Pixi.js: Pixi JS Renderer Drawingbuffer issues on iOS

Created on 16 Jun 2017  ·  10Comments  ·  Source: pixijs/pixi.js

Hi there!
Pixie code which runs well on desktop seems to behave strangely on mobile.
I am a noob to pixie.js so I may with a very high likeliness be doing something wrong here.

When I use my drawing code on mobile, it appears that the canvas refreshes strangely.
I am not redrawing the entire stroke but maintaining the DrawingBuffer and just adding new sprites to it.

No matter if I set 'legacy:' to false or true (as below) - it will give me the same result.

Thanks for taking a look!


initializePixieCanvas() {
    console.log("init canvas")
    const cArea = this.canvasContainer;
    const width  = 1000;
    const height = 1000;
    this.stage = new PIXI.Container();
    this.renderer = new PIXI.WebGLRenderer(
          antialias: false,
          transparent: true,
          resolution: 2,
          clearBeforeRender: false,
          preserveDrawingBuffer: true,
          premultipliedAlpha: false,
          forceFXAA: true,
          legacy: true


    this.renderer.view.style.position = "absolute";
    this.renderer.view.style.top = "0";
    this.renderer.view.style.left = "0";
    this.renderer.view.style.pointerEvents = "none";
    this.renderer.view.style.zIndex = "99";

    const cnvs = this.renderer.view;
    const scaleForHighResDisplay = true;
    if (scaleForHighResDisplay) {
        cnvs.width = width * 2;
        cnvs.height = height * 2;
        cnvs.style.width = width + 'px';
        cnvs.style.height = height + 'px';

    this.pointer = new PIXI.Sprite(PIXI.Texture.fromCanvas(this.brushElement));
    this.pointer.texture = PIXI.Texture.fromCanvas(this.brushElement);
    this.pointer.anchor.x = 0.5;
    this.pointer.anchor.y = 0.5;


Stale 💾 v4.x (Legacy) 🤔 Question

Most helpful comment

So the good news is, turning on antialiasing fixes this artifact. But clearly turning on antialiasing still has a significant hit on the performance. Any help on bypassing/fixing this is bug is hugely appreciated. thx!

All 10 comments

You should be writing native apps for stuff this advanced.

The web app is surprisingly fast and it seems so close - other than that the drawingbuffer likes to regurgitate old data of course...

So the good news is, turning on antialiasing fixes this artifact. But clearly turning on antialiasing still has a significant hit on the performance. Any help on bypassing/fixing this is bug is hugely appreciated. thx!

hello! This looks like it may be a precision issue, have you tried setting the precision of the shaders to highP?

I can confirm that it works with antialiasing enabled.

@GoodBoyDigital : Tried setting "highP" which did not have an effect unfortunately

Any other idea how this could be fixed without the performance hit of antialiasing?


You can try change transparency, if you dont need that background.

{ transparent: 'notMultiplied'}


{ transparent: false}

unfortunately we will need both as this is a transparent paint layer...
We should see if we can debug why this is not happening with antialiasing enabled...

Do you want to debug mobile browser?

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