Angular-google-maps: Cleanup event handling

Created on 20 Jun 2016  ·  4Comments  ·  Source: SebastianM/angular-google-maps

Hi @SebastianM @brian-singer, Please correct me if I'm wrong but it looks like we could tighten up event handling in a few places:

  1. I'm not sure whether we need to manually remove marker event listeners but it looks like we might benefit from calling google.maps.event.clearInstanceListeners(marker); in the marker manager:
  2. In the marker directive we're subscribing to events with _addEventListeners but don't explicitly un-subscribe to them on destroy: similar to what we do here:

There might be others too but these are the ones that come to my attention right away, what are your thoughts? Happy to address in a PR if you want. Thanks!

urgent PRs welcome! stale bug

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@alexweber ya, this is a point that is on my TODO list for a while now. We should address this in the next release. I will think about this a little further and will comment above when I have found a good way for handling this in the future. Thanks guys!

All 4 comments

Yes, I agree the google Marker then has a stale reference to the SebM Marker

@alexweber ya, this is a point that is on my TODO list for a while now. We should address this in the next release. I will think about this a little further and will comment above when I have found a good way for handling this in the future. Thanks guys!

I've addressed item 2 in the commit above, still unclear as to whether we need to use google.maps.event.clearInstanceListeners(marker); so leaving it for now

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