Numpy: Frobenius Norm defined for vectors?

Created on 6 Feb 2020  ·  6Comments  ·  Source: numpy/numpy

This might be less of an implementation question, and more of a "philosophy" question, but shouldn't the Frobenius Norm work on Vectors? Source: Wolfram

Currently, the Frobenius Norm in numpy does not accept vectors:

import numpy as np
a = np.random.rand(10, 1)
b = np.squeeze(a)
print(np.linalg.norm(a, 'fro'))
print(np.linalg.norm(b, 'fro'))

Which results in:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
//anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/linalg/ in norm(x, ord, axis, keepdims)
   2515             try:
-> 2516                 ord + 1
   2517             except TypeError:

TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-18-2ace847024a5> in <module>
      3 b = np.squeeze(a)
      4 print(np.linalg.norm(a, 'fro'))
----> 5 print(np.linalg.norm(b, 'fro'))

<__array_function__ internals> in norm(*args, **kwargs)

//anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/linalg/ in norm(x, ord, axis, keepdims)
   2516                 ord + 1
   2517             except TypeError:
-> 2518                 raise ValueError("Invalid norm order for vectors.")
   2519             absx = abs(x)
   2520             absx **= ord

ValueError: Invalid norm order for vectors.
00 - Bug numpy.linalg good first issue

Most helpful comment

The problem is actually a bit further down in the code - if you follow the traceback from the error you received originally, you should be able to find the offending bit.

As mentioned in the discussions in #14719 and #14215, the behavior for >2 dimensions is a separate issue - it would be best if you could limit this PR to the bug in kwarg handling.

Re: resources for testing/contributing: take a look at NumPy's contribution guidelines. You can also take a look at linalg tests in numpy/linalg/tests/ to get an idea of how tests are formulated and where additional tests might be appropriate. Hope that helps!

All 6 comments

This looks like a bug in the handling of the 'fro' kwarg:

>>> print(np.linalg.norm(b))

Note that the Frobenius norm is the default when the ord kwarg is None.

xref gh-14719 and gh-14215: We thought about deprecating the general case, but then never went ahead because while there was not a huge resistance, there was some. And some other packages define it as that. So the issue is to decide where exactly to go here...

As Ross pointed out to me, the issue/PR I linked are only tangentially related and this is quite clearly a bug in the "fro" handling.

A PR to address the bug in the kwarg handling (and accompanying tests) is welcome! Nice catch @TNonet

Since this is my first issue, Are there any resources for making proper tests and a pull request?

(Also, if I was to clone the numpy repo and run, how would I make sure which numpy version I use when I import numpy?)

I would argue if ord is 'fro', then lines 2512-14 below.

Would need to be changed to:

if ((ord is None) or 
    (ord in ('f', 'fro')) or 
    (ord == 2 and ndim == 1)): 

Assuming everyone agrees that an nth order array has a Forbenious Norm that is naturally summing up squares of each element.

The problem is actually a bit further down in the code - if you follow the traceback from the error you received originally, you should be able to find the offending bit.

As mentioned in the discussions in #14719 and #14215, the behavior for >2 dimensions is a separate issue - it would be best if you could limit this PR to the bug in kwarg handling.

Re: resources for testing/contributing: take a look at NumPy's contribution guidelines. You can also take a look at linalg tests in numpy/linalg/tests/ to get an idea of how tests are formulated and where additional tests might be appropriate. Hope that helps!

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