Helm: Error: incompatible versions client[v2.9.1] server[v2.8.2]

Created on 28 Aug 2018  ·  10Comments  ·  Source: helm/helm

Output of helm version: client - v2.9.1, server v2.8.2

Output of kubectl version: client :- v1.11.2, server:- v1.9.7
Cloud Provider/Platform (AKS, GKE, Minikube etc.): AKS

when I am trying with helm ls --tiller-namespace=<namespace> getting error like Error: incompatible versions client[v2.9.1] server[v2.8.2]. I am a mac book user (installed via brew) and not sure how to downgrade my client version of helm since could not get much help onto it through online. Kindly advise.


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@ajindal3 I was having the same issue as you:

$ helm list
Error: incompatible versions client[v2.10.0] server[v2.9.1]

I hadn't previously installed client[v2.9.1] and thus couldn't just brew switch as suggested by @bacongobbler nor did the SO answer linked above have a solution for that situation. I ended up having to follow the steps in a different answer on that SO question: https://stackoverflow.com/a/17757092/2356383

Which basically says

Then I ran the following once I had the url for the correct kubernetes-helm.rb file

$ brew unlink kubernetes-helm
$ brew install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/78d64252f30a12b6f4b3ce29686ab5e262eea812/Formula/kubernetes-helm.rb
$ brew switch kubernetes-helm 2.9.1

Hope this helps someone.

All 10 comments

@ajindal3 with homebrew, you can downgrade to a previously installed version of helm via brew switch, or you can upgrade tiller to v2.9.1 via helm init --upgrade. Homebrew is a "rolling release" upgrade model in that you cannot install a specific version at a certain point in time without forking the formula or homebrew formula repository and checking out an older version of the formula.

I left a long explanation for why we don't currently do this on #4549.

this is also a dupe of https://github.com/helm/helm/issues/1523, so closing this. Thanks @technosophos for the detailed response!

I can see that issue has been closed but I am still struggling to find the brew formula to install a specific helm version i.e., 2.8.2. Since when I do brew install kubernetes-helm, by default it installs the latest version and I don't know how to downgrade my local helm version.

Also, I don't have permission to upgrade tiller.

If you're having trouble with Homebrew, older releases of Helm are available on the releases page. Specifically, Helm 2.8.2 can be found here, and the instructions are available in the documentation.

@ajindal3 I was having the same issue as you:

$ helm list
Error: incompatible versions client[v2.10.0] server[v2.9.1]

I hadn't previously installed client[v2.9.1] and thus couldn't just brew switch as suggested by @bacongobbler nor did the SO answer linked above have a solution for that situation. I ended up having to follow the steps in a different answer on that SO question: https://stackoverflow.com/a/17757092/2356383

Which basically says

Then I ran the following once I had the url for the correct kubernetes-helm.rb file

$ brew unlink kubernetes-helm
$ brew install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/78d64252f30a12b6f4b3ce29686ab5e262eea812/Formula/kubernetes-helm.rb
$ brew switch kubernetes-helm 2.9.1

Hope this helps someone.

@ahaurat you are the real MVP

In case is anyone ends up on this ticket after searching and wants a better solution than Homebrew to manage Helm installations I recently came across asdf which has a helm plugin. asdf will let you install and switch between any version of Helm. It will even let you create a .tool-versions file in a directory so that the Helm version used in that tree will be different from the global version.

Why doesn't this just work like brew install [email protected] or whatever target version you desire? Is this an issue with homebrew, or helm or _____ ?

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