Vue: With `whitespace:condense` all &nbsps;, even meaningful, are converted to spaces

Created on 29 Jan 2020  ·  5Comments  ·  Source: vuejs/vue



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Steps to reproduce

Run example.js in Node.

Alternative steps/Detailed explanation:

  1. Setup Vue template compiler with whitespace: 'condense'. (it is default for vue-cli).
  2. Render template with &nbsp; entity, e.g. <p>a&nbsp;b</p>
  3. Inspect template for actual non-breaking space character

What is expected?

&nbsp; entity rendered as non-breaking space character; example.js output should contain

---- whitespace: condense
// code

What is actually happening?

&nbsp; entity is rendered as plain space, example.js output contains

---- whitespace: condense
// code

The whitespace is stripped by this compiler code:

if (!inPre && whitespaceOption === 'condense') {
  // condense consecutive whitespaces into single space
  text = text.replace(whitespaceRE, ' ')

and "&nbsp;"s are replaced by "\xA0"s with entity decoder earlier.

Related issues is


Narrower whitespaceRE regexp, like /[ \t\r\n]+/g.

bug compiler has PR

Most helpful comment

Shouldn't we not touch non-breakable spaces in general? That's what I would personally expect if I use one in my template. It would also fix the issue you mentioned

All 5 comments

Shouldn't we not touch non-breakable spaces in general? That's what I would personally expect if I use one in my template. It would also fix the issue you mentioned

Setup Vue template compiler with whitespace: 'condense'. (it is default for vue-cli).

Wait, I'm confused. Is condense really the default? I'm seeing multiple things that claim preserve is actually the default.

I've been struggling to figure out why none of my non-breakable spaces are working. I was going to try forcing preserve, but then saw:

Evan saying default is preserve

And compiler option docs that echo that statement

Now after seeing @aimozg say condense is actually default, I went ahead and manually set preserve and sure enough! Everything's back to normal!

Are the docs/implementation wrong?

Either way, why would condense eliminate nbsp? Very unexpected behavior. I agree they shouldn't be touched.

White spaces are preserved in Vue core to ensure backward compatibility while in latest versions of Vue CLI we configure that to condense by default.

same with escaped tab &#9;

Makes very hard to display the code

Waiting for this to be merged..
Current workaround


instead of

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