Rust: Allow generating a C header representing the exported symbols of a lib

Created on 17 Nov 2013  ·  11Comments  ·  Source: rust-lang/rust

For example,


pub struct Foo { x: i16 }

pub extern "C" fn bar(x: u64) -> Foo { ... }

pub fn ignored() { ... } // wrong ABI

would correspond to

#ifndef FILENAME_H
#define FILENAME_H


struct Foo {
    int16_t x;

struct Foo bar(uint64_t);


so that one can call into Rust from C more easily.

(This is the inverse operation of the proposed #[header="stdio.h"] mod stdio; functionality for using libclang to read C headers into a form that rustc understands:

A-ffi C-enhancement

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I'm sure everyone here is already aware, but the state of the art here appears to be rusty-cheddar:

All 11 comments

Along the lines of this, I've heard that having a rust.h would be nice to have for things like:

typedef struct {
  void *data;
  uintptr_t len;
} RustSlice;

typedef struct {
  uintptr_t len;
  uintptr_t alloc;
  uint8_t data[0];
} RustString;

And other useful compiler definitions.

One tough part about this would be the C representation of FFI types, it would be really nice to able to interact with them from C, but our optimizations will nullable pointers and discriminant size may make them difficult.


I started a version of this at, but it's only the bare bones infrastructure for getting something like this up and running.

@alexcrichton That is pretty cool. You might want to stick to using the stdint.h typedefs for printing the integer types, since the widths can vary and the signed-ness of char is implementation defined.

/cc me

bindgen does some of this, but rust.h would be nice for FFIing into Rust for sure

EDIT: whoops, I thought bindgen did both, but it does not, thanks @huonw

(Offtopic, kind of: Bindgen wasn't even a proper Rust crate, last time I checked, and building it on Debian was enough of a pain that I had to choose another route for my FFI needs. The wish to have bindgen-like functionality in Rust is, I think, primarily a wish to have it available everywhere. It could be satisfied with bindgen working as a proper Cargo dev-dependencies package able to generate the Rust stubs from a C header entirely from Ups. That was a rant. : }

I have some WIP stuff here. I think last I left it, it may have been in the middle of a refactor.

It follows the same idea as rustdoc: walk the typed AST, filter out things the tool cares about, clean up the types a bit, and emit something (a header file). In all honesty, it might make sense to make this a rustdoc 'backend' or something (if you squint, a header file is just another kind of documentation).

I'm sure everyone here is already aware, but the state of the art here appears to be rusty-cheddar:

rusty-cheddar and rusty-binder aren't very active those days. Should this be a feature important enough for Rust to be maintained by rust-lang-nursery or such? @alexcrichton

Closing; this should be tackled by an external tool.

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