Typescript: Default props not working in functional component

Created on 4 May 2019  ·  16Comments  ·  Source: microsoft/TypeScript

TypeScript Version: 3.4.5

Search Terms:
react default props defaultProps functional component stateless


import React from "react";

interface Props {
  name: string;
  optional: string;

const Component = ({ name, optional = "default" }: Props) => (
  <p>{name + " " + optional}</p>

const Test = () => <Component name="test" />;

Expected behavior:
According to the TypeScript 3.0 release notes, the optional prop should not be required in Test as it has been defined with a default using the ES2015 default initializers feature in Component.

Actual behavior:
The following compile error is thrown:

Property 'optional' is missing in type '{ name: string; }' but required in type 'Props'.

Playground Link:
It doesn't look like the playground supports TSX.

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Most helpful comment

With TypeScript 3.1 or above you should be able to write:

export interface Props {
    name: string;

function Greet(props: Props) {
    return <div>Hello {props.name.toUpperCase()}!</div>;
Greet.defaultProps = {
  name: "world",
} as Partial<Props>; // Good practice, without it you could use a number as default prop and TypeScript wouldn't complain…

const component = <Greet />; // no errors

All 16 comments

The documentation may not be clear on this, but you have to mark the property as optional in your Props interface:

interface Props {
    name: string;
    optional?: string;

That doesn't seem to match what the release notes say:

export interface Props {
    name: string;

// ...

function Greet({ name = "world" }: Props) {
    return <div>Hello {name.toUpperCase()}!</div>;

Making the prop optional also means that when you access the props outside of the component (in a test), the type system does not guarantee that the prop exists even though it will always exist.


const wrapper = shallow(<Test/>);

// optional is string | undefined instead of string
const optional = wrapper

If optional was a function, you would have to check it exists before you execute it. An example is if you provide a default onClick prop which just calls preventDefault.

With TypeScript 3.1 or above you should be able to write:

export interface Props {
    name: string;

function Greet(props: Props) {
    return <div>Hello {props.name.toUpperCase()}!</div>;
Greet.defaultProps = {
  name: "world",
} as Partial<Props>; // Good practice, without it you could use a number as default prop and TypeScript wouldn't complain…

const component = <Greet />; // no errors

Is it a bug that using the default initializer feature does not work for default props? It seems like a regression given that the example given in the release notes does not work on the latest TypeScript version.

@tbassetto The problem with that is that TS doesn't force you to actually provide a default value:

import React from 'react';

interface Props {
  myProp: string;

const Comp = (props: Props) => {
  return (

Comp.defaultProps = {

} as Pick<Props, 'myProp'>;

const comp = <Comp />;

The other annoying thing is the fact that you have to do this in the first place: If I type Comp as React.FC<Props>, then defaultProps is typed nicely, but other problems arise.

All in all, TypeScripts JSX/React support right now seems to be in a weird not-quite-perfect" state, but running as if everything is fine (at least in my eyes - Mainly, I can't seem to find any solid notes on what currently is the "Official" way to do stateless React components in a type safe manner for 3.4.5).

Although I see everyone referencing work arounds, I am unable to get any of them to work.

I am on version 3.3.3

export interface Props {
  shouldTruncateContent: boolean;

const Alert: React.FunctionComponent<Props> = ({
  shouldTruncateContent = false
}) => {
  return (
        <S.Content shouldTruncateContent={shouldTruncateContent} size="fill">

Alert.defaultProps = {
  shouldTruncateContent: false
} as Pick<Props, 'shouldTruncateContent'>;

export default Alert;

Does anyone have any insight into why this still throws the error

TS2741: Property 'shouldTruncateContent' is missing in type '{ children: string; }' but required in type 'Props'.

I have tried all the fixes proposed in #27425 and #519 too.

@tomspeak Either my workaround or @Hotell's woraround (although this one makes all props optional). Tested on 3.5 with your sample code.

Although I see everyone referencing work arounds, I am unable to get any of them to work.

I am on version 3.3.3

export interface Props {
  shouldTruncateContent: boolean;

const Alert: React.FunctionComponent<Props> = ({
  shouldTruncateContent = false
}) => {
  return (
        <S.Content shouldTruncateContent={shouldTruncateContent} size="fill">

Alert.defaultProps = {
  shouldTruncateContent: false
} as Pick<Props, 'shouldTruncateContent'>;

export default Alert;

Does anyone have any insight into why this still throws the error

TS2741: Property 'shouldTruncateContent' is missing in type '{ children: string; }' but required in type 'Props'.

I have tried all the fixes proposed in #27425 and #519 too.

You just need to make shouldTruncateContent: boolean; optional shouldTruncateContent?: boolean;

The documentation may not be clear on this, but you have to mark the property as optional in your Props interface:

interface Props {
    name: string;
    optional?: string;

I am using this optional type everywhere. Why the down vote ? Could someone explain ?

@ralexhassle, I can't explain the down votes, but I can explain that is certainly a correct way of typing a component's optional property.
You might prefer using defaultProps, which the example of the question isn't using, but as far as I'm concerned, marking optional properties as optional is probably perfectly fine...

The purpose of the issue is that the props are not optional, but have a default value (therefore can be eluded when using the component). If you mark the prop optional with ? then TS assumes it could be undefined and forces you to handle that case. However, it will never be undefined because there is a default value. The downvotes are because the commentator did not seem to understand the issue and proposed something that contradicted the 3.0 release notes.

@RyanCavanaugh why has the bot closed this issue?

Perhaps I missed it but I do not see an actual answer, despite lot of workarounds?

PS: using TypeScript v4

You can do it in this way, here properties in Props are the optional parameter and further used in the component.

interface Props {
  children: ReactNode;
  properties?: Record<string, unknown>;

const defaultProps: Props = {
  children: '',
  properties: {
    marginTop: 32,
    marginLeft: 0,
    marginBottom: 8,
    marginRight: 0,

const RadioListLabel: React.FC<Props> = ({
  properties = defaultProps.properties,
}) => (
properties ? properties.marginTop : 0
        properties ? properties.marginLeft : 0
        properties ? properties.marginBottom : 0
        properties ? properties.marginRight : 0
    <Text size="m" variant="heading2" lineHeight="body">

@lakhmeranikita The purpose of this issue is to avoid marking a prop type as optional.

I was unable to get function default arguments or other proposals to type check properly. The only workable solution I was able to find is this:

import React from "react";

type DefaultProps = { optionalProp: number };
type Props = {
  requiredProp: "some_string" | "other_string";
} & DefaultProps;

export const BaseComponent = (props: Props) => {
  const { requiredProp, optionalProp } = props;
  return (
      {requiredProp} {optionalProp}

BaseComponent.defaultProps = {
  optionalProp: 0,
} as Partial<DefaultProps>;

const comp = <BaseComponent requiredProp="some_string" />;

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