Toolbox: Tidak dapat menghapus kotak alat

Dibuat pada 9 Des 2019  ·  4Komentar  ·  Sumber: containers/toolbox

Lihat log ini:

yajo<strong i="6">@yajolap</strong> ~> toolbox -v create -c test
toolbox: running as real user ID 1000
toolbox: resolved absolute path for /usr/bin/toolbox to /usr/bin/toolbox
toolbox: checking if /etc/subgid and /etc/subuid have entries for user yajo
toolbox: TOOLBOX_PATH is /usr/bin/toolbox
toolbox: running on a cgroups v1 host
toolbox: current Podman version is 1.6.2
toolbox: migration not needed: Podman version 1.6.2 is unchanged
toolbox: Fedora generational core is f31
toolbox: base image is fedora-toolbox:31
toolbox: container is test
toolbox: checking value /run/.heim_org.h5l.kcm-socket (Stream) of property Listen in sssd-kcm.socket
toolbox: parsing value /run/.heim_org.h5l.kcm-socket (Stream) of property Listen in sssd-kcm.socket
toolbox: checking if 'podman create' supports --ulimit host
<standard input>:693: warning [p 12, 5.0i]: cannot adjust line
<standard input>:694: warning [p 12, 5.2i]: cannot adjust line
toolbox: 'podman create' supports --ulimit host
toolbox: looking for image localhost/fedora-toolbox:31
toolbox: looking for image
toolbox: base image fedora-toolbox:31 resolved to
toolbox: checking if container test already exists
toolbox: checking if /usr is mounted read-only or read-write
toolbox: mount-point of /usr is /usr
toolbox: mount flags of /usr on the host are ro,relatime,seclabel
toolbox: /var/home/yajo canonicalized to /var/home/yajo
toolbox: checking if /home is a symbolic link to /var/home
toolbox: /home is a symbolic link to /var/home
toolbox: calling org.freedesktop.Flatpak.SessionHelper.RequestSession
toolbox: creating container test
Created container: test
Enter with: toolbox enter --container test
yajo<strong i="7">@yajolap</strong> ~> toolbox -v enter -c test
toolbox: running as real user ID 1000
toolbox: resolved absolute path for /usr/bin/toolbox to /usr/bin/toolbox
toolbox: checking if /etc/subgid and /etc/subuid have entries for user yajo
toolbox: TOOLBOX_PATH is /usr/bin/toolbox
toolbox: running on a cgroups v1 host
toolbox: current Podman version is 1.6.2
toolbox: migration not needed: Podman version 1.6.2 is unchanged
toolbox: Fedora generational core is f31
toolbox: base image is fedora-toolbox:31
toolbox: container is test
toolbox: checking if container test exists
toolbox: calling org.freedesktop.Flatpak.SessionHelper.RequestSession
toolbox: starting container test
toolbox: /etc/profile.d/ already mounted in container test
toolbox: inspecting entry point of container test
toolbox: entry point of container test is toolbox
toolbox: waiting for container test to finish initializing
toolbox: creating list of environment variables to forward
toolbox: COLORTERM=truecolor
toolbox: COLUMNS is unset
toolbox: DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus
toolbox: DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS is unset
toolbox: DESKTOP_SESSION=gnome
toolbox: DISPLAY=:1
toolbox: LANG=es_ES.UTF-8
toolbox: LINES is unset
toolbox: SHELL=/usr/bin/fish
toolbox: SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/run/user/1000/keyring/ssh
toolbox: TERM=xterm-256color
toolbox: TOOLBOX_PATH is unset
toolbox: VTE_VERSION=5803
toolbox: WAYLAND_DISPLAY is unset
toolbox: XDG_DATA_DIRS=/var/home/yajo/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/:/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/
toolbox: XDG_MENU_PREFIX=gnome-
toolbox: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000
toolbox: XDG_SEAT is unset
toolbox: XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP=gnome
toolbox: XDG_SESSION_ID is unset
toolbox: XDG_SESSION_TYPE=x11
toolbox: XDG_VTNR is unset
toolbox: created options for environment variables to forward
--env=COLORTERM=truecolor --env=DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus --env=DESKTOP_SESSION=gnome --env=DISPLAY=:1 --env=LANG=es_ES.UTF-8 --env=SHELL=/usr/bin/fish --env=SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/run/user/1000/keyring/ssh --env=TERM=xterm-256color --env=VTE_VERSION=5803 --env=XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME --env=XDG_DATA_DIRS=/var/home/yajo/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/:/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/ --env=XDG_MENU_PREFIX=gnome- --env=XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000 --env=XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP=gnome --env=XDG_SESSION_TYPE=x11 --env=COLUMNS=80 --env=LINES=24
toolbox: looking for /usr/bin/fish in container test
Error: non zero exit code: 1: OCI runtime error
toolbox: /usr/bin/fish not found in test; using /bin/bash instead
toolbox: running in container test:
toolbox: /bin/bash
toolbox: -l
⬢[yajo<strong i="8">@toolbox</strong> ~]$ logout
yajo<strong i="9">@yajolap</strong> ~> toolbox -v rm test
toolbox: running as real user ID 1000
toolbox: resolved absolute path for /usr/bin/toolbox to /usr/bin/toolbox
toolbox: checking if /etc/subgid and /etc/subuid have entries for user yajo
toolbox: TOOLBOX_PATH is /usr/bin/toolbox
toolbox: running on a cgroups v1 host
toolbox: current Podman version is 1.6.2
toolbox: migration not needed: Podman version 1.6.2 is unchanged
Error: cannot remove container 0bee2a5ea59a4077c8b7d9709af12d77627d8939dbf90c820b9eeeca263980b7 as it is running - running or paused containers cannot be removed: container state improper
toolbox: failed to remove container test

Saya harus menghentikan wadah secara manual dengan podman untuk menghapusnya dengan kotak alat:

yajo<strong i="6">@yajolap</strong> ~> podman container stop test
yajo<strong i="7">@yajolap</strong> ~> toolbox -v rm test
toolbox: running as real user ID 1000
toolbox: resolved absolute path for /usr/bin/toolbox to /usr/bin/toolbox
toolbox: checking if /etc/subgid and /etc/subuid have entries for user yajo
toolbox: TOOLBOX_PATH is /usr/bin/toolbox
toolbox: running on a cgroups v1 host
toolbox: current Podman version is 1.6.2
toolbox: migration not needed: Podman version 1.6.2 is unchanged

Komentar yang paling membantu

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Semua 4 komentar

Coba toolbox -v rm -f test atau toolbox -v rm --force test . Sudah ada permintaan/pertanyaan tentang kotak alat yang tidak menghentikan wadah.

Perilaku bahwa Toolbox tidak menghentikan kontainer dimaksudkan karena menghentikan kontainer segera setelah keluar bukanlah cara yang paling optimal untuk menangani hal ini. Cara "resmi" untuk menghapus container yang sedang berjalan adalah seperti yang disarankan oleh @kronenpj untuk menggunakan opsi --force .

Tapi saya setuju bahwa ini juga bukan perilaku yang paling optimal.

Setidaknya log kesalahan bisa lebih membantu ...

Saya pasti setuju dengan itu. Saya memiliki sedikit perubahan dalam pikiran. Saya akan mencoba untuk melihatnya _soon_.

Apakah halaman ini membantu?
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