Mavros: using fake_gps plugin and vision_pose_estimation plugin with Ardupilot Firmware

Created on 2 Mar 2018  ·  5Comments  ·  Source: mavlink/mavros

Issue details

I want to control my drone (SkyViper) indoors by using the onboard camera for pose estimation. Actually I am looking a scene having lots of ArUco markers and estimating my drone's pose by using opencv's aruco detection and pose estimation algorithm. Long story short, I am using vision to estimate the drone's 6-D pose. Now I intend to send this data to the FCU for controlling the drone in guided mode, indoors. With arducopter firmware, there are apparently two things that I can do:
a. use fake_pgs plugin.
b. use vision_pose_estimate plugin
But I am running into problems with both. I want to describe what I have done for both of the aforementioned approaches so that the reader can help me out, in case I went wrong somewhere.

a. using fake_gps

  1. Added fake_gps plugin to my apm_config.yaml.
  2. Edited apm_pluginlists.yaml and here is how the fake_gps part looks:
# fake_gps
  # select data source
  use_mocap: true       # ~mocap/pose
  mocap_transform: true   # ~mocap/tf instead of pose
  use_vision: false       # ~vision (pose)
  # origin (default: Zürich)
    lat: 30.6197674          # latitude [degrees]
    lon:  -96.3414215          # longitude [degrees]
    alt: 99.9674829152          # altitude (height over the WGS-84 ellipsoid) [meters]
  eph: 2.0
  epv: 2.0
  satellites_visible: 10   # virtual number of visible satellites
  fix_type: 3             # type of GPS fix (default: 3D)
    listen: false
    send: false           # send TF?
    frame_id: "map"       # TF frame_id
    child_frame_id: "Quadrotor_pose" # TF child_frame_id
    rate_limit: 10.0      # TF rate
  gps_rate: 5.0           # GPS data publishing rate
  1. I am publishing the robot pose over the rostopic /mavros/fake_gps/mocap/tf at about 4 Hz (I can increase it upto 30 Hz but I think the gps_rate parameter limits it, btw can I increase gps_rate?)
  2. I echo /mavros/global_position/global I dont see any meaningful outputs,

Can anyone please help me here to get this thing working? Is there anything else I need to do? Any parameters that I must set or unset?

b. using vision_pose

  1. Added fake_gps plugin to my apm_config.yaml.
  2. Edited apm_pluginlists.yaml and here is how vision_pose part looks:
# vision_pose_estimate
    listen: false           # enable tf listener (disable topic subscribers)
    frame_id: "map"
    child_frame_id: "vision_estimate"
    rate_limit: 10.0
  1. I publish the robot pose over the rostopic /mavros/vision_pose/pose
  2. I make some modifications in the vision_position_estimate.cpp and use VISION_POSITION_DELTAinstead of VISION_POSITION_ESTIMATE.
  3. I set appropriate flags in the above code to see if this code is executed and those flags are printed, so i conclude that mavros is sending data to FCU but there is probably no reception on the FCU end.

Lot of time spent on this, any help is much appreciated!!
P.S. I was able to do the vision_position_estimate in PX4 firmware, havent tried fake_gps there but due to some constraints, I want to make this work on arducopter firmware.

MAVROS version and platform

Mavros: 0.18
ROS: Kinetic
Ubuntu: 16.04

Autopilot type and version

[ X] ArduPilot
[ ] PX4

Version: 3.4.6

Node logs

started roslaunch server http://subodh-desktop:41065/


 * /mavros/

 * /mavros/cmd/use_comp_id_system_control: False
 * /mavros/conn/heartbeat_rate: 1.0
 * /mavros/conn/system_time_rate: 0.0
 * /mavros/conn/timeout: 10.0
 * /mavros/conn/timesync_rate: 0.0
 * /mavros/distance_sensor/rangefinder_pub/field_of_view: 0.0
 * /mavros/distance_sensor/rangefinder_pub/frame_id: lidar
 * /mavros/distance_sensor/rangefinder_pub/id: 0
 * /mavros/distance_sensor/rangefinder_pub/send_tf: False
 * /mavros/distance_sensor/rangefinder_pub/sensor_position/x: 0.0
 * /mavros/distance_sensor/rangefinder_pub/sensor_position/y: 0.0
 * /mavros/distance_sensor/rangefinder_pub/sensor_position/z: -0.1
 * /mavros/distance_sensor/rangefinder_sub/id: 1
 * /mavros/distance_sensor/rangefinder_sub/orientation: PITCH_270
 * /mavros/distance_sensor/rangefinder_sub/subscriber: True
 * /mavros/fake_gps/eph: 2.0
 * /mavros/fake_gps/epv: 2.0
 * /mavros/fake_gps/fix_type: 3
 * /mavros/fake_gps/geo_origin/alt: 99.9674829152
 * /mavros/fake_gps/geo_origin/lat: 30.6197674
 * /mavros/fake_gps/geo_origin/lon: -96.3414215
 * /mavros/fake_gps/gps_rate: 5.0
 * /mavros/fake_gps/mocap_transform: True
 * /mavros/fake_gps/satellites_visible: 10
 * /mavros/fake_gps/tf/child_frame_id: Quadrotor_pose
 * /mavros/fake_gps/tf/frame_id: map
 * /mavros/fake_gps/tf/listen: False
 * /mavros/fake_gps/tf/rate_limit: 10.0
 * /mavros/fake_gps/tf/send: False
 * /mavros/fake_gps/use_mocap: True
 * /mavros/fake_gps/use_vision: False
 * /mavros/fcu_protocol: v2.0
 * /mavros/fcu_url: /dev/ttyACM0:57600
 * /mavros/gcs_url: 
 * /mavros/global_position/child_frame_id: base_link
 * /mavros/global_position/frame_id: map
 * /mavros/global_position/rot_covariance: 99999.0
 * /mavros/global_position/tf/child_frame_id: base_link
 * /mavros/global_position/tf/frame_id: map
 * /mavros/global_position/tf/global_frame_id: earth
 * /mavros/global_position/tf/send: False
 * /mavros/global_position/use_relative_alt: True
 * /mavros/image/frame_id: px4flow
 * /mavros/imu/angular_velocity_stdev: 0.000349065850399
 * /mavros/imu/frame_id: base_link
 * /mavros/imu/linear_acceleration_stdev: 0.0003
 * /mavros/imu/magnetic_stdev: 0.0
 * /mavros/imu/orientation_stdev: 1.0
 * /mavros/local_position/frame_id: map
 * /mavros/local_position/tf/child_frame_id: base_link
 * /mavros/local_position/tf/frame_id: map
 * /mavros/local_position/tf/send: False
 * /mavros/local_position/tf/send_fcu: False
 * /mavros/mission/pull_after_gcs: True
 * /mavros/mocap/use_pose: False
 * /mavros/mocap/use_tf: True
 * /mavros/odometry/estimator_type: 3
 * /mavros/odometry/frame_tf/desired_frame: ned
 * /mavros/plugin_blacklist: ['actuator_contro...
 * /mavros/plugin_whitelist: ['fake_gps', 'vis...
 * /mavros/px4flow/frame_id: px4flow
 * /mavros/px4flow/ranger_fov: 0.118682389136
 * /mavros/px4flow/ranger_max_range: 5.0
 * /mavros/px4flow/ranger_min_range: 0.3
 * /mavros/safety_area/p1/x: 1.0
 * /mavros/safety_area/p1/y: 1.0
 * /mavros/safety_area/p1/z: 1.0
 * /mavros/safety_area/p2/x: -1.0
 * /mavros/safety_area/p2/y: -1.0
 * /mavros/safety_area/p2/z: -1.0
 * /mavros/setpoint_accel/send_force: False
 * /mavros/setpoint_attitude/reverse_thrust: False
 * /mavros/setpoint_attitude/tf/child_frame_id: target_attitude
 * /mavros/setpoint_attitude/tf/frame_id: map
 * /mavros/setpoint_attitude/tf/listen: False
 * /mavros/setpoint_attitude/tf/rate_limit: 50.0
 * /mavros/setpoint_attitude/use_quaternion: False
 * /mavros/setpoint_position/mav_frame: LOCAL_NED
 * /mavros/setpoint_position/tf/child_frame_id: target_position
 * /mavros/setpoint_position/tf/frame_id: map
 * /mavros/setpoint_position/tf/listen: False
 * /mavros/setpoint_position/tf/rate_limit: 50.0
 * /mavros/setpoint_velocity/mav_frame: LOCAL_NED
 * /mavros/startup_px4_usb_quirk: False
 * /mavros/sys/disable_diag: False
 * /mavros/sys/min_voltage: 10.0
 * /mavros/target_component_id: 1
 * /mavros/target_system_id: 1
 * /mavros/tdr_radio/low_rssi: 40
 * /mavros/time/time_ref_source: fcu
 * /mavros/time/timesync_avg_alpha: 0.6
 * /mavros/time/timesync_mode: NONE
 * /mavros/vibration/frame_id: base_link
 * /mavros/vision_pose/tf/child_frame_id: Quadrotor_pose
 * /mavros/vision_pose/tf/frame_id: map
 * /mavros/vision_pose/tf/listen: False
 * /mavros/vision_pose/tf/rate_limit: 10.0
 * /mavros/vision_speed/listen_twist: False
 * /rosdistro: kinetic
 * /rosversion: 1.12.12

    mavros (mavros/mavros_node)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [26930]

setting /run_id to af2a9730-1e56-11e8-86d2-001fc69c99e7
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [26943]
started core service [/rosout]
process[mavros-2]: started with pid [26961]
[ INFO] [1520021829.553095960]: FCU URL: /dev/ttyACM0:57600
[ INFO] [1520021829.554915572]: serial0: device: /dev/ttyACM0 @ 57600 bps
[ INFO] [1520021829.555552991]: GCS bridge disabled
[ INFO] [1520021829.567142748]: Plugin 3dr_radio loaded
[ INFO] [1520021829.569320914]: Plugin 3dr_radio initialized
[ INFO] [1520021829.569349388]: Plugin actuator_control blacklisted
[ INFO] [1520021829.571809744]: Plugin adsb loaded
[ INFO] [1520021829.575769648]: Plugin adsb initialized
[ INFO] [1520021829.575794473]: Plugin altitude blacklisted
[ INFO] [1520021829.575892237]: Plugin cam_imu_sync loaded
[ INFO] [1520021829.576626653]: Plugin cam_imu_sync initialized
[ INFO] [1520021829.576772377]: Plugin command loaded
[ INFO] [1520021829.582684066]: Plugin command initialized
[ INFO] [1520021829.582712464]: Plugin debug_value blacklisted
[ INFO] [1520021829.582886299]: Plugin distance_sensor loaded
[ INFO] [1520021829.592604674]: Plugin distance_sensor initialized
[ INFO] [1520021829.592748090]: Plugin fake_gps loaded
[ INFO] [1520021829.609103603]: Plugin fake_gps initialized
[ INFO] [1520021829.609128115]: Plugin ftp blacklisted
[ INFO] [1520021829.609259829]: Plugin global_position loaded
[ INFO] [1520021829.628580110]: Plugin global_position initialized
[ INFO] [1520021829.628612736]: Plugin hil blacklisted
[ INFO] [1520021829.628766952]: Plugin home_position loaded
[ INFO] [1520021829.633001155]: Plugin home_position initialized
[ INFO] [1520021829.633140461]: Plugin imu loaded
[ INFO] [1520021829.640533947]: Plugin imu initialized
[ INFO] [1520021829.640671494]: Plugin local_position loaded
[ INFO] [1520021829.646783905]: Plugin local_position initialized
[ INFO] [1520021829.646948100]: Plugin manual_control loaded
[ INFO] [1520021829.650807807]: Plugin manual_control initialized
[ INFO] [1520021829.650943083]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate loaded
[ INFO] [1520021829.655518964]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate initialized
[ INFO] [1520021829.655642737]: Plugin obstacle_distance loaded
[ INFO] [1520021829.659014223]: Plugin obstacle_distance initialized
[ INFO] [1520021829.659130864]: Plugin odom loaded
[ INFO] [1520021829.663794739]: Plugin odom initialized
[ INFO] [1520021829.664012214]: Plugin param loaded
[ INFO] [1520021829.667288846]: Plugin param initialized
[ INFO] [1520021829.667312025]: Plugin px4flow blacklisted
[ INFO] [1520021829.667423654]: Plugin rangefinder loaded
[ INFO] [1520021829.668137088]: Plugin rangefinder initialized
[ INFO] [1520021829.668297342]: Plugin rc_io loaded
[ INFO] [1520021829.672569622]: Plugin rc_io initialized
[ INFO] [1520021829.672594510]: Plugin safety_area blacklisted
[ INFO] [1520021829.672725799]: Plugin setpoint_accel loaded
[ INFO] [1520021829.676462007]: Plugin setpoint_accel initialized
[ INFO] [1520021829.676710869]: Plugin setpoint_attitude loaded
[ INFO] [1520021829.689281332]: Plugin setpoint_attitude initialized
[ INFO] [1520021829.689452779]: Plugin setpoint_position loaded
[ INFO] [1520021829.705853198]: Plugin setpoint_position initialized
[ INFO] [1520021829.706010896]: Plugin setpoint_raw loaded
[ INFO] [1520021829.716862466]: Plugin setpoint_raw initialized
[ INFO] [1520021829.717029302]: Plugin setpoint_velocity loaded
[ INFO] [1520021829.723754613]: Plugin setpoint_velocity initialized
[ INFO] [1520021829.723998780]: Plugin sys_status loaded
[ INFO] [1520021829.730640327]: Plugin sys_status initialized
[ INFO] [1520021829.730800888]: Plugin sys_time loaded
[ INFO] [1520021829.734651825]: TM: Timesync mode: NONE
[ INFO] [1520021829.735319038]: Plugin sys_time initialized
[ INFO] [1520021829.735450495]: Plugin vfr_hud loaded
[ INFO] [1520021829.736911489]: Plugin vfr_hud initialized
[ INFO] [1520021829.736935514]: Plugin vibration blacklisted
[ INFO] [1520021829.737033502]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate loaded
[ INFO] [1520021829.746346315]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate initialized
[ INFO] [1520021829.746515765]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate loaded
[ INFO] [1520021829.750239950]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate initialized
[ INFO] [1520021829.750419761]: Plugin waypoint loaded
[ INFO] [1520021829.755638602]: Plugin waypoint initialized
[ INFO] [1520021829.755726057]: Built-in SIMD instructions: SSE, SSE2
[ INFO] [1520021829.755751539]: Built-in MAVLink package version: 2018.2.2
[ INFO] [1520021829.755767668]: Known MAVLink dialects: common ardupilotmega ASLUAV autoquad matrixpilot paparazzi slugs standard uAvionix ualberta
[ INFO] [1520021829.755795346]: MAVROS started. MY ID 1.240, TARGET ID 1.1
[ INFO] [1520021829.849907257]: CON: Got HEARTBEAT, connected. FCU: ArduPilotMega / ArduCopter
[ INFO] [1520021830.072218261]: IMU: Raw IMU message used.
[ INFO] [1520021830.075098601]: RC_CHANNELS message detected!
[ WARN] [1520021830.075901836]: TM: Wrong FCU time.
[ WARN] [1520021830.572875238]: GP: No GPS fix
[ INFO] [1520021830.859501557]: VER: 1.1: Capabilities         0x0000000000003bcf
[ INFO] [1520021830.859610755]: VER: 1.1: Flight software:     030406ff (e707341bde6b667d8c965992)
[ INFO] [1520021830.859692086]: VER: 1.1: Middleware software: 00000000 (de6b667d8c965992)
[ INFO] [1520021830.859811288]: VER: 1.1: OS software:         00000000 (8c965992)
[ INFO] [1520021830.859894423]: VER: 1.1: Board hardware:      00000000
[ INFO] [1520021830.859991754]: VER: 1.1: VID/PID:             0000:0000
[ INFO] [1520021830.860091685]: VER: 1.1: UID:                 0000000000000000
[ WARN] [1520021830.860457816]: CMD: Unexpected command 520, result 0
[ERROR] [1520021833.850124648]: FCU: PreArm: RC not calibrated
[ERROR] [1520021833.850282817]: FCU: PreArm: Compass offsets too high
[ INFO] [1520021839.850783561]: HP: requesting home position
[ INFO] [1520021839.853771718]: FCU: APM:Copter V3.4.6 (e707341b)
[ INFO] [1520021839.854040516]: FCU: PX4: de6b667d NuttX: 8c965992
[ INFO] [1520021839.854183948]: FCU: Frame: QUAD
[ INFO] [1520021839.854286161]: FCU: PX4v2 0034002F 31334705 39343031
[ INFO] [1520021840.469965330]: PR: parameters list received
[ INFO] [1520021844.857490824]: WP: mission received
[ INFO] [1520021849.851115121]: HP: requesting home position
[ INFO] [1520021859.850746668]: HP: requesting home position
[ WARN] [1520021860.684726116]: GP: No GPS fix
[ERROR] [1520021863.861805572]: FCU: PreArm: RC not calibrated
[ERROR] [1520021863.861953300]: FCU: PreArm: Compass offsets too high


  seq: 59
    secs: 1520021901
    nsecs: 257080897
  frame_id: ''
    level: 0
    name: "mavros: FCU connection"
    message: "connected"
    hardware_id: "/dev/ttyACM0:57600"
        key: "Received packets:"
        value: "6240"
        key: "Dropped packets:"
        value: "0"
        key: "Buffer overruns:"
        value: "0"
        key: "Parse errors:"
        value: "0"
        key: "Rx sequence number:"
        value: "211"
        key: "Tx sequence number:"
        value: "82"
        key: "Rx total bytes:"
        value: "182353"
        key: "Tx total bytes:"
        value: "1883"
        key: "Rx speed:"
        value: "2106.000000"
        key: "Tx speed:"
        value: "21.000000"
    level: 2
    name: "mavros: GPS"
    message: "No satellites"
    hardware_id: "/dev/ttyACM0:57600"
        key: "Satellites visible"
        value: "0"
        key: "Fix type"
        value: "0"
        key: "EPH (m)"
        value: "0.00"
        key: "EPV (m)"
        value: "0.00"
    level: 0
    name: "mavros: Heartbeat"
    message: "Normal"
    hardware_id: "/dev/ttyACM0:57600"
        key: "Heartbeats since startup"
        value: "72"
        key: "Frequency (Hz)"
        value: "1.037047"
        key: "Vehicle type"
        value: "Quadrotor"
        key: "Autopilot type"
        value: "ArduPilotMega / ArduCopter"
        key: "Mode"
        value: "STABILIZE"
        key: "System status"
        value: "Standby"
    level: 0
    name: "mavros: System"
    message: "Normal"
    hardware_id: "/dev/ttyACM0:57600"
        key: "Sensor present"
        value: "0x0160FC0F"
        key: "Sensor enabled"
        value: "0x00601C0F"
        key: "Sensor helth"
        value: "0x0160FC0F"
        key: "3D gyro"
        value: "Ok"
        key: "3D accelerometer"
        value: "Ok"
        key: "3D magnetometer"
        value: "Ok"
        key: "absolute pressure"
        value: "Ok"
        key: "3D angular rate control"
        value: "Ok"
        key: "attitude stabilization"
        value: "Ok"
        key: "yaw position"
        value: "Ok"
        key: "AHRS subsystem health"
        value: "Ok"
        key: "Terrain subsystem health"
        value: "Ok"
        key: "CPU Load (%)"
        value: "30.1"
        key: "Drop rate (%)"
        value: "0.0"
        key: "Errors comm"
        value: "0"
        key: "Errors count #1"
        value: "0"
        key: "Errors count #2"
        value: "0"
        key: "Errors count #3"
        value: "0"
        key: "Errors count #4"
        value: "0"
    level: 1
    name: "mavros: Battery"
    message: "Low voltage"
    hardware_id: "/dev/ttyACM0:57600"
        key: "Voltage"
        value: "0.00"
        key: "Current"
        value: "-0.0"
        key: "Remaining"
        value: "-1.0"

Check ID

OK. I got messages from 1:1.

Received 1131 messages, from 1 addresses
sys:comp   list of messages
  1:1     0, 1, 2, 193, 152, 150, 24, 27, 29, 30, 33, 163, 36, 165, 42, 178, 182, 62, 65, 74, 77, 241, 116, 125

APM extras mocap question vision

Most helpful comment

Hello @SubMishMar,

I was also trying to use fake_gps plugin but I wasn't able to figure out how to use it but here is what I did, maybe it will help you:

I created a ros node that takes position data from Mocap system (UWB in my case) and converts it to latitude longitude values. Then I published these values to /mavros/hil/gps topic. Then I changed the GPS_TYPE parameter in mavros to 14 (this makes the fcu accept fake gps data). I was able feed the position data, but I have some problems in achieving a good position hold. I am trying to adjust values to get a better result. Hope this helps. I would appreciate if someone explains how to properly use fake gps plugin as well :)

PS. you can change the lat0 and long0 values to your location.

Here is the ros node code:

// adding x, y, z to long lat transform
// v3 - taking data from UWB and sending to APM

#include <ros/ros.h>
//#include <geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <mavros_msgs/HilGPS.h>
//#include <mavros_msgs/OverrideRCIn.h>
#include <math.h> 
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <array>
#include <geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.h>

std::vector <float> GPS = {0, 0}; // {long, lat}
float xPos = 0;
float yPos = 0;
float zPos = 0;

std::vector <float> CartToGPS (float x, float y, float z){ // x, y, z in [mm]

  std::vector <float> GPS = {0, 0}; // {long, lat}

  //Some constants
  float pi = 3.14159265359; // pi
  float alpha = pi / 2; // angle between x axis and North
  float r = 6371000000; // mean radius of Earh in [mm]
  float lat0 = (39.894470 * pi) / 180; // origin latitude
  float long0 = (32.777973 * pi) / 180; // origin longitude

  float dlat = (x * cos(alpha) + y * sin(alpha)) / r; // [rad]
  float dlong = (x * sin(alpha) - y * cos(alpha)) / r; // [rad]

  GPS = {((long0 + dlong) * 180) / pi, ((lat0 + dlat) * 180) / pi};

  return GPS;

void poseMessageReceived(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped &msg) // callback function for pose Message
  xPos = msg.pose.position.x;
  yPos = msg.pose.position.y;
  zPos = msg.pose.position.z;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  // if(argc<4){
  //   printf("Usage: rosrun send_pose position_sender lat long alt\n");
  //   return -1;
  // }

    //int rate = 10;

  ros::init(argc, argv, "position_sender");
  ros::NodeHandle n;

  ros::Publisher pub = n.advertise<mavros_msgs::HilGPS>("mavros/hil/gps", 1);
  ros::Subscriber subPose = n.subscribe("UWB_Pos",5,&poseMessageReceived);

  ros::Rate rate(5);


        mavros_msgs::HilGPS msg;

        //msg.header.frame_id = "1";

    // float x = double(atoi(argv[1]));
    // float y = double(atoi(argv[2]));
    // float z = double(atoi(argv[3]));

    GPS = CartToGPS(xPos, yPos, zPos);


    msg.fix_type = 3;

    msg.geo.longitude = GPS[0];
    msg.geo.latitude = GPS[1];
    msg.geo.altitude = zPos / 10000;

        // msg.eph = 65535;
        // msg.epv = 65535;
        // msg.vel = 65535;
  // = 0;
  // = 0;
  //   msg.vd = 0;
  //   msg.cog = 65535;
  //   msg.satellites_visible = 255;

    msg.eph = 2.0;
    msg.epv = 2.0;
    msg.vel = 65535; = 0; = 0;
    msg.vd = 0;
    msg.cog = 65535;
    msg.satellites_visible = 255;

    //ROS_INFO("Position data sent %f, %f, %f", msg.geo.latitude, msg.geo.longitude, msg.geo.altitude);

        // rc_override_pub.publish(msg_override);


All 5 comments

Hello @SubMishMar,

I was also trying to use fake_gps plugin but I wasn't able to figure out how to use it but here is what I did, maybe it will help you:

I created a ros node that takes position data from Mocap system (UWB in my case) and converts it to latitude longitude values. Then I published these values to /mavros/hil/gps topic. Then I changed the GPS_TYPE parameter in mavros to 14 (this makes the fcu accept fake gps data). I was able feed the position data, but I have some problems in achieving a good position hold. I am trying to adjust values to get a better result. Hope this helps. I would appreciate if someone explains how to properly use fake gps plugin as well :)

PS. you can change the lat0 and long0 values to your location.

Here is the ros node code:

// adding x, y, z to long lat transform
// v3 - taking data from UWB and sending to APM

#include <ros/ros.h>
//#include <geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <mavros_msgs/HilGPS.h>
//#include <mavros_msgs/OverrideRCIn.h>
#include <math.h> 
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <array>
#include <geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.h>

std::vector <float> GPS = {0, 0}; // {long, lat}
float xPos = 0;
float yPos = 0;
float zPos = 0;

std::vector <float> CartToGPS (float x, float y, float z){ // x, y, z in [mm]

  std::vector <float> GPS = {0, 0}; // {long, lat}

  //Some constants
  float pi = 3.14159265359; // pi
  float alpha = pi / 2; // angle between x axis and North
  float r = 6371000000; // mean radius of Earh in [mm]
  float lat0 = (39.894470 * pi) / 180; // origin latitude
  float long0 = (32.777973 * pi) / 180; // origin longitude

  float dlat = (x * cos(alpha) + y * sin(alpha)) / r; // [rad]
  float dlong = (x * sin(alpha) - y * cos(alpha)) / r; // [rad]

  GPS = {((long0 + dlong) * 180) / pi, ((lat0 + dlat) * 180) / pi};

  return GPS;

void poseMessageReceived(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped &msg) // callback function for pose Message
  xPos = msg.pose.position.x;
  yPos = msg.pose.position.y;
  zPos = msg.pose.position.z;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  // if(argc<4){
  //   printf("Usage: rosrun send_pose position_sender lat long alt\n");
  //   return -1;
  // }

    //int rate = 10;

  ros::init(argc, argv, "position_sender");
  ros::NodeHandle n;

  ros::Publisher pub = n.advertise<mavros_msgs::HilGPS>("mavros/hil/gps", 1);
  ros::Subscriber subPose = n.subscribe("UWB_Pos",5,&poseMessageReceived);

  ros::Rate rate(5);


        mavros_msgs::HilGPS msg;

        //msg.header.frame_id = "1";

    // float x = double(atoi(argv[1]));
    // float y = double(atoi(argv[2]));
    // float z = double(atoi(argv[3]));

    GPS = CartToGPS(xPos, yPos, zPos);


    msg.fix_type = 3;

    msg.geo.longitude = GPS[0];
    msg.geo.latitude = GPS[1];
    msg.geo.altitude = zPos / 10000;

        // msg.eph = 65535;
        // msg.epv = 65535;
        // msg.vel = 65535;
  // = 0;
  // = 0;
  //   msg.vd = 0;
  //   msg.cog = 65535;
  //   msg.satellites_visible = 255;

    msg.eph = 2.0;
    msg.epv = 2.0;
    msg.vel = 65535; = 0; = 0;
    msg.vd = 0;
    msg.cog = 65535;
    msg.satellites_visible = 255;

    //ROS_INFO("Position data sent %f, %f, %f", msg.geo.latitude, msg.geo.longitude, msg.geo.altitude);

        // rc_override_pub.publish(msg_override);


@mellonUAV thanks.. i am going to try this and will let you know how it goes.

@mellonUAV for fake_gps make sure that APM processes HIL_GPS msgs by default without the need of setting any parameter or so. Or maybe you just have to set GPS_TYPE to 14 as @SubMishMar said. For VISION_POSITION_DELTA I cannot say much, it really depends on the autopilot end. @khancyr any recommendations here?
@SubMishMar your code is appreciated but fake_gps does exactly the conversion you need. What don't you understand on its usage?

Hi! @TSC21
I want our PX4 to work in mode OFFBOARD or POSCTL, both are acceptable. We have mocap system OptiTrack. I have read many issues on github about px4, mavros and mocap.

But I still have some questions:

  1. Many users have mentioned the ros package 'mavros', but I want to know where this 'mavros' came from?? Does it comes from an installation command "sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-mavros" or comes from git clone? Is there any difference between the two? At first, I didn't use the git one, after "apt-get install", "roslaunch mavros px4.launch" can work. But last week I got the source code by git clone, and in this source code, there also exists a "px4.launch"!!
    So, I want to know while we using mavros to control our PX4(Set_Point_Position, Set_Point_Attitude and so on......), which 'mavros' should we use??
  2. I also see some users mentioned "mocap_pose_estimate" plugin. Many users said that this plugin can transform the data from mocap to the coordinate system that fix the PX4, but I don't know how to use it.what it is? Is it A node? A topic like '/mavros/mocap/pose'? Or just some functions that we can use directly?
    So, I want to know what is it and how to use it? How can I add this "plugin" to my own project??

Thank you very much!
Best wishes!!

Many users have mentioned the ros package 'mavros', but I want to know where this 'mavros' came from??

It's exactly the package of the repo you are commenting on.

Does it comes from an installation command "sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-mavros" or comes from git clone?

That depends if you want to use a release version (from deb) or the upstream version (from git cloning the repo).

Is there any difference between the two?

It depends if the release version is synced with the upstream master, but since this is always ongoing in terms of development, usually the release version is behind the upstream master.

At first, I didn't use the git one, after "apt-get install", "roslaunch mavros px4.launch" can work. But last week I got the source code by git clone, and in this source code, there also exists a "px4.launch"!!

Yes that is normal. The release version is this repo released into the Ubuntu distro repositories.

So, I want to know while we using mavros to control our PX4(Set_Point_Position, Set_Point_Attitude and so on......), which 'mavros' should we use??

Any of it should work.

I also see some users mentioned "mocap_pose_estimate" plugin. Many users said that this plugin can transform the data from mocap to the coordinate system that fix the PX4, but I don't know how to use it. what it is? Is it A node? A topic like '/mavros/mocap/pose'? Or just some functions that we can use directly?

Maybe if you take a look at the source code you find your answer. It's basically a plugin that you can find in mavros_extras that allows you to send ATT_POS_MOCAP Mavlink msg parsed from a node that you have that gets data from your mocap system. MAVROS has functions to handle the frame transform, so no it's not specific to that plugin.

So, I want to know what is it and how to use it? How can I add this "plugin" to my own project??

This is not a plugin you plug to your own project since this is tightly coupled with MAVROS. If you want to use what this plugin allows, just use MAVROS and couple it to your project.

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