Mustache.js: If the view's like this: {"path": "/home/chalin"}

Created on 7 Aug 2017  ·  2Comments  ·  Source: janl/mustache.js

template: {"path": {{path}}}
If the view's like this: {"path": "/home/chalin"}
the result will: {"path": "\/home\/chalin"}

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That's intended. Mustache.js HTML escapes values by default, if you want to avoid that, use three curly braces ("mustaches"). Example template:

{ "path": {{{path}}} }

See for more information about the syntax and behaviour.

Closing this for now, don't hesitate to re-open if this doesn't answer your question.

All 2 comments

That's intended. Mustache.js HTML escapes values by default, if you want to avoid that, use three curly braces ("mustaches"). Example template:

{ "path": {{{path}}} }

See for more information about the syntax and behaviour.

Closing this for now, don't hesitate to re-open if this doesn't answer your question.

Thanks for the answer!. It helped. Maybe this should goto readme?

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