Trident: CSINode does not contain driver

Created on 21 Oct 2020  ·  6Comments  ·  Source: NetApp/trident

Using the trident operator and kubernetes 1.17.6, i am able to create persistent volumes, but not able to mount them into the pods.

When getting the pod description, following error is returned:
CSINode does not contain driver


  • Trident version: [20.07.1]
  • Trident installation flags used: [no custom flags, since we use the default /var/lib/kubelet location]
  • Container runtime: [Docker 19.3.12]
  • Kubernetes version: [ 1.17.6]
  • Kubernetes orchestrator: [none]
  • Kubernetes enabled feature gates: [none needed]
  • OS: [Centos 7 - 3.10.0-1062.12.1.el7.x86_64]
  • NetApp backend types: [ OnTap 9.7 ]
  • Other:

To Reproduce
Install operator as provided here:

After creating storage class, and consumer, the pv gets bound, but the pod cannot attach the volume locally to the worker

Expected behavior
Pod was expected to mount the volume and be running. instead it just remains in "pending"
Additional context
Pod description:
```kubectl -n test describe po web-0
Warning FailedScheduling 11s (x2 over 12s) default-scheduler error while running "VolumeBinding" filter plugin for pod "web-0": pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims
Normal Scheduled 9s default-scheduler Successfully assigned test/web-0 to hh1kbw02x
Warning FailedAttachVolume (x6 over ) attachdetach-controller AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-934230b9-900c-4539-bb0c-8feff6e18628" : CSINode hh1kbw02x does not contain driver
Warning FailedAttachVolume (x6 over ) attachdetach-controller AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-f4c2b654-ff73-4dd5-84ef-a31491b83f26" : CSINode hh1kbw02x does not contain driver

Logs from trident on this worker:

kubectl -n trident logs trident-csi-9sgrt -c trident-main -f
time="2020-10-21T17:15:31Z" level=debug msg="n>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>nPUT map[Content-Type:[application/json]]nBody: {n "name": "hh1kbw02x",n "ips": [n "",n ""n ]n}n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
time="2020-10-21T17:15:32Z" level=debug msg="n<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< time="2020-10-21T17:15:32Z" level=debug msg="Communication with controller established, node registered." node=hh1kbw02x

Logs from registrar sidecar on this worker:

kubectl -n trident logs trident-csi-9sgrt -c driver-registrar
I1021 17:14:18.636803 6672 main.go:110] Version: v1.3.0-0-g6e9fff3e
I1021 17:14:18.636888 6672 main.go:120] Attempting to open a gRPC connection with: "/plugin/csi.sock"
I1021 17:14:18.636908 6672 connection.go:151] Connecting to unix:///plugin/csi.sock
I1021 17:14:18.637420 6672 main.go:127] Calling CSI driver to discover driver name
I1021 17:14:18.637435 6672 connection.go:180] GRPC call: /csi.v1.Identity/GetPluginInfo
I1021 17:14:18.637442 6672 connection.go:181] GRPC request: {}
I1021 17:14:18.639851 6672 connection.go:183] GRPC response: {"name":"","vendor_version":"20.07.1"}
I1021 17:14:18.640235 6672 connection.go:184] GRPC error:
I1021 17:14:18.640242 6672 main.go:137] CSI driver name: ""
I1021 17:14:18.648537 6672 node_register.go:51] Starting Registration Server at: /registration/
I1021 17:14:18.648666 6672 node_register.go:60] Registration Server started at: /registration/

Description of csi node

kubectl get csinode hh1kbw02x -n trident -o yaml
kind: CSINode
creationTimestamp: 2020-09-10T07:58:40Z
name: hh1kbw02x

  • apiVersion: v1
    kind: Node
    name: hh1kbw02x
    uid: d3db28d6-e2be-4ad4-8534-c853b2e025b5
    resourceVersion: "30914526"
    selfLink: /apis/
    uid: a764977a-be67-4ee9-8b7e-9aac304e0890
    drivers: null

Kubelet logs:
Nov 6 10:14:18 hh1kbw01x kubelet: I1106 10:14:18.883059 2393 reconciler.go:209] operationExecutor.VerifyControllerAttachedVolume started for volume "pvc-3bcc4e38-2e69-4541-9910-711d2c086671" (UniqueName: "^pvc-3bcc4e38-2e69-4541-9910-711d2c086671") pod "web-0" (UID: "a235d5f9-05bf-4c77-8a84-e48f2f657d98")
Nov 6 10:14:18 hh1kbw01x kubelet: E1106 10:14:18.883223 2393 nestedpendingoperations.go:301] Operation for "{^pvc-3bcc4e38-2e69-4541-9910-711d2c086671 podName: nodeName:}" failed. No retries permitted until 2020-11-06 10:14:19.383183856 +0100 CET m=+1353591.737508759 (durationBeforeRetry 500ms). Error: "Volume has not been added to the list of VolumesInUse in the node's volume status for volume "pvc-3bcc4e38-2e69-4541-9910-711d2c086671" (UniqueName: "^pvc-3bcc4e38-2e69-4541-9910-711d2c086671") pod "web-0" (UID: "a235d5f9-05bf-4c77-8a84-e48f2f657d98") "
Nov 6 10:14:18 hh1kbw01x kubelet: I1106 10:14:18.983580 2393 reconciler.go:209] operationExecutor.VerifyControllerAttachedVolume started for volume "pvc-f138b6cc-988b-455c-bb2e-fce022755634" (UniqueName: "^pvc-f138b6cc-988b-455c-bb2e-fce022755634") pod "web-0" (UID: "a235d5f9-05bf-4c77-8a84-e48f2f657d98")
Nov 6 10:14:18 hh1kbw01x kubelet: E1106 10:14:18.983662 2393 nestedpendingoperations.go:301] Operation for "{^pvc-f138b6cc-988b-455c-bb2e-fce022755634 podName: nodeName:}" failed. No retries permitted until 2020-11-06 10:14:19.483629729 +0100 CET m=+1353591.837954619 (durationBeforeRetry 500ms). Error: "Volume has not been added to the list of VolumesInUse in the node's volume status for volume "pvc-f138b6cc-988b-455c-bb2e-fce022755634" (UniqueName: "^pvc-f138b6cc-988b-455c-bb2e-fce022755634") pod "web-0" (UID: "a235d5f9-05bf-4c77-8a84-e48f2f657d98") "
Nov 6 10:14:19 hh1kbw01x kubelet: I1106 10:14:19.385072 2393 reconciler.go:209] operationExecutor.VerifyControllerAttachedVolume started for volume "pvc-3bcc4e38-2e69-4541-9910-711d2c086671" (UniqueName: "^pvc-3bcc4e38-2e69-4541-9910-711d2c086671") pod "web-0" (UID: "a235d5f9-05bf-4c77-8a84-e48f2f657d98")


Most helpful comment

So i fixed it, if i may say so. After reading how the external storage provisioner work, and understanding the concept of driver registration using the sidecar container i reviewed our setup.

It was very misleading, since we configure our kubelets to start with the configuration files residing under /var/lib/kubelet, which is the default root-dir.

Couple of months ago we decided to split the brain, and move the pods and containers into a separate storage location, so we split the management from the operation

Therefore we changed the root-dir in the configuration file to point to /containers instead of /var/lib/kubelet

The default trident provisioner will look in the default location, and "embed" the plugins ,so to say.

So you need to check on two things:

  1. ps aux | grep kubelet | grep -e 'root-dir -> take the configured folder (in my case it was /container)
  2. change the trident_provisioner_cr.yaml, and customize it by adding the parameter "kubeletDir"
    apiVersion: kind: TridentProvisioner metadata: name: trident namespace: trident spec: debug: true kubeletDir: /container

Good luck.I'm closing this.

All 6 comments

Identical issue here with Rancher RKE and K8S (v1.18.10) and nodes running Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS with Docker 19.3.13 rest matches stated environment above...

same here with upstream k8s on ubuntu 18.04

I was able to "solve" it by redeploying both the trident-csi daemonset and deployment and restart kubelet afterwards

yep. i used tridentctl instead of operator.

So i fixed it, if i may say so. After reading how the external storage provisioner work, and understanding the concept of driver registration using the sidecar container i reviewed our setup.

It was very misleading, since we configure our kubelets to start with the configuration files residing under /var/lib/kubelet, which is the default root-dir.

Couple of months ago we decided to split the brain, and move the pods and containers into a separate storage location, so we split the management from the operation

Therefore we changed the root-dir in the configuration file to point to /containers instead of /var/lib/kubelet

The default trident provisioner will look in the default location, and "embed" the plugins ,so to say.

So you need to check on two things:

  1. ps aux | grep kubelet | grep -e 'root-dir -> take the configured folder (in my case it was /container)
  2. change the trident_provisioner_cr.yaml, and customize it by adding the parameter "kubeletDir"
    apiVersion: kind: TridentProvisioner metadata: name: trident namespace: trident spec: debug: true kubeletDir: /container

Good luck.I'm closing this.

Observed something similar when the trident-csi daemonset pods are unable to communicate with the trident-controller. In this case, it was due to a network policy that prevented it.

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