Website: Pages are always "Last updated: a minute ago"

Created on 6 Mar 2021  ·  14Comments  ·  Source: tachiyomiorg/website

No matter what, every page on the site says "Last updated: a minute ago". I'm not sure when it broke, but I do have distinct memories of it not being broken.


All 14 comments


The package handling "Last updated:" is probably broken @mr-hope/vuepress-plugin-last-update. And I can't find the documentation for it, so I have a suspicion that it has turned into @mr-hope/vuepress-plugin-git.

Someone could try checking out old commits to see when it broke, but I agree with @ghostbear that it probably broke on an update to that plugin dep.

Just noticed that the PR #565, #567 and #568 seem to display the correct time for "Last updated"
Screenshot from 2021-03-09 19-18-53

Maybe it should use @vuepress/plugin-last-updated? Idk how to test it, since both local and netlify show it correctly even with current config

We changed from that one to Mr-Hope because Vuepress didnt offer any flexibility. I believe the new one from Mr-Hope is the @mr-hope/vuepress-plugin-git as ghostbear mentioned.

Looks like #587 didn't fix the problem. Starting to think that it has something to do with the build script because it works fine locally

Starting to think that it has something to do with the build script because it works fine locally

Also works fine on Netlify, but except for the change 3 days ago (which didn't break it), we haven't made changes to the build script for almost a year

Hmm, it's probably actions/checkout@v2 because it only gets the latest commit.
And by doing a shallow clone --depth 1 I'm able to recreate the issue, so it may be actions/checkout@v2 that changed at some point

As I mentioned on discord#website, we could switch the site to Netlify and get an open-source team (

We'd need a Code of Conduct for that though, so looking into some simple ones

As I mentioned on discord#website, we could switch the site to Netlify and get an open-source team (

We'd need a Code of Conduct for that though, so looking into some simple ones

Although I've recommended this in Discord I'll add it here as well for discussion.

I can confirm it, but for me it displays "a few seconds ago".
I doubt it is related to browser, but I represented it on latest Chrome on Android 11.

I can add that on my Vuepress website which is hosted on Vercel and uses default @vuepress/last-updated plugin it works as expected on local and on hosting. Here is a config line.

Recently saw this blog post and I believe it describes the exact same issue.

To summarize what I learned from it:
you can try changing your Workflow (push.yml) by adding:

  - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      fetch-depth: 0

That seemed to have fixed it (

Thanks @yegorgunko !

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