Node-redis: Zscan command gives issue

Created on 23 Oct 2015  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: NodeRedis/node-redis


I want to use 'ZSCAN' command but it throws the following.

Redis Error { [Error: ERR syntax error] command: 'ZSCAN', code: 'ERR' }

connection.zscan(key , 0 , {match : value + "*"} , function(err,data){
console.log("Redis Error",err);
return err;

Please guide me as to the proper usage of this. Thanks.


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@vabnirvana The following should work:

client.zscan(key, 0, 'MATCH', value + '*', callback);

The object notation is only supported for HGETALL.

All 3 comments

@vabnirvana The following should work:

client.zscan(key, 0, 'MATCH', value + '*', callback);

The object notation is only supported for HGETALL.

The result is ["0" , []] always empty array in all cases. Where as when i do the command in redis it gives me result.

I just wrote a test for it and it works as it should for me. Please check your key or pattern to really match your entries.

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