Freecodecamp: Typo in "HTML5 and CSS: Use Hex Code for Specific Colors"

Created on 25 Feb 2017  ·  15Comments  ·  Source: freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp

"Like decimals, the symbols 0-9 represents values zero to nine."

It should be "...symbols 0-9 represent values...", right?

Otherwise, congratulations for the tremendous work on the site.
This is very helpful.

first timers only help wanted

Most helpful comment

@Greenheart You're welcome.
It's the least I can do to show some gratefulness.

Yes, your alternative sounds even better.

All 15 comments

@eti8 Thanks for reporting this!

Don't worry about the bot - we haven't taught it proper manners yet... :smile:

I think an alternative might be "...symbols 0-9 represent the values...". What do you think?

@Greenheart You're welcome.
It's the least I can do to show some gratefulness.

Yes, your alternative sounds even better.

First-timers only:
Here's the line to change per @Greenheart's recommendation:

Please follow the guidelines in the Contributing document

@eti8 As you reported it, would you like to make an open source contribution and fix this? Me and other contributors would be happy to guide you through the process! :smile:

See the links @dhcodes posted above for more info.

Can I contribute on this ?

@orvi2014 Thanks for asking! :blush: If @eti8 doesn't want it, I'll ping you.

Meanwhile, see if you can find any issue you find interesting and mention me (@Greenheart) and I will help you get started :blush:

@Greenheart Yes, sure I'd be delighted to.

I'll go over the free series:
then the contribution guidelines
and come back to you when I'm ready.

Thanks for being available for guidance, I really appreciate it.

Hi Guys, I am not seeing that issue. Has this one been resolved?

@Greenheart I went through the videos and over some of the guidelines.
I won't be able to contribute to this issue and fix it anytime soon.
Please feel free to assign/ping it to someone else (@orvi2014 or @bagzy or others).

Once trained and ready, I'll get back later this year to contribute to another issue/typo, I might spot as I'll progress through the tutorials.

Meanwhile, my best wishes to all, for their work and efforts.

It looks like someone has fixed this, changing represents to represent as was initially suggested.

@XXiphias the change now incorporates the change with "the" to make it "represents the values..."

Whoever picks this might as well change the proceeding sentence as it is very similar to this issue.

- Then A,B,C,D,E,F represent values ten to fifteen.
+ Then A,B,C,D,E,F represent the values ten to fifteen.

@eti8 You're welcome whenever you're ready! We'll be around in the Contributors chat room if you want to get in touch in the future.

Thanks, and happy coding! :)

Hi. Is this still open? It's my first time. I'm trying to get the modification @erictleung suggested (line 3124) done.


@homerrowsky yes, this is still open. Someone worked on it but referenced their own fork of the project rather than this main repository.

If this isn't done by later tonight I'll go ahead and work on this if that's alright. Nevermind, @erictleung handled it.

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