Typescript: Create Annex B lib target

Created on 18 Oct 2017  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: microsoft/TypeScript


Annex B is the 🚽 of JavaScript with such features like a broken escape method and the blink method for strings. We shouldn't offer broken functions by default, and (almost) no one wants to see fontcolor in their string completion list, but it is "standard", so we should have a separate lib target (in the same category as e.g. dom) for annex-b that squirrels away the Annex B declarations so people can still opt in if they want to.

Committed Moderate Suggestion help wanted

Most helpful comment

Annex B is an abomination, but we love it because it is a reflection of ourselves and a valuable reminder of human fallibility.

All 3 comments

/cc @bterlson who loves Annex B a lot

Annex B is an abomination, but we love it because it is a reflection of ourselves and a valuable reminder of human fallibility.

Gonna commission a banner for the next TC39 meeting reading Mistakes Are Permanent

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