Vscode: Feature request: move cursor up/down between paragraphs

Created on 3 Aug 2016  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: microsoft/vscode

This would be the same as the { and } commands in vi(m):

  • }: move to next blank line
  • {: move to previous blank line

I find this a helpful way to move up/down in a file faster than line-by-line but slower than page-by-page.

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@danvk This is a good request. But this can be always achieved by writing an extension. Extension API provides all required information to come up with commands to do this and assign keyboard short cuts. This is the same approach followed by the Vim Extension.


In case someone wandered here in search of this feature just like me: https://github.com/sashaweiss/vscode_block_travel

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