Freecodecamp: Are updates to "Install and Require Helmet" challenge needed?

Created on 15 Sep 2020  ·  4Comments  ·  Source: freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp


  1. Does this challenge need instructions on how to actually install the specified version? On if you search for a package it will just give you the latest version.

  2. If you run npm i [email protected] it will add the package with the caret ^ in front of the version number but the test does not allow for that. Should the test allow for the caret?

help wanted learn projects-backend

All 4 comments

If changing the tests to allow ^ does not cause any of the versioning issues mentioned previously, then we should go with that. Otherwise, we could add a note that the camper should use --save-exact: npm install --save-exact [email protected]

Just bringing this back up: Are we changing the tests, or changing the instructions to be explicit about the versioning?

Personally, I'd say both.

Show the npm command for how to install a specific package version and make the test ignore/accept the caret.

@lasjorg I like that. This kind of lesson is so short, I also think it would be useful to add the information about --save-exact.

I am going to open this up for general help

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