Html5-boilerplate: Celebrate 10 Years!

Created on 13 Apr 2020  ·  8Comments  ·  Source: h5bp/html5-boilerplate

OMG we're going to be 10 years old

We're working on a new release to coincide with this project turning ten years old, but beyond that I'd like to actually celebrate this thing a little bit and as part of that I'd love to get some thoughts/ anecdotes/praise/love letters to share when I write up the release. I'd obviously love to hear from the core folks past and present (👋 @paulirish @necolas @nimbupani @drublic @mathiasbynens @alrra ) but anyone else who's ever contributed or consumed the project is more than welcome to reach out. You can hit me up privately or just share your thoughts below.

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I was there when the pink highlight first appeared. AMA.

All 8 comments

Fantastic to see the template still being maintained after such a long time! Thanks for taking care @roblarsen and everyone else 💪

I was there when the pink highlight first appeared. AMA.

Fantastic to see the template still being maintained after such a long time! Thanks for taking care @roblarsen and everyone else muscle

Yup! So great :)

I was there when the pink highlight first appeared. AMA.

hotpink is still my default debug color 😄

That's great

much more grace for template maintenance. Thanks for this

I have been using this for quite some time and i love it thanks to all the past and present core developers.

Thanks everyone!

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