Android: App not uploading old pictures automatically

Created on 17 Mar 2018  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: nextcloud/android

Actual behaviour

When connecting new phone to cloud, old pictures aren't automatically uploaded to the cloud according to the automatic upload rules. New taken pictures on the other hand are.

Expected behaviour

Old pictures are uploaded according to the automatic upload settings.
Same for new taken pictures

Steps to reproduce

  1. Add new phone to Cloud account
  2. Set automatic upload settings
  3. See no old pictures being uploaded

Environment data

Android version: 7.0

Device model: Asus ZenFone AR

Stock or customized system: Asus' version

Nextcloud app version: 3.0.3

Nextcloud server version: 13.0.0 (about to update to 13.0.1)


Web server error log

Nothing relevant in the logs - already checked

Insert your webserver log here

Nextcloud log (data/nextcloud.log)

Nothing relevant in the logs - already checked

Insert your Nextcloud log here

NOTE: Be super sure to remove sensitive data like passwords, note that everybody can look here! You can use the Issue Template application to prefill some of the required information:

Most helpful comment

In my opinion old pictures should not be uploading automatically at connecting a new phone "but" there should be a message box where you can choose if you want to upload also the old pictures or not. That would be a nice feature.

All 3 comments

In my opinion old pictures should not be uploading automatically at connecting a new phone "but" there should be a message box where you can choose if you want to upload also the old pictures or not. That would be a nice feature.

Just for funsies - reinstalled the app on my phone and such dialog doesn't exist - would be really great if such dialog existed or at least and option to run the settings in the automatic dialog part of the app to force an upload

Hi folks, this feature is part of the auto upload road map #285
So closing this as a duplicate

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