React-native-onesignal: Pengetikan TypeScript

Dibuat pada 3 Apr 2018  ·  23Komentar  ·  Sumber: OneSignal/react-native-onesignal

Hai teman-teman, pekerjaan yang luar biasa, dapatkah Anda menambahkan dukungan TypeScript?

Saya sedang mengerjakan proyek menggunakan TypeScript, tetapi Anda belum mendukungnya :(

Enhancement / Feature

Komentar yang paling membantu

Halo @DavidNorena

Anda dapat menambahkan pengetikan ini ke proyek Anda secara manual:

declare module 'react-native-onesignal' {

    enum InFocusDisplayOption {
        none = 0,
        inAppAlert = 1,
        notification = 2

    enum LogLevel {
        None = 0,
        Fatal = 1,
        Errors = 2,
        Warnings = 3,
        Info = 4,
        Debug = 5,
        Verbose = 6

    type oneSignalEvents = 'received' | 'opened' | 'ids';

    interface Settings {
        kOSSettingsKeyAutoPrompt: boolean,
        kOSSettingsKeyInAppLaunchURL: boolean,
        kOSSSettingsKeyPromptBeforeOpeningPushURL: boolean,
        kOSSettingsKeyInFocusDisplayOption: InFocusDisplayOption

    interface PushData {
        notificationID: string,
        contentAvailable: boolean,
        badge?: number,
        sound: string,
        title: string,
        body: string,
        launchURL?: string,
        additionalData?: object,
        p2p_notification?: Array<any>

    interface OpenResult {
        notification: {
            payload: PushData,
            isAppInFocus: boolean

    interface Permissions {
        alert: boolean,
        badge: boolean,
        sound: boolean

     * shown If the notification was displayed to the user or not
     * payload the push data
     * displayType The display method of a received notification
     * silentNotification Wether the received notification was a silent one
    interface ReceivedNotification {
        shown: boolean,
        payload: PushData,
        displayType: InFocusDisplayOption,
        silentNotification: boolean

    export default class OneSignal {
         * Initialize Onesignal
         * <strong i="8">@param</strong> {string} appId Your app id you can get from OneSignal control panel.
         * <strong i="9">@param</strong> {"react-native-onesignal".Settings} settings (Optional) Settings for ios.
        public static init(appId: string, settings?: Settings): void;

         * Undocumented function.
        public static Configure( undocumentedParam1?: any, undocumentedParam2?: any) : void;

         * You can set tag for user with this function.
         * <strong i="10">@param</strong> {string} key Tag name you want to add to user.
         * <strong i="11">@param</strong> {string} value Tag value
        public static sendTag(key: string, value: string): void;

         * You can set multiple tags for user with this function.
         * <strong i="12">@param</strong> {object} tags Tags you want to set. Sample: {key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2'}
        public static sendTags(tags: object): void;

         * Getting the tags from the server and use the received object
         * <strong i="13">@param</strong> {Function} handler You can read tags from this parameter.
        public static getTags(handler: (receivedTags: any) => {}): void;

         * Allows you to check whether notifications are enabled for the app, whether user is subscribed to notifications through OneSignal, and what the user's in-app subscription preference is. It also provides access to pushToken and userId
         * <strong i="14">@param</strong> {Function} handler Handler function you can read subscription status from first parameter.
        public static getPermissionSubscriptionState(handler: (status: any) => {}): void;

         * You can delete tag from user with this function.
         * <strong i="15">@param</strong> {string} key Tag name you want to delete from user.
        public static deleteTag(key: string): void;

         * OneSignal now allows you to send emails to your userbase. This email can be set using the OneSignal react-native SDK.
         * <strong i="16">@param</strong> {string} email User's email address.
         * <strong i="17">@param</strong> {string} emailAuthCode Email auth code should be securely generated by your backend server
         * <strong i="18">@param</strong> {Function} callback Handler function for error if it occurred
        public static setEmail(email: string, emailAuthCode: string, callback: (error?: any) => {}): void;

         * If you don't want to implement email auth hashing on your backend (which is heavily recommended), you can still use the OneSignal email feature in an unauthenticated state with this function.
         * <strong i="19">@param</strong> {string} email User's email address.
         * <strong i="20">@param</strong> {Function} callback Handler function for error if it occurred
        public static setEmail(email: string, callback: (error?: any) => {}): void;

         * If your application implements logout functionality, you can logout of the OneSignal email for this user using the logout function.
         * <strong i="21">@param</strong> {Function} callback Handler function for error if it occurred
        public static logoutEmail(callback: (error?: any) => {}): void;

         * You can call this from your UI from a button press for example to give your user's options for your notifications. By default OneSignal always vibrates the device when a notification is displayed unless the device is in a total silent mode. Passing false means that the device will only vibrate lightly when the device is in it's vibrate only mode.
         * <strong i="22">@param</strong> {boolean} setTo New value you want to set.
        public static enableVibrate(setTo: boolean): void;

         * You can call this from your UI from a button press for example to give your user's options for your notifications. By default OneSignal plays the system's default notification sound when the device's notification system volume is turned on. Passing false means that the device will only vibrate unless the device is set to a total silent mode.
         * <strong i="23">@param</strong> {boolean} setTo New value you want to set.
        public static enableSound(setTo: boolean): void;

         * You can call this method with false to opt users out of receiving all notifications through OneSignal. You can pass true later to opt users back into notifications
         * <strong i="24">@param</strong> {boolean} setTo New value you want to set.
        public static setSubscription(setTo: boolean): void;

         * Promts location permission to user.
        public static promptLocation(): void;

         * Removes all OneSignal notifications from the Notification Shade.
        public static clearOneSignalNotifications(): void;

         * Disable or enable location collection (defaults to enabled if your app has location permission).
         * <strong i="25">@param</strong> {boolean} setTo New value you want to set.
        public static setLocationShared(setTo: boolean): void;

         * Prompts the user for location permissions. This allows for geotagging so you can send notifications to users based on location.
         * Note: Make sure you also have the required location permission in your AndroidManifest.xml. For iOS, make sure you set the NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription or the NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription in your info.plist. (Location Always also requires the location background mode capability)
         * <strong i="26">@param</strong> {"react-native-onesignal".InFocusDisplayOption} setTo New value you want to set.
        public static inFocusDisplaying(setTo: InFocusDisplayOption): void;

         * P2P notification
         * <strong i="27">@param</strong> {object} contents Sample: { en: 'English Message', tr: 'Türkçe Mesaj' }
         * <strong i="28">@param</strong> {Array<any>} data Some array for payload
         * <strong i="29">@param</strong> {string} playerId OneSignal Player Id you want to send message to.
         * <strong i="30">@param</strong> {object} otherParameters Sample: {"ios_attachments" : {"image1" : "{image_url}"}}
        public static postNotification(contents: object, data: Array<any>, playerId: string, otherParameters?: object): void;

         * Cancels a single OneSignal notification based on its Android notification integer id. You can get the notification Id when invoking OneSignal.onNotificationOpened while receiving a notification.
         * <strong i="31">@param</strong> {string} notificationId Notification id you want to cancel.
        public static cancelNotification( notificationId: string ): void;

         * See what push permissions are currently enabled. callback will be invoked with a permissions object (currently supported only on iOS).
         * <strong i="32">@param</strong> {Function} callback Callback function you can read the permissions from first parameter.
        public static checkPermissions( callback: (permissions: any) => {}): void;

         * Requests Push Notification Permissions (iOS Only)
         * <strong i="33">@param</strong> {"react-native-onesignal".Permissions} permissions Permissions you want to ask.
        public static requestPermissions( permissions: Permissions ): void;

         * Call when you want to prompt the user to accept push notifications. Only call once and only if you passed <strong i="34">@NO</strong> to kOSSettingsKeyAutoPrompt on init.
        public static registerForPushNotifications(): void;

         * IMPORTANT: Use this function before OneSignal.init
         * Allows you to delay the initialization of the SDK until the user provides privacy consent. The SDK will not be fully initialized until the provideUserConsent(true) method is called.
         * If you set this to be true, the SDK will not fully initialize until consent is provided. You can still call OneSignal methods, but nothing will happen, and the user will not be registered for push notifications.
         * <strong i="35">@param</strong> {boolean} wtf I don't know why this function asking boolean parameter. Just pass true if you don't know what you are doing.
        public static setRequiresUserPrivacyConsent(wtf: boolean): void;

         * Will initialize the SDK and register for push notifications.
         * <strong i="36">@param</strong> {boolean} wtf I don't know why this function asking boolean parameter. Just pass true if you don't know what you are doing.
        public static provideUserConsent(wtf: boolean): void;

         * Enable logging to help debug if you run into an issue setting up OneSignal.
         * <strong i="37">@param</strong> {"react-native-onesignal".LogLevel} logLevel Sets the logging level to print to the iOS Xcode log or the Android LogCat log.
         * <strong i="38">@param</strong> {"react-native-onesignal".LogLevel} visualLevel Sets the logging level to show as alert dialogs.
        public static setLogLevel( logLevel: LogLevel, visualLevel: LogLevel ): void;

         * You can bind events with this function.
         * <strong i="39">@param</strong> {"react-native-onesignal".oneSignalEvents} type Event type you want to subscribe
         * <strong i="40">@param</strong> {Function} handler Handler function
        public static addEventListener(type: oneSignalEvents, handler: Function): void;

         * You can remove binded events with this function.
         * <strong i="41">@param</strong> {"react-native-onesignal".oneSignalEvents} type Event type you want to subscribe
         * <strong i="42">@param</strong> {Function} handler (Optional) Handler function for solo remove.
        public static removeEventListener(type: oneSignalEvents, handler?: Function): void;

Semua 23 komentar

saya juga, bukankah onesignal bekerja di skrip ketik asli bereaksi?

@sionnita , Anda dapat menggunakannya di dalam file TypeScript (.tsx, .ts), menggunakan javascript sia-sia, seperti yang dijelaskan dalam dokumen, tetapi Anda akan kehilangan pengetikan IDE dan dukungan pelengkapan otomatis! dan jika Anda menggunakan tslint Anda akan memiliki banyak kesalahan dan peringatan, itu sebabnya saya meminta file definisi.

Saya belum mengujinya, tetapi tampaknya @krystofcelba beberapa bulan yang lalu membuat permintaan tarik #395 di mana ia menambahkan TypeScript typings , tapi saya pikir tidak lengkap atau tidak kompatibel karena seluruh permintaan tarik tidak' t membuatnya menjadi master cabang karena alasan ini .

Mungkin @krystofcelba atau yang lain dapat membantu kami menarik permintaan hanya file definisi TypeScript, saya akan melakukannya tetapi saat ini tidak punya waktu untuk melakukannya :(

Selamat siang teman-teman!

Halo @DavidNorena

Anda dapat menambahkan pengetikan ini ke proyek Anda secara manual:

declare module 'react-native-onesignal' {

    enum InFocusDisplayOption {
        none = 0,
        inAppAlert = 1,
        notification = 2

    enum LogLevel {
        None = 0,
        Fatal = 1,
        Errors = 2,
        Warnings = 3,
        Info = 4,
        Debug = 5,
        Verbose = 6

    type oneSignalEvents = 'received' | 'opened' | 'ids';

    interface Settings {
        kOSSettingsKeyAutoPrompt: boolean,
        kOSSettingsKeyInAppLaunchURL: boolean,
        kOSSSettingsKeyPromptBeforeOpeningPushURL: boolean,
        kOSSettingsKeyInFocusDisplayOption: InFocusDisplayOption

    interface PushData {
        notificationID: string,
        contentAvailable: boolean,
        badge?: number,
        sound: string,
        title: string,
        body: string,
        launchURL?: string,
        additionalData?: object,
        p2p_notification?: Array<any>

    interface OpenResult {
        notification: {
            payload: PushData,
            isAppInFocus: boolean

    interface Permissions {
        alert: boolean,
        badge: boolean,
        sound: boolean

     * shown If the notification was displayed to the user or not
     * payload the push data
     * displayType The display method of a received notification
     * silentNotification Wether the received notification was a silent one
    interface ReceivedNotification {
        shown: boolean,
        payload: PushData,
        displayType: InFocusDisplayOption,
        silentNotification: boolean

    export default class OneSignal {
         * Initialize Onesignal
         * <strong i="8">@param</strong> {string} appId Your app id you can get from OneSignal control panel.
         * <strong i="9">@param</strong> {"react-native-onesignal".Settings} settings (Optional) Settings for ios.
        public static init(appId: string, settings?: Settings): void;

         * Undocumented function.
        public static Configure( undocumentedParam1?: any, undocumentedParam2?: any) : void;

         * You can set tag for user with this function.
         * <strong i="10">@param</strong> {string} key Tag name you want to add to user.
         * <strong i="11">@param</strong> {string} value Tag value
        public static sendTag(key: string, value: string): void;

         * You can set multiple tags for user with this function.
         * <strong i="12">@param</strong> {object} tags Tags you want to set. Sample: {key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2'}
        public static sendTags(tags: object): void;

         * Getting the tags from the server and use the received object
         * <strong i="13">@param</strong> {Function} handler You can read tags from this parameter.
        public static getTags(handler: (receivedTags: any) => {}): void;

         * Allows you to check whether notifications are enabled for the app, whether user is subscribed to notifications through OneSignal, and what the user's in-app subscription preference is. It also provides access to pushToken and userId
         * <strong i="14">@param</strong> {Function} handler Handler function you can read subscription status from first parameter.
        public static getPermissionSubscriptionState(handler: (status: any) => {}): void;

         * You can delete tag from user with this function.
         * <strong i="15">@param</strong> {string} key Tag name you want to delete from user.
        public static deleteTag(key: string): void;

         * OneSignal now allows you to send emails to your userbase. This email can be set using the OneSignal react-native SDK.
         * <strong i="16">@param</strong> {string} email User's email address.
         * <strong i="17">@param</strong> {string} emailAuthCode Email auth code should be securely generated by your backend server
         * <strong i="18">@param</strong> {Function} callback Handler function for error if it occurred
        public static setEmail(email: string, emailAuthCode: string, callback: (error?: any) => {}): void;

         * If you don't want to implement email auth hashing on your backend (which is heavily recommended), you can still use the OneSignal email feature in an unauthenticated state with this function.
         * <strong i="19">@param</strong> {string} email User's email address.
         * <strong i="20">@param</strong> {Function} callback Handler function for error if it occurred
        public static setEmail(email: string, callback: (error?: any) => {}): void;

         * If your application implements logout functionality, you can logout of the OneSignal email for this user using the logout function.
         * <strong i="21">@param</strong> {Function} callback Handler function for error if it occurred
        public static logoutEmail(callback: (error?: any) => {}): void;

         * You can call this from your UI from a button press for example to give your user's options for your notifications. By default OneSignal always vibrates the device when a notification is displayed unless the device is in a total silent mode. Passing false means that the device will only vibrate lightly when the device is in it's vibrate only mode.
         * <strong i="22">@param</strong> {boolean} setTo New value you want to set.
        public static enableVibrate(setTo: boolean): void;

         * You can call this from your UI from a button press for example to give your user's options for your notifications. By default OneSignal plays the system's default notification sound when the device's notification system volume is turned on. Passing false means that the device will only vibrate unless the device is set to a total silent mode.
         * <strong i="23">@param</strong> {boolean} setTo New value you want to set.
        public static enableSound(setTo: boolean): void;

         * You can call this method with false to opt users out of receiving all notifications through OneSignal. You can pass true later to opt users back into notifications
         * <strong i="24">@param</strong> {boolean} setTo New value you want to set.
        public static setSubscription(setTo: boolean): void;

         * Promts location permission to user.
        public static promptLocation(): void;

         * Removes all OneSignal notifications from the Notification Shade.
        public static clearOneSignalNotifications(): void;

         * Disable or enable location collection (defaults to enabled if your app has location permission).
         * <strong i="25">@param</strong> {boolean} setTo New value you want to set.
        public static setLocationShared(setTo: boolean): void;

         * Prompts the user for location permissions. This allows for geotagging so you can send notifications to users based on location.
         * Note: Make sure you also have the required location permission in your AndroidManifest.xml. For iOS, make sure you set the NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription or the NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription in your info.plist. (Location Always also requires the location background mode capability)
         * <strong i="26">@param</strong> {"react-native-onesignal".InFocusDisplayOption} setTo New value you want to set.
        public static inFocusDisplaying(setTo: InFocusDisplayOption): void;

         * P2P notification
         * <strong i="27">@param</strong> {object} contents Sample: { en: 'English Message', tr: 'Türkçe Mesaj' }
         * <strong i="28">@param</strong> {Array<any>} data Some array for payload
         * <strong i="29">@param</strong> {string} playerId OneSignal Player Id you want to send message to.
         * <strong i="30">@param</strong> {object} otherParameters Sample: {"ios_attachments" : {"image1" : "{image_url}"}}
        public static postNotification(contents: object, data: Array<any>, playerId: string, otherParameters?: object): void;

         * Cancels a single OneSignal notification based on its Android notification integer id. You can get the notification Id when invoking OneSignal.onNotificationOpened while receiving a notification.
         * <strong i="31">@param</strong> {string} notificationId Notification id you want to cancel.
        public static cancelNotification( notificationId: string ): void;

         * See what push permissions are currently enabled. callback will be invoked with a permissions object (currently supported only on iOS).
         * <strong i="32">@param</strong> {Function} callback Callback function you can read the permissions from first parameter.
        public static checkPermissions( callback: (permissions: any) => {}): void;

         * Requests Push Notification Permissions (iOS Only)
         * <strong i="33">@param</strong> {"react-native-onesignal".Permissions} permissions Permissions you want to ask.
        public static requestPermissions( permissions: Permissions ): void;

         * Call when you want to prompt the user to accept push notifications. Only call once and only if you passed <strong i="34">@NO</strong> to kOSSettingsKeyAutoPrompt on init.
        public static registerForPushNotifications(): void;

         * IMPORTANT: Use this function before OneSignal.init
         * Allows you to delay the initialization of the SDK until the user provides privacy consent. The SDK will not be fully initialized until the provideUserConsent(true) method is called.
         * If you set this to be true, the SDK will not fully initialize until consent is provided. You can still call OneSignal methods, but nothing will happen, and the user will not be registered for push notifications.
         * <strong i="35">@param</strong> {boolean} wtf I don't know why this function asking boolean parameter. Just pass true if you don't know what you are doing.
        public static setRequiresUserPrivacyConsent(wtf: boolean): void;

         * Will initialize the SDK and register for push notifications.
         * <strong i="36">@param</strong> {boolean} wtf I don't know why this function asking boolean parameter. Just pass true if you don't know what you are doing.
        public static provideUserConsent(wtf: boolean): void;

         * Enable logging to help debug if you run into an issue setting up OneSignal.
         * <strong i="37">@param</strong> {"react-native-onesignal".LogLevel} logLevel Sets the logging level to print to the iOS Xcode log or the Android LogCat log.
         * <strong i="38">@param</strong> {"react-native-onesignal".LogLevel} visualLevel Sets the logging level to show as alert dialogs.
        public static setLogLevel( logLevel: LogLevel, visualLevel: LogLevel ): void;

         * You can bind events with this function.
         * <strong i="39">@param</strong> {"react-native-onesignal".oneSignalEvents} type Event type you want to subscribe
         * <strong i="40">@param</strong> {Function} handler Handler function
        public static addEventListener(type: oneSignalEvents, handler: Function): void;

         * You can remove binded events with this function.
         * <strong i="41">@param</strong> {"react-native-onesignal".oneSignalEvents} type Event type you want to subscribe
         * <strong i="42">@param</strong> {Function} handler (Optional) Handler function for solo remove.
        public static removeEventListener(type: oneSignalEvents, handler?: Function): void;

@centrual Terima kasih banyak!

Untuk Perhatian; Saya mengirimkan ini ke repo PastiTyped.

@FabianMeul Terima kasih telah berusaha! Ini tampaknya tertunda dengan beberapa modifikasi sederhana. Apakah Anda akan segera menindaklanjutinya, atau haruskah mengunduh file dari PR Anda?

@centrual terima kasih

@centrual bisa tolong buatkan PR dan tambahkan pengetikan ke perpustakaan secara langsung.

Mengapa ditutup? Apakah OneSignal akan menambahkan dukungan TypeScript?

Mengikuti pertanyaan @chasemac

Jawaban "tidak" adalah jawaban yang valid :)
Saya pikir kita semua hanya ingin tahu apakah kita bisa mengandalkan jenis paket ini atau tidak.

Terutama mengingat ini adalah integrasi dari perusahaan laba pihak ketiga.
Terima kasih

@sospedra sudah dibuka kembali!

@rgomezp butuh bantuan?

@sospedra ,
Selalu. Jangan ragu untuk membuka permintaan tarik untuk ditinjau

@rgomezp Saya tahu kalian perlu menjalankan bisnis dan fokus pada aliran pendapatan Anda (sementara pada saat yang sama mendukung ratusan ribu akun gratis), tetapi bisakah Anda memfasilitasi/mengawasi program bounty sehingga komunitas dapat memberikan kontribusi, katakanlah $5 untuk mendanai pekerjaan? Saya yakin Anda memiliki setidaknya 1K pengguna TypeScript yang akan ikut serta.

Masalah dengan pendekatan "kirim PR" adalah, kami juga menjalankan bisnis kami sendiri dan proses bolak-balik untuk mendapatkan persetujuan PR tidak efektif dari segi biaya/waktu.

PEMBARUAN: Saya telah membuat cabang typescript-typings mana komunitas dapat membantu membangun pengetikan untuk SDK. Terima kasih atas kontribusi semua orang!


Pasti Mengetik PR:

-----(edit) saya pikir ini sudah ketinggalan zaman ------

Saya harus memodifikasi (addEventListener dan pengaturan) dari PastiTyped/DefinitelyTyped#30858 agar berfungsi, tetapi saya tidak ingin melalui semua birokrasi yang terlibat dalam pr.


Kalau ada yang mau copypasta ini dia

// Type definitions for react-native-onesignal 3.2
// Project:
// Definitions by: Krystof Celba <>
//                 Fabian Meul <>
// Definitions:
// TypeScript Version: 2.8
declare module 'react-native-onesignal' {
  export enum InFocusDisplayOption {
    none = 0,
    inAppAlert = 1,
    notification = 2,

  export enum LogLevel {
    None = 0,
    Fatal = 1,
    Errors = 2,
    Warnings = 3,
    Info = 4,
    Debug = 5,
    Verbose = 6,

  export type oneSignalEvents = 'received' | 'opened' | 'ids';

  export interface Settings {
    kOSSettingsKeyAutoPrompt?: boolean;
    kOSSettingsKeyInAppLaunchURL?: boolean;
    kOSSSettingsKeyPromptBeforeOpeningPushURL?: boolean;
    kOSSettingsKeyInFocusDisplayOption?: InFocusDisplayOption;

  export interface PushData {
    notificationID: string;
    contentAvailable: boolean;
    badge?: number;
    sound: string;
    title: string;
    body: string;
    launchURL?: string;
    additionalData?: any;
    p2p_notification?: any[];

  export interface OpenResult {
    notification: {
      payload: PushData;
      isAppInFocus: boolean;

  export interface Permissions {
    alert: boolean;
    badge: boolean;
    sound: boolean;

   * shown If the notification was displayed to the user or not
   * payload the push data
   * displayType The display method of a received notification
   * silentNotification Wether the received notification was a silent one
  export interface ReceivedNotification {
    shown: boolean;
    payload: PushData;
    displayType: InFocusDisplayOption;
    silentNotification: boolean;

  export interface OneSignal {
     * Initialize Onesignal
    init(appId: string, settings?: Settings): void;

     * Undocumented function.
    Configure(undocumentedParam1?: any, undocumentedParam2?: any): void;

     * You can set tag for user with this function.
    sendTag(key: string, value: string): void;

     * You can set multiple tags for user with this function.
    sendTags(tags: object): void;

     * Getting the tags from the server and use the received object
    getTags(handler: (receivedTags: any) => {}): void;

     * Allows you to check whether notifications are enabled for the app, whether user is subscribed to notifications through OneSignal,and what the user's in-app subscription preference is.
     * It also provides access to pushToken and userId
    getPermissionSubscriptionState(handler: (status: any) => {}): void;

     * You can delete tag from user with this function.
    deleteTag(key: string): void;

     * OneSignal now allows you to send emails to your userbase. This email can be set using the OneSignal react-native SDK.
      email: string,
      emailAuthCode: string,
      callback: (error?: any) => {},
    ): void;

     * If you don't want to implement email auth hashing on your backend (which is heavily recommended), you can still use the OneSignal email feature in an unauthenticated state with this function.
    setEmail(email: string, callback: (error?: any) => {}): void;

     * If your application implements logout functionality, you can logout of the OneSignal email for this user using the logout function.
    logoutEmail(callback: (error?: any) => {}): void;

     * You can call this from your UI from a button press for example to give your user's options for your notifications.
     * By default OneSignal always vibrates the device when a notification is displayed unless the device is in a total silent mode.
     * Passing false means that the device will only vibrate lightly when the device is in it's vibrate only mode.
    enableVibrate(setTo: boolean): void;

     * You can call this from your UI from a button press for example to give your user's options for your notifications.
     * By default OneSignal plays the system's default notification sound when the device's notification system volume is turned on.
     * Passing false means that the device will only vibrate unless the device is set to a total silent mode.
    enableSound(setTo: boolean): void;

     * You can call this method with false to opt users out of receiving all notifications through OneSignal.
     * You can pass true later to opt users back into notifications
    setSubscription(setTo: boolean): void;

     * Promts location permission to user.
    promptLocation(): void;

     * Removes all OneSignal notifications from the Notification Shade.
    clearOneSignalNotifications(): void;

     * Disable or enable location collection (defaults to enabled if your app has location permission).
    setLocationShared(setTo: boolean): void;

     * Prompts the user for location permissions. This allows for geotagging so you can send notifications to users based on location.
     * Note: Make sure you also have the required location permission in your AndroidManifest.xml.
     * For iOS, make sure you set the NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription or the NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription in your info.plist.
     * (Location Always also requires the location background mode capability)
    inFocusDisplaying(setTo: InFocusDisplayOption): void;

     * P2P notification
      contents: object,
      data: any[],
      playerId: string,
      otherParameters?: object,
    ): void;

     * Cancels a single OneSignal notification based on its Android notification integer id.
     * You can get the notification Id when invoking OneSignal.onNotificationOpened while receiving a notification.
    cancelNotification(notificationId: string): void;

     * See what push permissions are currently enabled. callback will be invoked with a permissions object (currently supported only on iOS).
    checkPermissions(callback: (permissions: any) => {}): void;

     * Requests Push Notification Permissions (iOS Only)
    requestPermissions(permissions: Permissions): void;

     * Call when you want to prompt the user to accept push notifications. Only call once and only if you passed <strong i="11">@NO</strong> to kOSSettingsKeyAutoPrompt on init.
    registerForPushNotifications(): void;

     * IMPORTANT: Use this function before OneSignal.init
     * Allows you to delay the initialization of the SDK until the user provides privacy consent. The SDK will not be fully initialized until the provideUserConsent(true) method is called.
     * If you set this to be true, the SDK will not fully initialize until consent is provided.
     * You can still call OneSignal methods, but nothing will happen, and the user will not be registered for push notifications.
    setRequiresUserPrivacyConsent(wtf: boolean): void;

     * Will initialize the SDK and register for push notifications.
    provideUserConsent(wtf: boolean): void;

     * Enable logging to help debug if you run into an issue setting up OneSignal.
    setLogLevel(logLevel: LogLevel, visualLevel: LogLevel): void;

     * You can bind events with this function.
      type: 'received',
      handler: (notification: ReceivedNotification) => void,
    ): void;
      type: 'opened',
      handler: (result: OpenResult) => void,
    ): void;
    addEventListener(type: 'ids', handler: (device: string) => void): void;

     * You can remove binded events with this function.
      type: 'received',
      handler: (notification: ReceivedNotification) => void,
    ): void;
      type: 'opened',
      handler: (result: OpenResult) => void,
    ): void;
    removeEventListener(type: 'ids', handler: (device: string) => void): void;

  const OneSignal: OneSignal;

  export default OneSignal;

Mengapa tidak datang secara default hanya dengan npm install? Tidak bisakah kita memilikinya segera?
TS adalah apa yang kita gunakan sehari-hari

Bagi siapa pun yang bertanya-tanya, pengetikan itu sepertinya tidak mutakhir lagi, jadi jangan percaya begitu saja

Apakah ada pembaruan kapan kita bisa mengharapkan tipe menjadi bagian dari paket @rgomezp ? Saya pikir ada banyak orang di luar sana yang membangun aplikasi RN berbasis TS dan akan sangat bagus jika ini ditambahkan dan dipelihara dengan paketnya. Terima kasih!

Halo @taschik ,
Saat ini saya sedang mengerjakan jenis (lihat cabang types ) yang akan menjadi bagian dari rilis utama yang akan datang.

Itu luar biasa! Terima kasih @rgomezp atas kerja bagus dan pembaruan cepat. 👏

PSA: cabang types telah digabungkan menjadi major-release .

Silakan lihat #1079 dan berikan umpan balik atau laporkan masalah apa pun dengan pengetikan jika Anda mengalaminya.

apa kabar,
Pengetikan sekarang tersedia sebagai bagian dari rilis beta.4 .

"dependencies": {
    "react-native-onesignal": "^4.0.0-beta.4"

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang Beta di sini .


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