Faraday: URI validation fails when it contains reserved characters

Created on 4 Dec 2020  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: lostisland/faraday

Basic Info

  • Faraday Version: 1.1.0
  • Ruby Version: 2.7.1

Issue description

One of the service providers I'm using has URLs like this: https://service.com/service:search. This is how we setup Faraday:

class Provider::Client
 delegate :post, :patch, :delete, :put, to: :client

 def client
  Faraday.new(url: 'https://service.com/') do |faraday|
    faraday.headers = headers.merge(content_type: content_type)
    faraday.response(:json, content_type: CONTENT_TYPE)
    faraday.basic_auth(USER, PASSWORD)

and when I invoke it

data = Provider::Client.post(
  "service:search?limit=#{LIMIT}&offset=#{offset}", search_params

but when I do this with the URL in question, I get this:

URI::InvalidURIError: query conflicts with opaque
from /Users/luiz/.rbenv/versions/2.7.1/lib/ruby/2.7.0/uri/generic.rb:832:in `query='

I assume it was something related to net/http adapter since it is the default adapter so I did the same call manually

require "uri"
require "net/http"

url = URI("https://service.com/service:search?limit=50&offset=400")

https = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port);
https.use_ssl = true
request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(url)
request["Accept"] = "custom_header"
request["Authorization"] = "Basic xxx="
request["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
request.body = "long_json"
response = https.request(request)

puts response.read_body

and this actually works so I suspect that something in Faraday is validating this URL in a different way than net/http

bug good first issue

Most helpful comment

@luizkowalski perfect, yes that's exactly what I meant with

This however doesn't work in all cases as you may need to append a relative path to the base which can't start with /.

As faraday assumes the provided URL is absolute if it starts with / and removed the path provided to the base.
Glad you already found the workaround, but this should still be fixed properly so that workaround is not necessary anymore

All 3 comments

Hi @luizkowalski, the exception is coming from URI and is raised in the first lines of the query= method:

def query=(v)
  return @query = nil unless v
  raise InvalidURIError, "query conflicts with opaque" if @opaque

Faraday does some internal magic on the request url by splitting and recombining it to help with some common transformations, and I presume at some point it may cause the @opaque to be set thanks to the presence of the : in the URL.
I've traced the issue down to this line: https://github.com/lostisland/faraday/blob/c26df87b8653db4f270e3bcdc7a15bcdd2dd5cae/lib/faraday/connection.rb#L525
Using your example code, base would be #<URI::HTTPS https://service.com/> and url would be service:search?limit=50&offset=400.
Now, interestingly enough, if the second parameter of the + method for URI contains a :, it seems like the result is quite unexpected!

2.7.1 > url
 => "service:search?limit=50&offset=400" 
2.7.1 > base
 => #<URI::HTTPS https://service.com/> 
2.7.1 > base + url
 => #<URI::Generic service:search?limit=50&offset=400>

For some reason, the base is removed and only the url is left.
The fix is quite easy in this case, it's enough to just prepend a / to the url and things work as expected:

data = Provider::Client.post(
  "/service:search?limit=#{LIMIT}&offset=#{offset}", search_params

This however doesn't work in all cases as you may need to append a relative path to the base which can't start with /.
Please give this a try by prepending the / and let me know if that works, but I'll leave this issue open to have a look and find a possible way to fix that line of code in Faraday so that it works in this case.
If you want to give it a try yourself I'd happily review a PR 😃

@iMacTia it worked now. The base URL is: https://service.com/api. When I added the / to service:search I got an error and noticed that the /api was gone from the base URL so I added /api/service:search and now it's fine

@luizkowalski perfect, yes that's exactly what I meant with

This however doesn't work in all cases as you may need to append a relative path to the base which can't start with /.

As faraday assumes the provided URL is absolute if it starts with / and removed the path provided to the base.
Glad you already found the workaround, but this should still be fixed properly so that workaround is not necessary anymore

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