Laravel-datatables: How to pass extra parameter with other default parameter

Created on 9 Apr 2018  ·  7Comments  ·  Source: yajra/laravel-datatables

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I want to pass one extra parameter with other default parameter which are passing it self on ajax request.
I want to pass variable which is not part of data/field which are displaying on tables.
Basically i want to add one filter which is not part of currently displaying columns.How i can pass it ?


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I have passed the extra parameter with the datatable like this-

   "cities" => app(\App\Http\Controllers\HelperController::class)->cityListing(),
  "leadCounters" =>  $this->leadCounters

But, how can I get these extra parameters in the response of Yajra Datatable?

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On minified ajax, you can append an array of parameters that will be included by default on request. Maybe this is what you need? See docs for ref.

@jatinbphp do you mean like this ?
public function userSkpDataTable($pes)
$skp = skp::isAktif($pes,1);
return Datatables::of($skp)
->addColumn('action', function($user)use($pes) {
return ' link with 2 paramter';

Are you using the html builder or writing your own script?

Anyways, try this js:

ajax: {
url: '',
data: function(data) { data.key = value; }

Hello Yajra, im trying to pass extra parameter from controller to view when using Yajra, so I get something like total amount made from the time range filter. see screenshot below of my controller.
In my view I cant do this {{cashMade}}

I get Errr: Use of undefined constant cashMade - assumed 'cashMade'


@laurence702 you can use with api to append data on response.

Route::get('user-data', function() {
    $model = App\User::query();

    return DataTables::eloquent($model)
                ->with('posts', 100)
                ->with('comments', 20)

I have passed the extra parameter with the datatable like this-

   "cities" => app(\App\Http\Controllers\HelperController::class)->cityListing(),
  "leadCounters" =>  $this->leadCounters

But, how can I get these extra parameters in the response of Yajra Datatable?

@UmeshKrRana do as follows:

Save the initialization of the DataTable in a variable:

var table = $('.vehicles-report-table').DataTable({...})

Then access the data via the drawCallback function:

drawCallback: function(settings) { console.log(table.ajax.json()) }

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