Grafana: Compile issues related to pkg/tsdb/mysql and pkg/api

Created on 1 May 2017  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: grafana/grafana

The compilation stops with an error related to pkg/tsdb/mysql/mysql.go:

~/go/src/ olaf$ go run build.go setup
Version: 4.3.0-pre1, Linux Version: 4.3.0, Package Iteration: 1493673134pre1
go get -v
go install -v ./pkg/cmd/grafana-server
pkg/tsdb/mysql/mysql.go:156: rows.ColumnTypes undefined (type *core.Rows has no field or method ColumnTypes)
pkg/tsdb/mysql/mysql.go:182: undefined: sql.ColumnType
pkg/api/http_server.go:59: undefined: http.ErrServerClosed
pkg/api/http_server.go:65: undefined: http.ErrServerClosed
pkg/api/http_server.go:90: hs.httpSrv.Shutdown undefined (type *http.Server has no field or method Shutdown)
exit status 2
exit status 1
needs more info typbuild-packaging typquestion

Most helpful comment

Grafana requires Go 1.8.1 -> for that mysql column types feature which we are using for the new mysql data source.

All 3 comments

Any clues on how to reproduce this. (It works on my machine :smiley: )

  • What OS are you running on?
  • Are you running the latest master?
  • Did it work before?

Sorry, I thought I attached the uname command.

I'm using OmniOS/illumos r151020 (current stable).
Go 1.7.1.

Go worked with influxdb, the compile environment seems good.
I was never able to get to this point before because first Grafana depended on govendor that was unable to compile. Solved that one, I had to manually update log15 (shipped with Grafana but very old).

I'm going step by step with my limited knowledge in my quest of a Grafana/illumos compilation.

Grafana requires Go 1.8.1 -> for that mysql column types feature which we are using for the new mysql data source.

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