Sinon: Sinon.JS homepage design

Created on 27 Feb 2017  ·  32Comments  ·  Source: sinonjs/sinon

The new Sinon.JS homepage is up 🎉 and it needs help! @mroderick invested a significant amount of time to make a new Jekyll page that is now hosted on GitHub.

We would ❤️ some help with the design of the page. We'd like to add the content from the to show who is sponsoring the project and link to the Sinon.JS open collective page.

If you have suggestions or would like to volunteer, please get in touch here.

Documentation Help wanted

Most helpful comment

Hi @mantoni
Please check the homepage design here

Looking forward to receiving your feedback :)

All 32 comments

Hi I'd like to volunteer to help with the redesign. I can do about 5-10 hours a week. I am a UX designer.

@dpnyk Awesome! How would you like to get started? We currently don't have a specific plan for this.

So basically, I want to understand who are the main users of this site.(
Please include primary users, secondary users ) For example : Primary
users could be people who are good at JS and want to explore this, or
someone who is learning js and wants to use this.

This helps me understand who exactly are we designing the site to so that I
could then take into account how much time they spend looking for info, how
their reading patterns are etc. and structure the site accordingly.

Post that I would be sending you a few questions specific to content while
structuring. Once that is done i will do rough sketches on paper,
wireframes and Visuals and update accordingly.

We can have a weekly skype call / Chat on Slack to check on the progress
and your inputs.

I don't code so you'll have to get the new designs coded by someone other
than me :)


@dpnyk We appreciate your engagement and that you're willing to put in such a high amount of time. However, we're seeking for somebody who iterates on the UI design of the existing page. It would be a bit much to spend weeks on a UX redesign at this point.

Oh Okay. I could send in a few sketches based on the idea I have about the
page design. If you guys like the structure, I can do the wireframes and
visuals quickly.

On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 4:56 PM, Maximilian Antoni

@dpnyk We appreciate your engagement and that
you're willing to put in such a high amount of time. However, we're seeking
for somebody who iterates on the UI design of the existing page. It would
be a bit much to spend weeks on a UX redesign at this point.

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Deepika Nayak

Hi! I'd like to volunteer to design Sinon.js homepage. I'm an UI designer that do front-end too.

@dpnyk I really don't think we're going to change the structure of the page at this point. If you want to send in sketches anyway, that would sure be interesting to see :)

@afnizarnur Awesome! How do you want to get started?

Hi @mantoni

First of all, I'll collect some mood board and start to create low-fidelity wireframe of the homepage based on current landing page content. After that, I'll share all of that in here and maybe get some feedback about it from you. If clear, I'll start to create the high-fidelity mockup.

Also, is Sinon.JS have a logo ?

@mroderick Can you try to get hold of a hi-res version of our logo?

I'm waiting for the logo @mantoni

@afnizarnur Can you work with the one from the GitHub org page until we get one with higher resolution?

@mantoni Yes I can, I'm working on the low-fidelity wireframe right now.
Let me know if the higher resolution of the logo is ready. 😃

Oh, I just realized that I get a higher resolution image when I download the org image from the settings page.


Is this good enough?

Yeah, good enough. Thanks! @mantoni

Hi @mantoni
Please check the homepage design here

Looking forward to receiving your feedback :)

@afnizarnur 403 Forbidden, it said 😢

Now it works!! 🎉

Awesome! I like the style. Very nice ❤️👍
@sinonjs/sinon-core You should have a look at this!

@mantoni Appreciate it!
Oops, page not found.

Awesome, nice work! 👍

@afnizarnur it looks really good, nice work!

Looks great!

So, what's the next step? @mantoni

I've written a lot of sinon.js-related articles and people have told me they've finally understood those topics after reading them. Should I just send a PR with changes to the howto page to get them included on the Sinon.js homepage? Or would you prefer to vet the content in some way first?

Sorry if this isn't the right place to ask :) Wasn't sure whether I should just open a separate issue for this

@jhartikainen You came to the right place to ask and a PR would be very welcome. We can discuss on the PR then and adjust anyone sees the need.

@afnizarnur The next step is to implement the changes in the docs folder and send a pull request 😃

Ok sure @mantoni

Obviously, the new homepage is live for quite some time already 🎈

Hi @mantoni
Is it ok to you if I share the homepage design as a freebie in design community?

@afnizarnur Go ahead. It's your work :)

I'm already sharing the design in here :)

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