Doom-emacs: Mengembangkan adalah semacam benar-benar rusak.

Dibuat pada 19 Jun 2018  Β·  28Komentar  Β·  Sumber: hlissner/doom-emacs

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Istirahat pada dasarnya karena

Unable to find theme file for β€˜doom-one’
bug resolved

Semua 28 komentar

Maukah Anda memperluas "semacam benar-benar rusak"? Pesan kesalahan dan jejak balik akan sangat dihargai. Mungkin tautan ke konfigurasi Anda sendiri, jika ada di suatu tempat. Ada banyak perubahan baru-baru ini.

Jika Anda menjalankan emacs dalam mode debug dengan emacs --debug-init , itu akan menghasilkan pesan kesalahan yang lebih bermanfaat.

Ah, tidak melihat hasil edit Anda. Silakan jalankan bin/doom refresh (atau make ) dan lihat apakah itu memperbaiki masalah Anda.

@hlissner pada komit terbaru (ae6c3cacf2cc04b1fdaddfd941a142a94550b8bb) saya masih mendapatkan kesalahan yang sama:

./bin/doom refresh                            
Loading /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/early-init.el (source)...
Initializing modules
Doom core autoloads is up-to-date
Looking for orphaned packages...
Looking for packages to install...
No packages to install!
Doom package autoloads is up-to-date
Recompiled 0/1 file(s) (203 ignored)

Ini masih memberi saya:

Error in a Doom startup hook: doom|init-ui, (doom-hook-error doom|init-theme (error "Unable to find theme file for β€˜doom-one’"))

Konfigurasi saya saat ini ada di sini tetapi berfungsi dari komit sebelum refactoring, seperti yang disebutkan.

Tidak ada dalam konfigurasi Anda yang tampaknya salah, jadi bisakah Anda mencoba bin/doom autoloads sebagai gantinya? Ini akan memaksa regenerasi file autoloads, yang biasanya disalahkan ketika Emacs tidak dapat menemukan paket yang diinstal.

Itu memberikan kesalahan yang saya perhatikan dari komit ini dan seterusnya:

./bin/doom autoloads                 
Loading /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/early-init.el (source)...
Initializing modules
Deleted old autoloads.el
Generating new autoloads.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/ui.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/scratch.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/projects.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/packages.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/message.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/menu.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/memoize.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/help.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/files.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/editor.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/debug.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/cache.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/buffers.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/completion/company/autoload.el
⚠ Ignoring modules/completion/ivy/autoload/posframe.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/completion/ivy/autoload/ivy.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/completion/ivy/autoload/evil.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/config/default/autoload/evil.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/config/default/autoload/default.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/config/literate/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/emacs/electric/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/emacs/term/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/eval/autoload/settings.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/eval/autoload/repl.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/eval/autoload/evil.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/eval/autoload/eval.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/evil/autoload/folds.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/evil/autoload/files.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/evil/autoload/evil.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/evil/autoload/evil-mc.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/file-templates/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/lookup/autoload/lookup.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/lookup/autoload/evil.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/lookup/autoload/docsets.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/lookup/autoload/devdocs.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/snippets/autoload/snippets.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/snippets/autoload/settings.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/snippets/autoload/evil.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/syntax-checker/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/version-control/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/workspaces/autoload/workspaces.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/workspaces/autoload/evil.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/cc/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/emacs-lisp/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/latex/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/markdown/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/org/autoload/tables.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/org/autoload/org.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/org/autoload/org-present.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/org/autoload/org-link.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/org/autoload/org-capture.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/org/autoload/org-attach.el
⚠ Ignoring modules/lang/org/autoload/ipython.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/python/autoload.el
⚠ Ignoring modules/lang/python/autoload/conda.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/sh/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/web/autoload/html.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/web/autoload/evil.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/web/autoload/css.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/tools/magit/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/tools/rotate-text/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/ui/doom-dashboard/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/ui/doom-modeline/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/ui/fci/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/ui/hl-todo/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/ui/nav-flash/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/ui/neotree/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/ui/popup/autoload/settings.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/ui/popup/autoload/popup.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/ui/unicode/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/ui/vi-tilde-fringe/autoload.el
βœ“ Expanded module autoload paths
βœ“ Generated autodefs
βœ“ Clean up autoloads

Deleted old autoloads.pkg.el
Symbol’s value as variable is void: import

Kesalahannya kemudian:

Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading β€˜/home/haozeke/.emacs.d/init.el’:

: Your package autoloads are missing! Run β€˜bin/doom refresh’ to regenerate them

To ensure normal operation, you should investigate and remove the
cause of the error in your initialization file.  Start Emacs with
the β€˜--debug-init’ option to view a complete error backtrace.

Coba bin/doom --debug autoloads dan lihat apakah itu menghasilkan pesan kesalahan yang lebih bermanfaat.

Itu menghasilkan (memotong banyak pesan pemindaian yang berhasil):

βœ“ Expanded module autoload paths
βœ“ Generated autodefs
βœ“ Clean up autoloads

Compiling /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/.local/autoloads.el...
Compiling /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/.local/autoloads.el... (doom-project-expand)
Compiling /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/.local/autoloads.el... (doom/describe-setting)
Compiling /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/.local/autoloads.el... (doom/help)
Compiling /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/.local/autoloads.el... (doom-buffer-list)
Compiling /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/.local/autoloads.el... (other-popup)
Compiling /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/.local/autoloads.el... (set-email-account!)
Compiling /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/.local/autoloads.el... (set-eshell-alias!)
Compiling /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/.local/autoloads.el... (set-pretty-symbols!)
Compiling /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/.local/autoloads.el...done
Wrong type argument: symbolp, (closure ((p autoloads :desc "Regenerates Doom's autoloads file.

This file tells Emacs where to find your module's autoloaded functions and
plugins." :body #0) t) (args) (doom-reload-autoloads nil (quote force)))

Sangat aneh. Bisakah Anda menunjukkan kepada saya output dari bin/doom info .


bin/doom info                
Loading /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/early-init.el (source)...
Generating Doom info...
Initializing modules
- OS: gnu/linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
- Emacs: 26.1 (May 29, 2018)
- Doom: 2.0.9 (develop ae6c3cacf2cc04b1fdaddfd941a142a94550b8bb)
- Graphic display: nil (daemon: nil)
- Details:

elisp elc count: 0 uname -a: Linux myarchbox 4.16.16-1-ck-haswell #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jun 16 08:24:52 EDT 2018 x86_64 GNU/Linux modules: (:feature (evil +everywhere) file-templates (lookup +devdocs +docsets) snippets spellcheck (syntax-checker +childframe) version-control workspaces :completion (ivy +fuzzy) :ui doom-dashboard doom-modeline evil-goggles fci hl-todo nav-flash neotree (popup +all +defaults) unicode vi-tilde-fringe window-select :emacs ediff electric imenu term :tools magit pdf rotate-text :lang data emacs-lisp latex markdown (org +attach +babel +capture +export +present) python ruby sh web :config (default +bindings +snippets +evil-commands)) packages: n/a exec-path: (~/.zplug/bin ~/Git/Github/Dotfiles/Scripts ~/.node_modules/bin ~/.yarn/bin ~/.local/bin ~/bin /bin /usr/local/bin /usr/bin /usr/local/sbin /opt/cxoffice/bin /var/lib/flatpak/exports/bin /usr/lib/jvm/default/bin /usr/bin/site_perl /usr/bin/vendor_perl /usr/bin/core_perl ~/.rvm/bin ~/.local/bin/gitHelpers ~/.local/bin/droidHelpers ~/.local/bin/dockerHelpers ~/.local/bin/shellHelpers ~/.local/bin/fileHelpers ~/.local/bin/webHelpers ~/.local/bin/installHelpers ~/.cargo/bin ~/.go/bin ~/Git/Github/Linux/xmr-stak-cpu/bin /var/lib/snapd/snap/bin //home/haozeke/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/bin ~/LabWork/IITB/Icover /root/.gem/ruby/2.2.0/bin ~/Matlab/MATLAB_Production_Server/R2015a/bin ~/.gem/ruby/2.2.0/bin ~/.gem/ruby/2.3.0/bin /opt/schrodinger2016-2 ~/Git/Github/mylammps/src ~/Git/Github/espresso/build ~/Git/Github/Scripts/Build ~/Git/Github/Scripts/System ~/.local/g16 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2017a/bin /usr/local/MATLAB/R2017a/bin /usr/lib/emacs/26.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

Apakah ~/.emacs.d/.local/autoloads.el ada untuk Anda? Jika tidak, harap perbarui ke Doom terbaru (tekan saja beberapa menit yang lalu) dan aktifkan kesalahan lagi dan Doom akan menyimpan file autoload yang salah ke ~/.emacs.d/.local/autoloads.el.bak .

Tolong kirimkan file itu kepada saya (misalnya melalui pastebin).

Saya memiliki ~/.emacs.d/.local/autoloads.el dengan Doom terbaru... Namun saya tidak dapat menghasilkan file autoloads.el.bak ...

$ ./bin/doom autoloads     
Loading /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/early-init.el (source)...
Wrong type argument: stringp, nil
$ cd .local/ 
$ ls
:  autoloads.el  autoloads.elc  autoloads.pkg.el  autoloads.pkg.elc  cache  emacs-version.el  etc  packages

Menjalankan emacs masih membuat saya:

Error in a Doom startup hook: doom|init-ui, (doom-hook-error doom|init-theme (error "Unable to find theme file for β€˜doom-one’"))

Pada pengaturan Doom baru (menghapus .emacs.d sama sekali) saya mendapatkan:

$ make
Loading /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/early-init.el (source)...
Installing core packages
Importing package-keyring.gpg...
Importing package-keyring.gpg...done
Contacting host:
Contacting host:
Contacting host:
Contacting host:
Contacting host:
Contacting host:
Package refresh done
βœ“ Installed persistent-soft
βœ“ Installed use-package
βœ“ Installed quelpa
βœ“ Installed async
Installing core packages...done
Initializing modules
Generating new autoloads.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/ui.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/scratch.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/projects.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/packages.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/message.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/menu.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/memoize.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/help.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/files.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/editor.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/debug.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/cache.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/buffers.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/completion/company/autoload.el
⚠ Ignoring modules/completion/ivy/autoload/posframe.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/completion/ivy/autoload/ivy.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/completion/ivy/autoload/evil.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/config/default/autoload/evil.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/config/default/autoload/default.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/config/literate/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/emacs/electric/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/emacs/term/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/eval/autoload/settings.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/eval/autoload/repl.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/eval/autoload/evil.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/eval/autoload/eval.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/evil/autoload/folds.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/evil/autoload/files.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/evil/autoload/evil.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/evil/autoload/evil-mc.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/file-templates/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/lookup/autoload/lookup.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/lookup/autoload/evil.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/lookup/autoload/docsets.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/lookup/autoload/devdocs.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/snippets/autoload/snippets.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/snippets/autoload/settings.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/snippets/autoload/evil.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/syntax-checker/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/version-control/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/workspaces/autoload/workspaces.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/workspaces/autoload/evil.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/cc/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/emacs-lisp/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/latex/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/markdown/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/org/autoload/tables.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/org/autoload/org.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/org/autoload/org-present.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/org/autoload/org-link.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/org/autoload/org-capture.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/org/autoload/org-attach.el
⚠ Ignoring modules/lang/org/autoload/ipython.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/python/autoload.el
⚠ Ignoring modules/lang/python/autoload/conda.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/sh/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/web/autoload/html.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/web/autoload/evil.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/web/autoload/css.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/tools/magit/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/tools/rotate-text/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/ui/doom-dashboard/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/ui/doom-modeline/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/ui/fci/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/ui/hl-todo/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/ui/nav-flash/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/ui/neotree/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/ui/popup/autoload/settings.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/ui/popup/autoload/popup.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/ui/unicode/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/ui/vi-tilde-fringe/autoload.el
βœ“ Expanded module autoload paths
βœ“ Generated autodefs
βœ“ Clean up autoloads
Looking for orphaned packages...
Looking for packages to install...
22 packages will be installed:

+ ace-link (ELPA)
+ ace-window (ELPA)
+ all-the-icons (ELPA)
+ avy (ELPA)
+ buttercup (ELPA)
+ command-log-mode (ELPA)
+ dtrt-indent (ELPA)
+ esup (ELPA)
+ expand-region (ELPA)
+ helpful (ELPA)
+ hide-mode-line (ELPA)
+ highlight-indentation (ELPA)
+ highlight-numbers (ELPA)
+ hydra (ELPA)
+ pcre2el (ELPA)
+ projectile (ELPA)
+ rainbow-delimiters (ELPA)
+ restart-emacs (ELPA)
+ smartparens (ELPA)
+ undo-tree (ELPA)
+ visual-fill-column (ELPA)
+ which-key (ELPA)

Proceed? (y or n) y

Refreshing package archives
Importing package-keyring.gpg...
Importing package-keyring.gpg...done
Contacting host:
Contacting host:
Contacting host:
Contacting host:
Contacting host:
Package refresh done
Installing which-key
βœ“ DONE
Installing visual-fill-column
βœ“ DONE
Installing undo-tree
βœ“ DONE
Installing smartparens
βœ“ DONE
Installing restart-emacs
βœ“ DONE
Installing rainbow-delimiters
βœ“ DONE
Installing projectile
βœ“ DONE
Installing pcre2el
βœ“ DONE
Installing hydra
βœ“ DONE
Installing highlight-numbers
βœ“ DONE
Installing highlight-indentation
βœ“ DONE
Installing hide-mode-line
βœ“ DONE
Installing helpful
βœ“ DONE
Installing expand-region
βœ“ DONE
Installing esup
βœ“ DONE
Installing dtrt-indent
βœ“ DONE
Installing command-log-mode
βœ“ DONE
Installing buttercup
βœ“ DONE
Installing avy
βœ“ DONE
Installing all-the-icons
βœ“ DONE
Installing ace-window
βœ“ DONE
Installing ace-link
βœ“ DONE
βœ“ Cached package state
βœ“ Package autoloads included
βœ“ Removed load-path/auto-mode-alist entries
Error in a Doom startup hook: doom|init-ui, (doom-hook-error doom|init-theme (error "Unable to find theme file for β€˜doom-one’"))
make: *** [Makefile:5: all] Error 255

Namun pada dasarnya masalah yang sama saat menjalankan emacs sekarang saya mendapatkan:

Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading β€˜/home/haozeke/.emacs.d/init.el’:

Error in your private config: init, (file-missing Cannot open load file No such file or directory evil)

To ensure normal operation, you should investigate and remove the
cause of the error in your initialization file.  Start Emacs with
the β€˜--debug-init’ option to view a complete error backtrace.
Error in post-command-hook (doom|transient-hook--load-evil-collection): (file-missing "Cannot open load file" "No such file or directory" "evil-collection")

Masih tidak ada ~/.emacs.d/.local/autoloads.el.bak dengan instalasi baru juga..

Kesalahan saat mencoba menginstal paket lagi:

$ make install                                             
Loading /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/early-init.el (source)...
Initializing modules
Doom core autoloads is up-to-date
Looking for packages to install...
Symbol’s value as variable is void: import
make: *** [Makefile:25: install] Error 255

Rasanya seperti banyak hal yang rusak entah bagaimana:

$ /bin/doom -d install 
Debug mode on
Loading /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/early-init.el (source)...
Loading /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/core/autoload/packages.el (source)...
Loading /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/core/autoload/cache.el (source)...
Loading /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/core/autoload/debug.el (source)...
Loading /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/core/autoload/message.el (source)...
Initializing modules
Loading /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/modules/config/literate/init.el (source)...
Doom core autoloads is up-to-date
Looking for packages to install...
Wrong type argument: symbolp, (closure ((p install :desc "Installs requested plugins that aren't installed." :body #0) t) (args) (doom--do (quote doom-packages-install)))

Maaf, ada regresi. Saya baru saja mendorong perbaikan untuk kesalahan stringp . Harap perbarui dan coba sekali lagi.

Masih kesalahan yang sama dengan komit terbaru ..

$ make  
Loading /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/early-init.el (source)...
Initializing modules
Doom core autoloads is up-to-date
Looking for orphaned packages...
Looking for packages to install...
No packages to install!
Doom package autoloads is up-to-date
Error in a Doom startup hook: doom|init-ui, (doom-hook-error doom|init-theme (error "Unable to find theme file for β€˜doom-one’"))
make: *** [Makefile:5: all] Error 255

$ ./bin/doom -d install 
Debug mode on
Loading /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/early-init.el (source)...
Loading /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/core/autoload/packages.el (source)...
Loading /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/core/autoload/cache.el (source)...
Loading /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/core/autoload/debug.el (source)...
Loading /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/core/autoload/message.el (source)...
Initializing modules
Loading /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/modules/config/literate/init.el (source)...
Doom core autoloads is up-to-date
Looking for packages to install...
Wrong type argument: symbolp, (closure ((p install :desc "Installs requested plugins that aren't installed." :body #0) t) (args) (doom--do (quote doom-packages-install)))
./bin/doom -d autoloads       
Debug mode on
βœ“ Expanded module autoload paths
βœ“ Generated autodefs
βœ“ Clean up autoloads

Compiling /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/.local/autoloads.el...
Compiling /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/.local/autoloads.el... (doom-project-expand)
Compiling /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/.local/autoloads.el... (doom/describe-setting)
Compiling /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/.local/autoloads.el... (doom/help)
Compiling /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/.local/autoloads.el... (doom-buffer-list)
Compiling /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/.local/autoloads.el... (other-popup)
Compiling /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/.local/autoloads.el... (set-email-account!)
Compiling /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/.local/autoloads.el... (set-eshell-alias!)
Compiling /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/.local/autoloads.el... (set-pretty-symbols!)
Compiling /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/.local/autoloads.el...done
Deleted old autoloads.pkg.el
Wrong type argument: symbolp, (closure ((p autoloads :desc "Regenerates Doom's autoloads file.

This file tells Emacs where to find your module's autoloaded functions and
plugins." :body #0) t) (args) (doom-reload-autoloads nil (quote force)))

Emacs memberikan:

Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading β€˜/home/haozeke/.emacs.d/init.el’:

: Your package autoloads are missing! Run β€˜bin/doom refresh’ to regenerate them

To ensure normal operation, you should investigate and remove the
cause of the error in your initialization file.  Start Emacs with
the β€˜--debug-init’ option to view a complete error backtrace.

Akhirnya, bin/doom -d refresh memberikan:

Error in a Doom startup hook: doom|init-ui, (doom-hook-error doom|init-theme (error "Unable to find theme file for β€˜doom-one’"))

Juga, @hlissner , jangan minta maaf! Saya senang Anda meluangkan waktu untuk membantu saya agar ini berfungsi kembali.

Wrong type argument: symbolp, (closure ((p autoloads :desc "Regenerates Doom's autoloads file.

This file tells Emacs where to find your module's autoloaded functions and
plugins." :body #0) t) (args) (doom-reload-autoloads nil (quote force)))

Itu adalah kesalahan yang sangat aneh. Saya tidak dapat mereproduksinya, tetapi saya yakin itu adalah akar penyebab semua ini. Bisakah Anda menempelkan file autoloads.pkg.el (atau autoloads.pkg.el.bak ) Anda?

File ini bertanggung jawab untuk mengatur load-path dan custom-theme-load-path (antara lain), jadi jika gagal menghasilkan/menjalankan, wajar saja Emacs tidak dapat menemukan tema.

Tentu, itu telah diunggah di sini di hastebin .

Bisakah Anda mencoba perubahan ini, di core/core-dispatcher.el (baris 82) di makro dispatcher! :

         `((dolist (alias ',aliases)
             (map-put doom--dispatch-alias-alist alias ',cmd))))
       `((map-put doom--dispatch-command-alist ',cmd
                  (list :desc ,docstring
-                       :body (lambda (args) ,form))))))))
+                       :body '(lambda (args) ,form))))))))

 ;; Dispatch commands

Kemudian coba lagi bin/doom autoloads untuk melihat apakah itu memperbaiki masalah Anda?

Yup, sudah dicoba, tapi tidak ada perubahan. Masih mendapatkan

Deleted old autoloads.pkg.el
Symbol’s value as variable is void: import

Namun saya sekarang tidak mendapatkan .local/autoloads.pkg.el sama sekali..

$ cd .local && ls
autoloads.el  autoloads.elc  cache  emacs-version.el  etc  packages

Apakah Anda dapat menghasilkan kesalahan Symbol’s value as variable is void: import secara khusus ketika Anda menjalankan doom --debug autoloads . Jejak tumpukan untuk itu akan sangat membantu.

Jika tidak, periksa apakah autoloads.pkg.el ada. Jika tidak, periksa apakah autoloads.pkg.el.bak . Jika demikian, hastebin file itu ke saya.

Juga, jika Anda tidak mengetahuinya, kami memiliki server Discord . Mungkin yang terbaik kita melakukan proses ini secara real time.

Dengan doom --debug autoloads saya mendapatkan:

Compiling /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/.local/autoloads.el...done
Deleted old autoloads.pkg.el
Wrong type argument: symbolp, (closure ((p autoloads :desc "Regenerates Doom's autoloads file.

This file tells Emacs where to find your module's autoloaded functions and
plugins." :body #0) t) (args) (doom-reload-autoloads nil (quote force)))

Saya juga tidak lagi mendapatkan autoloads.pkg.el sama sekali, atau file .bak .

autoloads.el   cache             etc
autoloads.elc  emacs-version.el  packages

Saya bisa mendapatkan autoloads.pkg.el dengan menjalankan make .

File itu ada di sini .

Setelah banyak berburu, saya akhirnya memusatkan perhatian pada penyebab kesalahan penutupan simbol di 84756b3. Harap perbarui, lalu jalankan bin/doom refresh dan beri tahu saya jika itu menyelesaikan masalah Anda!

kesalahan baru..

Saat emacs dimulai:

Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading β€˜/home/haozeke/.emacs.d/init.el’:

: Your package autoloads are missing! Run β€˜bin/doom refresh’ to regenerate them

To ensure normal operation, you should investigate and remove the
cause of the error in your initialization file.  Start Emacs with
the β€˜--debug-init’ option to view a complete error backtrace.

Dari doom refresh

Initializing modules
Doom core autoloads is up-to-date
Looking for orphaned packages...
Looking for packages to install...
No packages to install!
Doom package autoloads is up-to-date


There was an unexpected error:
  Error in a Doom module (doom-module-error)
  (void-function evil-define-key*)

Run the command again with the -d (or --debug) option to enable debug
mode and, hopefully, generate a stack trace. If you decide to file a bug
report, please include it!

Emacs outputs to standard error, so you’ll need to redirect stderr to
stdout to pipe this to a file or clipboard!

  e.g. doom -d install 2>&1 | clipboard-program

Dari perintah yang disarankan:

 ./bin/doom -d install 2>&1                            
Debug mode on
Loading /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/core/autoload/packages.el (source)...
Loading /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/core/autoload/cache.el (source)...
Loading /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/core/autoload/debug.el (source)...
Loading /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/core/autoload/message.el (source)...
Initializing modules
Loading /home/haozeke/.emacs.d/modules/config/literate/init.el (source)...
Doom core autoloads is up-to-date
Looking for packages to install...

  load("/home/haozeke/.doom.d/packages.el" t t t)
  (condition-case e (load file noerror t t) ((debug error) (signal 'doom-package-error (list (or (doom-module-from-path file) '(:private . packages)) e))))
  (closure ((temp-buffer . #<buffer  *temp*>) (force-p) t) (file &optional noerror) (condition-case e (load file noerror t t) ((debug error) (signal 'doom-package-error (list (or (doom-module-from-path file) '(:private . packages)) e)))))("/home/haozeke/.doom.d/packages.el" t)
  funcall((closure ((temp-buffer . #<buffer  *temp*>) (force-p) t) (file &optional noerror) (condition-case e (load file noerror t t) ((debug error) (signal 'doom-package-error (list (or (doom-module-from-path file) '(:private . packages)) e))))) "/home/haozeke/.doom.d/packages.el" t)
  (let ((private-packages (expand-file-name "packages.el" doom-private-dir))) (funcall --cl-_load-- private-packages t) (let* ((path nil)) (maphash (function (lambda (key --cl-var--) (setq path (doom-module-path (car key) (cdr key) "packages.el")) (let ((doom--current-module key)) (funcall --cl-_load-- path t)))) doom-modules) nil) (funcall --cl-_load-- private-packages t))
  (let ((doom-modules (doom-modules)) (doom--stage 'packages) (noninteractive t)) (setq doom-packages nil) (funcall --cl-_load-- (expand-file-name "packages.el" doom-core-dir)) (let ((private-packages (expand-file-name "packages.el" doom-private-dir))) (funcall --cl-_load-- private-packages t) (let* ((path nil)) (maphash (function (lambda (key --cl-var--) (setq path (doom-module-path (car key) (cdr key) "packages.el")) (let ((doom--current-module key)) (funcall --cl-_load-- path t)))) doom-modules) nil) (funcall --cl-_load-- private-packages t)))
  (progn (let ((doom-modules (doom-modules)) (doom--stage 'packages) (noninteractive t)) (setq doom-packages nil) (funcall --cl-_load-- (expand-file-name "packages.el" doom-core-dir)) (let ((private-packages (expand-file-name "packages.el" doom-private-dir))) (funcall --cl-_load-- private-packages t) (let* ((path nil)) (maphash (function (lambda (key --cl-var--) (setq path (doom-module-path (car key) (cdr key) "packages.el")) (let ((doom--current-module key)) (funcall --cl-_load-- path t)))) doom-modules) nil) (funcall --cl-_load-- private-packages t))))
  (let* ((--cl-_load-- (function (lambda (file &optional noerror) (condition-case e (load file noerror t t) ((debug error) (signal 'doom-package-error (list (or (doom-module-from-path file) '(:private . packages)) e)))))))) (progn (let ((doom-modules (doom-modules)) (doom--stage 'packages) (noninteractive t)) (setq doom-packages nil) (funcall --cl-_load-- (expand-file-name "packages.el" doom-core-dir)) (let ((private-packages (expand-file-name "packages.el" doom-private-dir))) (funcall --cl-_load-- private-packages t) (let* ((path nil)) (maphash (function (lambda (key --cl-var--) (setq path (doom-module-path (car key) (cdr key) "packages.el")) (let ((doom--current-module key)) (funcall --cl-_load-- path t)))) doom-modules) nil) (funcall --cl-_load-- private-packages t)))))
  (progn (let* ((--cl-_load-- (function (lambda (file &optional noerror) (condition-case e (load file noerror t t) ((debug error) (signal 'doom-package-error (list (or (doom-module-from-path file) '(:private . packages)) e)))))))) (progn (let ((doom-modules (doom-modules)) (doom--stage 'packages) (noninteractive t)) (setq doom-packages nil) (funcall --cl-_load-- (expand-file-name "packages.el" doom-core-dir)) (let ((private-packages (expand-file-name "packages.el" doom-private-dir))) (funcall --cl-_load-- private-packages t) (let* ((path nil)) (maphash (function (lambda (key --cl-var--) (setq path (doom-module-path (car key) (cdr key) "packages.el")) (let ((doom--current-module key)) (funcall --cl-_load-- path t)))) doom-modules) nil) (funcall --cl-_load-- private-packages t))))))
  (if (or force-p (not doom-packages)) (progn (let* ((--cl-_load-- (function (lambda (file &optional noerror) (condition-case e (load file noerror t t) ((debug error) (signal 'doom-package-error (list (or (doom-module-from-path file) '(:private . packages)) e)))))))) (progn (let ((doom-modules (doom-modules)) (doom--stage 'packages) (noninteractive t)) (setq doom-packages nil) (funcall --cl-_load-- (expand-file-name "packages.el" doom-core-dir)) (let ((private-packages (expand-file-name "packages.el" doom-private-dir))) (funcall --cl-_load-- private-packages t) (let* ((path nil)) (maphash (function (lambda (key --cl-var--) (setq path (doom-module-path (car key) (cdr key) "packages.el")) (let ((doom--current-module key)) (funcall --cl-_load-- path t)))) doom-modules) nil) (funcall --cl-_load-- private-packages t)))))))
  (let ((load-prefer-newer t)) (if (eq force-p 'internal) nil (if (or force-p (not (and (boundp 'package-alist) package-alist))) (progn (setq load-path (cons doom-core-dir doom-site-load-path)) (doom-ensure-packages-initialized 'force))) (if (or force-p (not (and (boundp 'quelpa-cache) quelpa-cache))) (progn (if (featurep 'quelpa) nil (load (locate-library "quelpa.el") nil t t)) (setq quelpa-initialized-p nil) (or (quelpa-setup-p) (error "Could not initialize quelpa"))))) (if (or force-p (not doom-packages)) (progn (let* ((--cl-_load-- (function (lambda (file &optional noerror) (condition-case e (load file noerror t t) ((debug error) (signal 'doom-package-error (list (or (doom-module-from-path file) '(:private . packages)) e)))))))) (progn (let ((doom-modules (doom-modules)) (doom--stage 'packages) (noninteractive t)) (setq doom-packages nil) (funcall --cl-_load-- (expand-file-name "packages.el" doom-core-dir)) (let ((private-packages (expand-file-name "packages.el" doom-private-dir))) (funcall --cl-_load-- private-packages t) (let* ((path nil)) (maphash (function (lambda (key --cl-var--) (setq path (doom-module-path (car key) (cdr key) "packages.el")) (let ((doom--current-module key)) (funcall --cl-_load-- path t)))) doom-modules) nil) (funcall --cl-_load-- private-packages t))))))))
  (progn (let ((load-prefer-newer t)) (if (eq force-p 'internal) nil (if (or force-p (not (and (boundp 'package-alist) package-alist))) (progn (setq load-path (cons doom-core-dir doom-site-load-path)) (doom-ensure-packages-initialized 'force))) (if (or force-p (not (and (boundp 'quelpa-cache) quelpa-cache))) (progn (if (featurep 'quelpa) nil (load (locate-library "quelpa.el") nil t t)) (setq quelpa-initialized-p nil) (or (quelpa-setup-p) (error "Could not initialize quelpa"))))) (if (or force-p (not doom-packages)) (progn (let* ((--cl-_load-- (function (lambda (file &optional noerror) (condition-case e (load file noerror t t) ((debug error) (signal 'doom-package-error (list (or (doom-module-from-path file) '(:private . packages)) e)))))))) (progn (let ((doom-modules (doom-modules)) (doom--stage 'packages) (noninteractive t)) (setq doom-packages nil) (funcall --cl-_load-- (expand-file-name "packages.el" doom-core-dir)) (let ((private-packages (expand-file-name "packages.el" doom-private-dir))) (funcall --cl-_load-- private-packages t) (let* ((path nil)) (maphash (function (lambda (key --cl-var--) (setq path (doom-module-path (car key) (cdr key) "packages.el")) (let ((doom--current-module key)) (funcall --cl-_load-- path t)))) doom-modules) nil) (funcall --cl-_load-- private-packages t)))))))))
  (unwind-protect (progn (let ((load-prefer-newer t)) (if (eq force-p 'internal) nil (if (or force-p (not (and (boundp 'package-alist) package-alist))) (progn (setq load-path (cons doom-core-dir doom-site-load-path)) (doom-ensure-packages-initialized 'force))) (if (or force-p (not (and (boundp 'quelpa-cache) quelpa-cache))) (progn (if (featurep 'quelpa) nil (load (locate-library "quelpa.el") nil t t)) (setq quelpa-initialized-p nil) (or (quelpa-setup-p) (error "Could not initialize quelpa"))))) (if (or force-p (not doom-packages)) (progn (let* ((--cl-_load-- (function (lambda (file &optional noerror) (condition-case e (load file noerror t t) ((debug error) (signal 'doom-package-error (list (or (doom-module-from-path file) '(:private . packages)) e)))))))) (progn (let ((doom-modules (doom-modules)) (doom--stage 'packages) (noninteractive t)) (setq doom-packages nil) (funcall --cl-_load-- (expand-file-name "packages.el" doom-core-dir)) (let ((private-packages (expand-file-name "packages.el" doom-private-dir))) (funcall --cl-_load-- private-packages t) (let* ((path nil)) (maphash (function (lambda (key --cl-var--) (setq path (doom-module-path (car key) (cdr key) "packages.el")) (let ((doom--current-module key)) (funcall --cl-_load-- path t)))) doom-modules) nil) (funcall --cl-_load-- private-packages t))))))))) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer temp-buffer)))
  (save-current-buffer (set-buffer temp-buffer) (unwind-protect (progn (let ((load-prefer-newer t)) (if (eq force-p 'internal) nil (if (or force-p (not (and (boundp 'package-alist) package-alist))) (progn (setq load-path (cons doom-core-dir doom-site-load-path)) (doom-ensure-packages-initialized 'force))) (if (or force-p (not (and (boundp 'quelpa-cache) quelpa-cache))) (progn (if (featurep 'quelpa) nil (load (locate-library "quelpa.el") nil t t)) (setq quelpa-initialized-p nil) (or (quelpa-setup-p) (error "Could not initialize quelpa"))))) (if (or force-p (not doom-packages)) (progn (let* ((--cl-_load-- (function (lambda (file &optional noerror) (condition-case e (load file noerror t t) ((debug error) (signal 'doom-package-error (list (or (doom-module-from-path file) '(:private . packages)) e)))))))) (progn (let ((doom-modules (doom-modules)) (doom--stage 'packages) (noninteractive t)) (setq doom-packages nil) (funcall --cl-_load-- (expand-file-name "packages.el" doom-core-dir)) (let ((private-packages (expand-file-name "packages.el" doom-private-dir))) (funcall --cl-_load-- private-packages t) (let* ((path nil)) (maphash (function (lambda (key --cl-var--) (setq path (doom-module-path (car key) (cdr key) "packages.el")) (let ((doom--current-module key)) (funcall --cl-_load-- path t)))) doom-modules) nil) (funcall --cl-_load-- private-packages t))))))))) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer temp-buffer))))
  (let ((temp-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *temp*"))) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer temp-buffer) (unwind-protect (progn (let ((load-prefer-newer t)) (if (eq force-p 'internal) nil (if (or force-p (not (and (boundp 'package-alist) package-alist))) (progn (setq load-path (cons doom-core-dir doom-site-load-path)) (doom-ensure-packages-initialized 'force))) (if (or force-p (not (and (boundp 'quelpa-cache) quelpa-cache))) (progn (if (featurep 'quelpa) nil (load (locate-library "quelpa.el") nil t t)) (setq quelpa-initialized-p nil) (or (quelpa-setup-p) (error "Could not initialize quelpa"))))) (if (or force-p (not doom-packages)) (progn (let* ((--cl-_load-- (function (lambda (file &optional noerror) (condition-case e (load file noerror t t) ((debug error) (signal 'doom-package-error (list (or (doom-module-from-path file) '(:private . packages)) e)))))))) (progn (let ((doom-modules (doom-modules)) (doom--stage 'packages) (noninteractive t)) (setq doom-packages nil) (funcall --cl-_load-- (expand-file-name "packages.el" doom-core-dir)) (let ((private-packages (expand-file-name "packages.el" doom-private-dir))) (funcall --cl-_load-- private-packages t) (let* ((path nil)) (maphash (function (lambda (key --cl-var--) (setq path (doom-module-path (car key) (cdr key) "packages.el")) (let ((doom--current-module key)) (funcall --cl-_load-- path t)))) doom-modules) nil) (funcall --cl-_load-- private-packages t))))))))) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer temp-buffer)))))
  (reverse (doom-get-missing-packages))
  (let ((packages (reverse (doom-get-missing-packages)))) (cond ((not packages) (print! (green "No packages to install!")) nil) ((not (or auto-accept-p (y-or-n-p (format "%s packages will be installed:\n\n%s\n\nProceed?" (length packages) (mapconcat (function (lambda (pkg) (format "+ %s (%s)" (car pkg) (cond ((doom-package-different-recipe-p (car pkg)) "new recipe") ((doom-package-different-backend-p (car pkg)) (if (plist-get (cdr pkg) :recipe) "ELPA->QUELPA" "QUELPA->ELPA")) ((plist-get (cdr pkg) :recipe) "QUELPA") ("ELPA"))))) (cl-sort (cl-copy-list packages) (function string-lessp) :key (function car)) "\n"))))) (error "Aborted!")) ((let (success) (doom-refresh-packages-maybe doom-debug-mode) (let ((--dolist-tail-- packages)) (while --dolist-tail-- (let ((pkg (car --dolist-tail--))) (print! "Installing %s" (car pkg)) (condition-case ex (progn (let ((result (or (and (package-installed-p (car pkg)) (not (doom-package-different-backend-p (car pkg))) (not (doom-package-different-recipe-p (car pkg))) 'already-installed) (and (doom-install-package (car pkg) (cdr pkg)) (setq success t) 'success) 'failure)) (pin-label (and (plist-member (cdr pkg) :pin) (format " [pinned: %s]" (plist-get (cdr pkg) :pin))))) (print! "%s%s" (cond ((eq result 'already-installed) (dark (white "⚠ ALREADY INSTALLED"))) ((eq result 'success) (green "βœ“ DONE")) ((eq result 'failure) (red "βœ• FAILED")) (t nil)) (or pin-label "")))) ((debug quote user-error) (print! (bold (red "  NOTICE: %s" ex)))) ((debug quote file-error) (print! (bold (red "  FILE ERROR: %s" (error-message-string ex)))) (print! "  Trying again...") (if doom-debug-mode (progn (doom-refresh-packages-maybe t)) (let ((old-fn (symbol-function 'write-region))) (let ((standard-output (function (lambda (&rest _))))) (let* ((vnew (function (lambda (file) (load file nil t)))) (old (symbol-function 'load-file))) (unwind-protect (progn (fset 'load-file vnew) (let* ((vnew (function (lambda (&rest _)))) (old (symbol-function 'message))) (unwind-protect (progn (fset 'message vnew) (let* ((vnew (function (lambda (start end filename &optional append visit lockname mustbenew) (if visit nil (setq visit 'no-message)) (funcall old-fn start end filename append visit lockname mustbenew)))) (old (symbol-function 'write-region))) (unwind-protect (progn (fset 'write-region vnew) (let ((inhibit-message t)) (let ((save-silently t)) (doom-refresh-packages-maybe t)))) (fset 'write-region old)))) (fset 'message old)))) (fset 'load-file old)))))) (let ((result (or (and (package-installed-p (car pkg)) (not (doom-package-different-backend-p (car pkg))) (not (doom-package-different-recipe-p (car pkg))) 'already-installed) (and (doom-install-package (car pkg) (cdr pkg)) (setq success t) 'success) 'failure)) (pin-label (and (plist-member (cdr pkg) :pin) (format " [pinned: %s]" (plist-get (cdr pkg) :pin))))) (print! "%s%s" (cond ((eq result 'already-installed) (dark (white "⚠ ALREADY INSTALLED"))) ((eq result 'success) (green "βœ“ DONE")) ((eq result 'failure) (red "βœ• FAILED")) (t nil)) (or pin-label ""))))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))) (print! (bold (green "Finished!"))) (if success (progn (set-file-times doom-packages-dir) (doom-delete-autoloads-file doom-package-autoload-file))) success))))
  funcall(doom-packages-install nil)
  (if (funcall fn doom-auto-accept) (progn (doom-reload-package-autoloads)))
  (closure ((p install :desc "Installs requested plugins that aren't installed." :body #0) t) (args) (doom--do 'doom-packages-install))(nil)
  funcall((closure ((p install :desc "Installs requested plugins that aren't installed." :body #1) t) (args) (doom--do 'doom-packages-install)) nil)
  (if help (apply (function doom--dispatch-help) command desc (cdr args)) (funcall body (cdr args)))
  (progn (let ((--cl-keys-- --cl-rest--)) (while --cl-keys-- (cond ((memq (car --cl-keys--) '(:desc :body :allow-other-keys)) (setq --cl-keys-- (cdr (cdr --cl-keys--)))) ((car (cdr (memq ':allow-other-keys --cl-rest--))) (setq --cl-keys-- nil)) (t (error "Keyword argument %s not one of (:desc :body)" (car --cl-keys--)))))) (if help (apply (function doom--dispatch-help) command desc (cdr args)) (funcall body (cdr args))))
  (let* ((--cl-rest-- (let ((sym (intern (car args)))) (or (assq sym doom--dispatch-command-alist) (assq (cdr (assq sym doom--dispatch-alias-alist)) doom--dispatch-command-alist) (error "Invalid command: %s" (car args))))) (command (if --cl-rest-- (car-safe (prog1 --cl-rest-- (setq --cl-rest-- (cdr --cl-rest--)))) (signal 'wrong-number-of-arguments (list nil (length --cl-rest--))))) (desc (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':desc)))) (body (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':body))))) (progn (let ((--cl-keys-- --cl-rest--)) (while --cl-keys-- (cond ((memq (car --cl-keys--) '(:desc :body :allow-other-keys)) (setq --cl-keys-- (cdr (cdr --cl-keys--)))) ((car (cdr (memq ':allow-other-keys --cl-rest--))) (setq --cl-keys-- nil)) (t (error "Keyword argument %s not one of (:desc :body)" (car --cl-keys--)))))) (if help (apply (function doom--dispatch-help) command desc (cdr args)) (funcall body (cdr args)))))
  (let ((help (equal (car args) "help"))) (if help (car-safe (prog1 args (setq args (cdr args))))) (let* ((--cl-rest-- (let ((sym (intern (car args)))) (or (assq sym doom--dispatch-command-alist) (assq (cdr (assq sym doom--dispatch-alias-alist)) doom--dispatch-command-alist) (error "Invalid command: %s" (car args))))) (command (if --cl-rest-- (car-safe (prog1 --cl-rest-- (setq --cl-rest-- (cdr --cl-rest--)))) (signal 'wrong-number-of-arguments (list nil (length --cl-rest--))))) (desc (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':desc)))) (body (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':body))))) (progn (let ((--cl-keys-- --cl-rest--)) (while --cl-keys-- (cond ((memq (car --cl-keys--) '(:desc :body :allow-other-keys)) (setq --cl-keys-- (cdr (cdr --cl-keys--)))) ((car (cdr (memq ':allow-other-keys --cl-rest--))) (setq --cl-keys-- nil)) (t (error "Keyword argument %s not one of (:desc :body)" (car --cl-keys--)))))) (if help (apply (function doom--dispatch-help) command desc (cdr args)) (funcall body (cdr args))))))
  (condition-case e (doom-dispatch args) ((debug error) (message "--------------------------------------------------\n") (message "There was an unexpected error:") (message "  %s (%s)" (get (car e) 'error-message) (car e)) (let ((--dolist-tail-- (cdr e)) item) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq item (car --dolist-tail--)) (message "  %s" item) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--)))) (if debug-on-error nil (message (concat "\nRun the command again with the -d (or --debug) option to enable debug\n" "mode and, hopefully, generate a stack trace. If you decide to file a bug\n" "report, please include it!\n\n" "Emacs outputs to standard error, so you'll need to redirect stderr to\n" "stdout to pipe this to a file or clipboard!\n\n" "  e.g. doom -d install 2>&1 | clipboard-program")))))
  (let ((default-directory emacs-dir)) (setq argv nil noninteractive 'doom) (condition-case e (doom-dispatch args) ((debug error) (message "--------------------------------------------------\n") (message "There was an unexpected error:") (message "  %s (%s)" (get (car e) 'error-message) (car e)) (let ((--dolist-tail-- (cdr e)) item) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq item (car --dolist-tail--)) (message "  %s" item) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--)))) (if debug-on-error nil (message (concat "\nRun the command again with the -d (or --debug) option to enable debug\n" "mode and, hopefully, generate a stack trace. If you decide to file a bug\n" "report, please include it!\n\n" "Emacs outputs to standard error, so you'll need to redirect stderr to\n" "stdout to pipe this to a file or clipboard!\n\n" "  e.g. doom -d install 2>&1 | clipboard-program"))))))
  (cond ((not noninteractive) (doom|run-all-startup-hooks)) ((and (not (cdr args)) (member (car args) '("help" "h"))) (usage)) ((not args) (usage) (message "") (error "No command detected, aborting!")) ((let ((default-directory emacs-dir)) (setq argv nil noninteractive 'doom) (condition-case e (doom-dispatch args) ((debug error) (message "--------------------------------------------------\n") (message "There was an unexpected error:") (message "  %s (%s)" (get (car e) 'error-message) (car e)) (let ((--dolist-tail-- (cdr e)) item) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq item (car --dolist-tail--)) (message "  %s" item) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--)))) (if debug-on-error nil (message (concat "\nRun the command again with the -d (or --debug) option to enable debug\n" "mode and, hopefully, generate a stack trace. If you decide to file a bug\n" "report, please include it!\n\n" "Emacs outputs to standard error, so you'll need to redirect stderr to\n" "stdout to pipe this to a file or clipboard!\n\n" "  e.g. doom -d install 2>&1 | clipboard-program"))))))))
  (let ((args (cdr (cdr (cdr command-line-args)))) (emacs-dir (or (getenv "EMACSDIR") (expand-file-name "../" (file-name-directory load-file-name))))) (while (condition-case nil (progn (string-prefix-p "-" (car args))) (error nil)) (let* ((val (car-safe (prog1 args (setq args (cdr args)))))) (cond ((member val '("--help" "-h")) (error "Did you mean 'doom help'?")) ((member val '("--debug" "-d")) (setq doom-debug-mode t) (setenv "DEBUG" "1") (message "Debug mode on")) ((member val '("--insecure" "-i")) (setenv "INSECURE" "1") (message "Insecure mode on")) ((member val '("--private" "-p")) (setq doom-private-dir (expand-file-name (concat (car-safe (prog1 args (setq args (cdr args)))) "/"))) (or (file-directory-p doom-private-dir) (error "%s does not exist" doom-private-dir)) (setenv "DOOMDIR" doom-private-dir) (message "DOOMDIR changed to %s" doom-private-dir)) ((member val '("--emacsd" "-e")) (setq emacs-dir (expand-file-name (concat (car-safe (prog1 args (setq args (cdr args)))) "/"))) (message "Emacs directory changed to %s" emacs-dir)) ((member val '("--yes" "-y")) (setq doom-auto-accept t) (setenv "YES" "1") (message "Auto-yes mode on")) (t nil)))) (or (file-directory-p emacs-dir) (error "%s does not exist" emacs-dir)) (load (expand-file-name "init" emacs-dir) nil 'nomessage) (cond ((not noninteractive) (doom|run-all-startup-hooks)) ((and (not (cdr args)) (member (car args) '("help" "h"))) (usage)) ((not args) (usage) (message "") (error "No command detected, aborting!")) ((let ((default-directory emacs-dir)) (setq argv nil noninteractive 'doom) (condition-case e (doom-dispatch args) ((debug error) (message "--------------------------------------------------\n") (message "There was an unexpected error:") (message "  %s (%s)" (get (car e) 'error-message) (car e)) (let ((--dolist-tail-- (cdr e)) item) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq item (car --dolist-tail--)) (message "  %s" item) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--)))) (if debug-on-error nil (message (concat "\nRun the command again with the -d (or --debug) option to enable debug\n" "mode and, hopefully, generate a stack trace. If you decide to file a bug\n" "report, please include it!\n\n" "Emacs outputs to standard error, so you'll need to redirect stderr to\n" "stdout to pipe this to a file or clipboard!\n\n" "  e.g. doom -d install 2>&1 | clipboard-program")))))))))
  eval-buffer(#<buffer  *load*> nil "/home/haozeke/.emacs.d/bin/doom" nil t)  ; Reading at buffer position 4693
  load-with-code-conversion("/home/haozeke/.emacs.d/bin/doom" "/home/haozeke/.emacs.d/bin/doom" nil t)
  load("/home/haozeke/.emacs.d/bin/doom" nil t t)
  command-line-1(("-scriptload" "./bin/doom" "--" "-d" "install"))
$ ./bin/doom autoloads                          
Initializing modules
Deleted old autoloads.el
Generating new autoloads.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/ui.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/scratch.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/projects.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/packages.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/message.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/menu.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/memoize.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/help.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/files.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/editor.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/debug.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/cache.el
βœ“ Scanned core/autoload/buffers.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/completion/company/autoload.el
⚠ Ignoring modules/completion/ivy/autoload/posframe.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/completion/ivy/autoload/ivy.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/completion/ivy/autoload/evil.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/config/default/autoload/evil.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/config/default/autoload/default.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/config/literate/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/emacs/electric/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/emacs/term/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/eval/autoload/settings.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/eval/autoload/repl.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/eval/autoload/evil.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/eval/autoload/eval.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/evil/autoload/folds.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/evil/autoload/files.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/evil/autoload/evil.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/evil/autoload/evil-mc.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/file-templates/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/lookup/autoload/lookup.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/lookup/autoload/evil.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/lookup/autoload/docsets.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/lookup/autoload/devdocs.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/snippets/autoload/snippets.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/snippets/autoload/settings.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/snippets/autoload/evil.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/syntax-checker/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/version-control/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/workspaces/autoload/workspaces.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/feature/workspaces/autoload/evil.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/cc/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/emacs-lisp/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/latex/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/markdown/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/org/autoload/tables.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/org/autoload/org.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/org/autoload/org-present.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/org/autoload/org-link.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/org/autoload/org-capture.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/org/autoload/org-attach.el
⚠ Ignoring modules/lang/org/autoload/ipython.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/python/autoload.el
⚠ Ignoring modules/lang/python/autoload/conda.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/sh/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/web/autoload/html.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/web/autoload/evil.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/lang/web/autoload/css.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/tools/magit/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/tools/rotate-text/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/ui/doom-dashboard/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/ui/doom-modeline/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/ui/fci/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/ui/hl-todo/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/ui/nav-flash/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/ui/neotree/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/ui/popup/autoload/settings.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/ui/popup/autoload/popup.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/ui/unicode/autoload.el
βœ“ Scanned modules/ui/vi-tilde-fringe/autoload.el
βœ“ Expanded module autoload paths
βœ“ Generated autodefs
βœ“ Clean up autoloads

Deleted old autoloads.pkg.el

There was an unexpected error:
  Error with packages (doom-package-error)
  (:private . packages)
  (void-variable import)

Run the command again with the -d (or --debug) option to enable debug
mode and, hopefully, generate a stack trace. If you decide to file a bug
report, please include it!

Emacs outputs to standard error, so you’ll need to redirect stderr to
stdout to pipe this to a file or clipboard!

  e.g. doom -d install 2>&1 | clipboard-program

Akhirnya, dari make saya mendapatkan autoloads.pkg.el tergesa-gesa di sini .

Saya akan pindah ke server perselisihan untuk melanjutkan ini.

Mungkin coba hapus .emacs.d dan instal ulang doom?

@ar1a selesai sebelum setiap laporan bug baru.. :)

Terima kasih atas kerja kerasnya!

Apa solusinya?

@ ar1a Ada tiga masalah terpisah:

Wrong type argument: symbolp, (closure ((p autoloads :desc "Regenerates Doom's autoloads file.

This file tells Emacs where to find your module's autoloaded functions and
plugins." :body #0) t) (args) (doom-reload-autoloads nil (quote force)))

Yang diperbaiki di 84756b3, disebabkan oleh fungsi saran yang tidak memiliki pemeriksaan tipe.

There was an unexpected error:
  Error with packages (doom-package-error)
  (:private . packages)
  (void-variable import)

Disebabkan oleh beberapa pernyataan impor python yang menyelinap ke ~/.doom.d/packages.el miliknya.

Unable to find theme file for β€˜doom-one’

Disebabkan oleh file autoloads-nya tidak sepenuhnya dihasilkan saat menjalankan bin/doom autoloads . Memperbaiki dua masalah lainnya memperbaiki yang satu ini.

Disebabkan oleh beberapa pernyataan impor python yang menyelinap ke ~/.doom.d/packages.el-nya.

terlalu nyata, hehe. kita semua pernah ke sana.

Apakah halaman ini membantu?
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