Hacktoberfest-participants: 🎃 Hacktoberfest Community - Add yourself to the list

Created on 4 Oct 2020  ·  7Comments  ·  Source: iamdarshshah/hacktoberfest-participants

Hello Everyone! 👋

Wanna see yourself in the 🎃 Hacktoberfest 2020 participants list?

Create a PR and add your details to it by following the documentation.

For your information:

Create new file under src/contributors/ with name [YOUR-GITHUB-USERNAME].json
    "name": "REQUIRED PARAMETER", 
    "github": "REQUIRED PARAMETER",
    "twitter": "OPTIONAL PARAMETER", 
    "linkedin": "OPTIONAL PARAMETER"

_Don't forget to ⭐ the repo. This will help us to make this project visible enough to reach a wider audience._

NOTE: Any PR that doesn't follow the format (as mentioned here) will not be considered as valid.

Thanks, Take out some time and raise a PR for adding yourself to it. And ⭐ the repo

We do follow the latest Hacktoberfest guidelines.

Disclaimer: This website is a fan and community made creation. It is not affiliated with Hacktoberfest
Also, do share your views with us. You can always open a new issue for reporting bugs or adding new features.

help wanted good first issue hacktoberfest

Most helpful comment

57 Check my PR

All 7 comments

57 Check my PR

@iamdarshshah please review #60

added myself to the list please review #98

Added :)


Hi please review #172 :) #Hactoberfest2020

Please review pull request #175.
Thank you #Hacktoberfest2020

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