Faraday: Wait until CodeClimate supports SimpleCov 0.18+, then re-add badge & code coverage collection

Created on 1 Apr 2020  ·  5Comments  ·  Source: lostisland/faraday

Basic Info

  • Faraday Version: master
  • Ruby Version: 2.6

Issue description

Our reporting of code coverage to Codeclimate always fails. That's due to them not supporting the 0.18+ format of SimpleCov output (branch coverage etc).

I recognized the error output in the codeclimate reporter's 2nd step: a Go failure to parse the newer SimpleCov format.

Error: json: cannot unmarshal object into Go struct field input.coverage of type []formatters.NullInt
  cc-test-reporter after-build [flags]

~Proposal: Downgrade simplecov to a codeclimate-supported version, and keep a code comment there to remind us of that.~

Proposal, update: Disable coverage reporting and badge until Codeclimate supports all of SimpleCov. This Issue can be kept open as a tracking issue for this.

Steps to reproduce

See this GH Actions failure: https://github.com/lostisland/faraday/runs/543272466?check_suite_focus=true#step:9:8

When CI runs past that step, only in Ruby 2.6 that program is run. Exit code is 255 on failure, and the output looks like the above.

All 5 comments

Thinking harder about this, I kind of want not to have CodeClimate's Go program hold SimpleCov back. I will opt to remove their coverage badge from the README instead. We can put the badge back when they support SimpleCov 0.18+.

Reporter issue here:

https://github.com/colszowka/simplecov/releases have a lot of action going on.

With any such removal would come "drop the CI stuff that transmits the coverage data as well".

Indeed we should not downgrade SimpleCov just because it's not supported by CodeClimate's test-reporter. Agree with disabling the test-reporter until a fix is pushed

We've removed codeclimate, closing this

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