Pixi.js: Is there a WebGL only version of PIXI?

Created on 9 Dec 2017  ·  4Comments  ·  Source: pixijs/pixi.js

Now that WebGL is widely supported (97%+) I think it makes sense for PIXI to have a WebGL-only version (for both speed and bundle size reasons).

Can it be compiled so that the dist bundle doesn't include any Canvas-specific code (eg. removes everything related to the canvas renderer).

And as a "larger" question, do you think Canvas fallback is still needed?

💾 v4.x (Legacy) 🤔 Question

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Agreed! We have designed this for v5 which is currently on the “next” branch. The default build of PixiJS v5 will not have canvas, which is now treated as second class.

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Agreed! We have designed this for v5 which is currently on the “next” branch. The default build of PixiJS v5 will not have canvas, which is now treated as second class.

I just realised after asking the question that one use case for Canvas rendering might be server-side rendering. But I don't know if anyone actually used, uses or will use PIXI for server-side rendering (on servers without GPUs).

Still, the first question is still unanswered: can the current build be bundled without the Canvas renderer?

Current, no. This one works without canvas: https://github.com/pixijs/pixi.js/tree/next . Even more, if you try "pixi-legacy" build from that branch, it wont work because CanvasRenderer is botched and we havent fixed it yet.

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