop. But aborts & transitions can happen in subsequent run loops, and in that case we leave the application in a broken state.

In the abort case, you end up with a URL that doesn't reflect your real current state. The next time the user hits the back button, nothing happens.

In the redirect case, you break the back button by leaving an intermediate state in the user's history, which will often just redirect them back again.

I discussed this with @machty and we agreed it would be good to work on this. Most likely the router can keep track of eager URL pushes and unwind them with history.back() or similar when an abort happens.

Bug Inactive Needs Submitter Response

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This was fixed by https://github.com/tildeio/router.js/pull/197 (in 2.10.0-beta.3+).

Demo against v2.10.0-beta.3: http://emberjs.jsbin.com/yeqisuh/1

All 28 comments

I agree with this issue. I'm seeing it now, even if I do an transition.abort() in the willTransition hook of the route. The URL reflects the page that it would have gone to if the transition wasn't aborted.


@ef4 I'd love for you to take a stab at this if you have the inclination; lemme know your interest/availability

I can work on this, but probably not right away.

:+1: ran in to this when following the willTransition sample code in the API docs. The URL is changed even though abort was called.

I've got the same problem. I created a jsbin recreating it for the curious: http://emberjs.jsbin.com/tijebi/1

@ef4 still planning to look at this?

Sorry, it's low on my priority list of late.

For the record, I've just experienced the same issue

We're getting rid of eager URLs, closing in favor if #9919

Just in case if someone still have this problem and requires a solution _right now_:

// app/routes/your-route.js

export default Ember.Route.extend({
    // ...
    actions: {
        willTransition(transition) {
            var model = this.controller.get('model');
            if (
                model.get('hasDirtyAttributes') && 
                !confirm("You're going to discard all unsaved changes. Are you sure?")
            ) {

                // Custom revert of Back button result
                var oldURL = this.router.generate(this.routeName, model);
                var newURL = this.router.location.getURL();
                if (oldURL != newURL) {
            } else {
                return true;

I don't like to use this.router.location methods directly but it's like the only way to do this right now (to handle _all types of locations_)

I just updated my jsbin from last year to the 1.13.4 and this issue still exists: http://emberjs.jsbin.com/lohekasuhu/edit?html,css,js

I can confirm that this is still an issue with 1.13.11 as well.

Calling abort() on a transition in afterModel results in the URL being updated and the application getting into a broken state.

Subsequent transitionToRoute calls failed to correctly update the route, and the above workaround no longer works as router.location doesn't have getURL and setURL methods.

I updated @bcardarella's [jsbin to 2.5.0]. Still happening.

This was fixed by https://github.com/tildeio/router.js/pull/197 (in 2.10.0-beta.3+).

Demo against v2.10.0-beta.3: http://emberjs.jsbin.com/yeqisuh/1

@rwjblue I'm not sure this is fixed for the abort case yet. I'm seeing this issue in ember 2.12.0. When I transition to a route which is aborted in the model hook the url reflects the state of the application as if the transition was not aborted. Are others still experiencing this behavior of transition#abort?

@kanderek Yes, I just came across this behaviour. I'm on 2.11.3 though.

with ember 2.14, the issue still seems to be present

Experiencing this issue with 2.11.3

Currently using this ugly workaround I found on stackoverflow

//right after an aborted transition
if (window.history) {

Please dont shame me for that ^


I'm still seeing this issue! I'm on 2.12.2

Can someone provide a failing example for this?

@wagenet here is an example using Ember 3.1.1:

@SirZach @adamreisnz @bcardarella @bschouwerwou @btecu @cibernox @dkorenblyum @ef4 @kanderek @kanongil @kottenator @machty @mutewinter @pixelhandler @rafael-paiva @rwjblue @stefanpenner @wagenet @woprandi is this still an issue, perhaps we should close or create a new reproduction of this, what do you think?

@btecu could you update your example to Ember 3.5 ?

+1 Running into this now as well (i think). In our case we transition into a page, then go back using window.history.go(-1) - it seems to just continue loading the current page (completing transition etc and loading rest of async content) which takes a while, then eventually makes the transition back. The url updates immediately though. Possibly because we use the history api directly?

Just experienced this with 3.9.1

This issue is muddled because the original bug definitely did get fixed. We don't do eager URL updates anymore. I'm going to close because there's a lot of irrelevant history here.

@miguelcobain if you can please share your reproduction on 3.9.1 as a new issue, that will help it get proper attention.

This was the top result when I searched for this issue that still seems to be a thing, so I thought I'd paste an updated snippet with a workaround for anyone who stumbles across this (please let me know if there is an actual solution that I'm not aware of):

  @service router

  willTransition(transition) {
    if (!transition.to.find(route => route.name === this.routeName) && !confirm('confirm?')) {
      let oldURL = this.router.currentURL;
      let newURL = this.router.location.getURL();
      if (oldURL != newURL) {
    return true;

This is a simplified version of the suggestion @kottenator gave above (https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/issues/5210#issuecomment-122033542).

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