Requests: The keywords headers must be string or buffer in new version 2.10.0?

Created on 5 Jul 2016  ·  7Comments  ·  Source: psf/requests

The keywords headers value must be string or buffer?
If the keywords dnt and upgrade-insecure-requests value is string or buffer, it's right,but the value is int,it's wrong.Why is that?

   'dnt': '1',
    'upgrade-insecure-requests': '1',


   'dnt': 1,
    'upgrade-insecure-requests': 1,


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Regardless of what we documented, this used to work and now it doesn't. We'll break a _lot_ of code if we don't change this back.

All 7 comments

@wut0n9 This behavioural change is not in v2.10.0, it's in the current master branch.

However, that's a real bug: #3366 has regressed this. @nateprewitt, are you interested in trying to update with a fix for this?

Headers should always have been string. I don't think this is a significant regression if a regression at all. We've always documented that header values should be strings.

Regardless of what we documented, this used to work and now it doesn't. We'll break a _lot_ of code if we don't change this back.

Yeah, I'll get right on this @Lukasa.

See also and

I don't know how much a "lot" actually is in this case.

@sigmavirus24 has linked to the relevant earlier opinions, which suggest that actually we don't allow non-string header values. So that means this is not a bug: it was us making a revision that is within the scope of the API definition.

@Lukasa right, I'm frankly surprised this didn't break earlier. The meaning of non-bytes/str as a header value is undefined as far as I'm concerned.

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