Angular-google-maps: You have included the Google Maps API multiple times on this page

Created on 2 Oct 2016  ·  19Comments  ·  Source: SebastianM/angular-google-maps

I know this issue happened to others but I am pretty stuck with it since days, can't find any solution.

Here is my @NgModule:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AgmCoreModule } from 'angular2-google-maps/core/index';

// Global vars
import appGlobals = require('./../globals');

    imports:      [ AgmCoreModule.forRoot({
                        apiKey: appGlobals.googleMapsApiKey
                    }) ],

export class JobSearchModule {}

Here is my HTML:

<div class="col-md-12 google-maps-container">
        <sebm-google-map [latitude]="mapLat"
            <sebm-google-map-marker [latitude]="mapLat"


And here is a screenshot of what I have inside my HTML head tag:

screen shot 2016-10-02 at 13 36 15

So it looks like it is really including the API twice but I don't know why or how.


Most helpful comment

@escarabin i had similar problem. Try this.

You need to import maps in the root application module, so you do something like this:

    declarations: [
    imports: [
            apiKey: 'some key here'

But then if you want to use maps in a component that does not belong to this module, go to that module and do this:

    declarations: [
    imports: [

All 19 comments

@escarabin the problem is that you import the module in a child module of your app. You have to import it inside your root module of the app. Closing this as this is no bug. Feel free to reopen. Thx!

hey @SebastianM! Thanks for the advice but I am still facing the issue.
Here is my configuration:

  • I need to use the angular2-google-maps in a child module calledjob-search-module.ts
  • I have ashared.module.ts which contains all of the components and modules that I use in several other modules.
  • My root module is app.module.ts

Now, when I import AgmCoreModule in my app.module.ts, I see an error saying that sebm-google-mapis not a part of my job-search-module.ts and no map is shown.
When I import AgmCoreModule either in shared.module.ts or in job-search.module.ts, I see _"You have included the Google Maps API multiple times on this page"_.

What should I do then?

PS: I do not have the ability to re-open the issue

anyone? :( I am quite stuck with it right now

@escarabin i had similar problem. Try this.

You need to import maps in the root application module, so you do something like this:

    declarations: [
    imports: [
            apiKey: 'some key here'

But then if you want to use maps in a component that does not belong to this module, go to that module and do this:

    declarations: [
    imports: [

To add why I think this works, is because you need to register the thing at the root of your application (so that google stuff is initialised with your key).

But you are using <seb-maps-smth-smth> in a component that belongs to another module, so you need to add the AgmCoreModule as an import so that it can find an exported component in this module that has selector seb-maps-smth-smth .

Hope that solves the issue

Thank you so much for the effort @EddyP23 but unfortunately I still see the it really working on your side using [email protected]? It's very weird.

The problem is not the error itself but it also causes a bunch of completely random bugs on the page...

Also, you are talking about <seb-maps-smth-smth>. I don't use this tag and I don't see it in the docs. I'm using <sebm-google-map>

@escarabin Yes, I am using version 0.15.0.

By smth smth I do mean any seb-maps-{placeholder} selector. My Html looks like:

<sebm-google-map #sebmGoogleMap
            <sebm-google-map-marker #marker

What error are you seeing now? I do believe this setup should work. Could you share more code?

I still see "You have included the Google Maps API multiple times on this page" error.

My HTML looks like this:

<sebm-google-map #sebmGoogleMap
            <sebm-google-map-marker [latitude]="mapLat"


Here is my child module:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { jobSearchRouting } from './job-search.routes';
import { SharedModule }   from './../shared/shared.module';
import { AgmCoreModule } from 'angular2-google-maps/core/index';

// Components
import { SearchComponent } from './components/search.component';

    declarations: [ SearchComponent ],
    imports:      [ jobSearchRouting,
                    SharedModule ]

export class JobSearchModule {}

and my app.module.ts @NgModule:

    declarations: [ AppComponent,
                    NotificationsComponent ],
    imports:      [ RouterModule,
                        apiKey: appGlobals.googleMapsApiKey
                    routing ],
    providers:    [ NotificationsService,
                    MetaService ],
    bootstrap:    [ AppComponent ],

Hm.. That is weird. Are you sure you don't have script tags importing google maps anywhere (e.g. in index.html) the old way? Something like this:

<script async defer

I would also go through all the usages of AgmCoreModule to check that you are not importing it twice in some other place accidentally.

I'm also having this issue. I've added the AgmCoreModule.forRoot({...}) in the app.module for my components, and I've checked for multiple google api calls.
Still returns the same error.

I am also having this issue. I've also added the AgmCoreModule.forRoot({...}) in the app.module for my components, and I've also checked for multiple google api calls.

Ok my mistake, if it helps anyone else here--try deleting your old script tag rather than commenting it out. For some reason, commenting it in the template was not removing it.

@EddyP23 , What can i do if im using skd autocomplete and agm maps?
Since it imports into index

Unfortunately I cannot just delete your old script tag because we have some legacy parts of our app that require the script tag being present. I'd suggest the lazy loader check if the api lib is present first before fetching. I'm kinda stuck right now and have to probably edit the source.

Below is my fairly nasty hack to allow for a) older dependencies that assume the api is included statically via a hardcoded <script src="" tag remain functioning and b) avoiding the You have included the Google Maps API multiple times on this page error.

Implement the Overrides

import { ModuleWithProviders } from '@angular/core';
import { AgmCoreModule } from '@agm/core';
import { MapsAPILoader } from '@agm/core/services/maps-api-loader/maps-api-loader';
import { LazyMapsAPILoaderConfigLiteral } from '@agm/core/services/maps-api-loader/lazy-maps-api-loader';

export class AgmCoreOverrideModule {
    static forRoot(lazyMapsAPILoaderConfig?: LazyMapsAPILoaderConfigLiteral): ModuleWithProviders {
        var module = AgmCoreModule.forRoot(lazyMapsAPILoaderConfig);

        // This is the magical path to what we need to override.
        // Future releases of Agm Core may totally break this.
        let provider: any = module.providers[2];
        provider.useClass = IgnoreIncludingApiLoader;

        return module;

export class IgnoreIncludingApiLoader extends MapsAPILoader {
    load(): Promise<void> {
        // Do absolutely nothing.
        return new Promise<void>(resolve => resolve());

Wire it up in app.module

    imports: [
            apiKey: '<key>'  // Not really needed.

I have been trying to resolve this issue from many days finally i arrived at the solution by comparing all the module file in the project.
Please check for all the modules in your package.
If you find the below code in multiple modules delete them and keep it only in one module.

.catch(err => console.log(err));

Its better to keep only in main.ts
Hope this solution helps you guys

I was able to resolve the problem in the escenario that @escarabin describes overriding the module.

import { ModuleWithProviders, Inject, Optional, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { AgmCoreModule, LAZY_MAPS_API_CONFIG, MapsAPILoader } from '@agm/core';
import { LazyMapsAPILoader, LazyMapsAPILoaderConfigLiteral } from '@agm/core/services/maps-api-loader/lazy-maps-api-loader';
import { WindowRef, DocumentRef, BROWSER_GLOBALS_PROVIDERS } from '@agm/core/utils/browser-globals';

@NgModule({ imports: [CommonModule, AgmCoreModule], exports: [AgmCoreModule]})
export class AgmOverrideModule {
  static forRoot(lazyMapsAPILoaderConfig?: LazyMapsAPILoaderConfigLiteral): ModuleWithProviders {
    return {
      ngModule: AgmOverrideModule, providers: [BROWSER_GLOBALS_PROVIDERS, { provide: MapsAPILoader, useClass: ApiLoader },
        { provide: LAZY_MAPS_API_CONFIG, useValue: lazyMapsAPILoaderConfig } ]}

export class ApiLoader extends LazyMapsAPILoader {
  private static cargado: boolean;
  constructor( @Optional() @Inject(LAZY_MAPS_API_CONFIG) config: any, @Inject(WindowRef) w: WindowRef, @Inject(DocumentRef)  d: DocumentRef) {
    super(config, w, d);

  load(): Promise<void> {
    if (ApiLoader.cargado) {
      return new Promise<void>(resolve => resolve());
    } else {
      return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
          .then(() => {
            ApiLoader.cargado = true;
          .catch(err => {

And importing the module in the shared module

  imports: [
      apiKey: environment.claveMaps
export class ComunModule

And in the lazy loaded module
imports: [

Thank you so much:).

On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 7:03 PM, Juliete wrote:

I was able to resolve the problem in the escenario that @escarabin describes overriding the module.

import { ModuleWithProviders, Inject, Optional, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { AgmCoreModule, LAZY_MAPS_API_CONFIG, MapsAPILoader } from '@agm/core';
import { LazyMapsAPILoader, LazyMapsAPILoaderConfigLiteral } from '@agm/core/services/maps-api-loader/lazy-maps-api-loader';
import { WindowRef, DocumentRef, BROWSER_GLOBALS_PROVIDERS } from '@agm/core/utils/browser-globals';
import { coreDirectives } from '@agm/core/core.module';

@NgModule({ imports: [CommonModule, AgmCoreModule], exports: [AgmCoreModule]})
export class AgmOverrideModule {
static forRoot(lazyMapsAPILoaderConfig?: LazyMapsAPILoaderConfigLiteral): ModuleWithProviders {
return {
ngModule: AgmOverrideModule, providers: [BROWSER_GLOBALS_PROVIDERS, { provide: MapsAPILoader, useClass: ApiLoader },
{ provide: LAZY_MAPS_API_CONFIG, useValue: lazyMapsAPILoaderConfig } ]}

export class ApiLoader extends LazyMapsAPILoader {
private static cargado: boolean;
constructor( @Optional() @Inject(LAZY_MAPS_API_CONFIG) config: any, @Inject(WindowRef) w: WindowRef, @Inject(DocumentRef) d: DocumentRef) {
super(config, w, d);

load(): Promise {
if (ApiLoader.cargado) {
return new Promise(resolve => resolve());
} else {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(() => {
ApiLoader.cargado = true;
.catch(err => {

And importing the module in the shared module

  apiKey: environment.claveMaps

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I also have the problem with version 1.0.0-beta.5 of the library. I investigated the problem and it doesn't occur in every case.

Here is the context, I have the main module that uses AgmCoreModule.forRoot:

  imports: [
      apiKey: environment.googleMaps.apiKey

and a lazy module that uses AgmCoreModule:

  declarations: [
  imports: [

I can reproduce the problem when first going to a page linked to the root module and then going to a page of the lay module. If I go directly to the page whithin the lazy module, I don't have the problem...

I investigated a bit the problem and i appeared that the load method of the LayLoader of agm is called twice in this case in parallel:

  • one from the FitBoundsService
function FitBoundsService(loader) {
        var _this = this;
        this._boundsChangeSampleTime$ = new BehaviorSubject(200);
        this._includeInBounds$ = new BehaviorSubject(new Map());
        this.bounds$ = from(loader.load()).pipe(flatMap(function () { return _this._includeInBounds$; }), sample(this._boundsChangeSampleTime$.pipe(switchMap(function (time) { return timer(0, time); }))), map(function (includeInBounds) { return _this._generateBounds(includeInBounds); }), shareReplay(1));
  • one from the GoogleMapsAPIWrapper
GoogleMapsAPIWrapper.prototype.createMap = function (el, mapOptions) {
        var _this = this;
        return this._zone.runOutsideAngular(function () {
            return _this._loader.load().then(function () {
                var map = new google.maps.Map(el, mapOptions);

Do you have an idea of how to fix this problem?

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