React-dnd: [RFC] Remove decorators from documentation.

Created on 18 Aug 2016  ·  6Comments  ·  Source: react-dnd/react-dnd

Right now the documentation includes decorators, which are a stage-2 TC39 proposal. The implementation in babel has issues, and requires a legacy transformer. Should we pull decorators from the docs until the spec is finalized and babel is updated?

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@tonilaukka The problem is that people set them up based on outdated blog posts and try to get help via random stackoverflow findings. The experience is far from seamless and I know that a lot of projects promoting the use of decorators get bug reports from people mis-configuring babel (which makes sense because it's extremely brittle and error prone to set up decorators).

All 6 comments

I would leave them there with a notion about stage-2. If you use ES7 you probably also know about decorators and their current issues.

@tonilaukka The problem is that people set them up based on outdated blog posts and try to get help via random stackoverflow findings. The experience is far from seamless and I know that a lot of projects promoting the use of decorators get bug reports from people mis-configuring babel (which makes sense because it's extremely brittle and error prone to set up decorators).

Also, the official create-react-app setup doesn't include decorators. So out of the box people might get confused and try to use features that are not available to them.

Totally agree with this. Happy to add them back when Babel officially supports them and configuration doesn't break due to plugin order.

@kesne you make valid point there with create-react-app and I agree with you and @gaearon on the other issues too. ;) When everything is working for you, it easy to forget how hard it was to get working in the first place.

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