Vue: Custom methods through vue-class-component are not recognized with $ref

Created on 23 Jan 2017  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: vuejs/vue

Hi all,

I have got an error message like this:

error TS2339: Property 'show' does not exist on type 'Element | Vue | Vue[] | Element[]'

It points to a line like this:


This show is a method implemented in TypeScript using vue-class-component. It is in a class that extends Vue. I located the line in ./types/vue.d.ts here.

I guess it should be modified using generics like this:

readonly $refs: { [key: string]: [V extends Vue] | Element | Array<V extends Vue> | Array<Element>};

But it doesn't work by just doing that.

Does anyone know how to do it right?


Most helpful comment

You either need cast it <YourComonent>this.$refs or reify $refs.

All 3 comments

You either need cast it <YourComonent>this.$refs or reify $refs.

your descript don't let me know how to fix this problem. show the answer step by step, pls.

really confuse about ts+ vue

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