Githawk: Can’t search forks

Created on 8 Oct 2018  ·  20Comments  ·  Source: GitHawkApp/GitHawk

And also I cannot some find my own repos.

Bug Report Dump (Auto-generated)

Version 1.22.0 (1534395229)
Device: iPhone 5s (iOS 11.4.1)
TestFlight: false

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I was able to get my forked repo just by entering Rizwankce/ fork:true so there is no difference between Github search and Githawk. But it's tricky to remember all search keywords.

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All 20 comments

@mvrozanti try searching mvrozanti/ (with the slash)

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I did

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Without the st. Just mvrozanti/. I searched and got a lot of results . If your searching for a specific repo you’ll have to write it out completely.

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I also tried searching for mvrozanti/ and while it did return many results, st, for instance did not show up.

It is a fork though. Does it not count as a repository belonging to the user who forked it?

@mvrozanti ya that should show up like anything else. Is it a private repo?

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It is not.

Neither is “dotty” for you @mvrozanti and I can’t see Huddie/GitHawk which I forked.
@rnystrom forks seem to be missing

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Could be something with the search API or query that doesn't show fork results? That would be really strange...

Actually, some "self-owned" (not fork) repos are missing as well. Example: rastreamento-correios

Maybe it's my iOS version? Pardon my ignorance it's an old phone.

I’m on iOS 12 and missing. Also doesn’t seem like that would be it

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Looks like GitHub search will ignore fork repos by default. If we want to see the forked repos we have to specify that in search query like fork:true or we can even search only for forked repos by fork:only.

Checkout more on Searching for Repositories

I also fired up GraphQl Explorer to check and was able to get forked repos as like mentioned in docs.

query {
  search(query: "fork:true rizwankce/", type: REPOSITORY, first: 100) {
    edges {
      node {
        ... on Repository {

That still wouldn’t explain non-forks not appearing as well though

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@mvrozanti I was able to get that as well in search. GitHawk Upload by rizwankce

We can compare the search with github search and cross verify it.

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I was able to get my forked repo just by entering Rizwankce/ fork:true so there is no difference between Github search and Githawk. But it's tricky to remember all search keywords.

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@rizwankce ok rastreamento-correios is actually there, my bad; I thought I didn’t see it

Adding fork:true worked

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But this should be either added by default or we need a filter option. Users shouldn’t have to know to add /fork:true.

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Maybe only disable or unfilter if they want? Should this be a setting?

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🤷‍♂️I feel people’s expectations are that forks appear

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Let’s default to include forks

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