Angular-google-maps: Close marker info windows when a new one clicked?

Created on 19 Dec 2016  ·  23Comments  ·  Source: SebastianM/angular-google-maps

Is is possible to do this?

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My template only solution:

<sebm-google-map #gm [latitude]="lat" [longitude]="lng" [zoom]="zoom" [scrollwheel]="false" [styles]="mapStyles">
    <sebm-google-map-marker *ngFor="let place of places"
    (markerClick)="gm.lastOpen?.close(); gm.lastOpen = infoWindow">
    <sebm-google-map-info-window #infoWindow>

All 23 comments

Yup, I've encountered the same issue before.

Here's the working plunk

i could not use this approach.
My solution was downloaded the sources and include the following code in the file (google-map-info-window.ts):

// set this property in the top file, below let infoWindowId = 0; (line 7)
let infoWindowLastContext: SebmGoogleMapInfoWindow = null;

open(): Promise {
if(infoWindowLastContext !== null) {

infoWindowLastContext = this;



I hope this helps...

My template only solution:

<sebm-google-map #gm [latitude]="lat" [longitude]="lng" [zoom]="zoom" [scrollwheel]="false" [styles]="mapStyles">
    <sebm-google-map-marker *ngFor="let place of places"
    (markerClick)="gm.lastOpen?.close(); gm.lastOpen = infoWindow">
    <sebm-google-map-info-window #infoWindow>

@soyersoyer @lazarljubenovic

<agm-map #gm [latitude]="lat" [longitude]="lng" [zoom]="zoom" [scrollwheel]="false" [styles]="mapStyles">
    <sebm-google-map-marker *ngFor="let place of places"
    (markerClick)="gm.lastOpen?.close(); gm.lastOpen = infoWindow">
    <agm-info-window #infoWindow>

With the new 1.0.0-beta.0 - green-zebra AOT is not working:
Property 'lastOpen' does not exist on type 'AgmMap'

What can be happen?

Works great, my template usage invokes a custom click function as in

(markerClick)="gm.lastOpen?.close(); gm.lastOpen = infoWindow; markerClicked(m);"


Even with @Martin-B solution, it doesn't work :/

Any help ?

@Martin-B thanks heaps for the solution. Works a treat!

@Martin-B Nice thx !
@melbouhy Shame on me; forgot to add #infoWindow in <agm-info-window>. Maybe you did the same mistake ?

public openIW(data = undefined){

this.IW = data;


@Martin-B how to use this ((markerClick)="gm.lastOpen?.close(); gm.lastOpen = infoWindow; markerClicked(m);") in agm-marker please reply with .ts code

@menakav Here is a worked code:
in .ts file:
markerClicked(infoWindow) {
if( this.infoWindowOpened === infoWindow)

    if(this.infoWindowOpened !== null)

    this.infoWindowOpened = infoWindow;

in .html file: (markerClick)="gm.lastOpen?.close(); gm.lastOpen = infoWindow; markerClicked(m);"`

@menakav Your code don't works for me

I tested all the codes in this forum, and my problem is the infoWindow received here:

  clickedMarker(infoWindow, index: number) {

infoWindow always is the first one, no matter how any points I have. Always I received the infoWindow with _id = 0.

The parameter index receives the true ID of the clicked marker....

This is my html:

<agm-marker *ngFor="let point of points; let i = index" [latitude]="point.latitude"
                            [iconUrl]="iconUrl" (markerClick)="clickedMarker(infoWindow, i)">
<agm-info-window [disableAutoPan]="true" #infoWindow *ngIf="!isDetailMovil">
        <div class="marker__tittle">{{}}</div>

Any ideas why always is coming the same infoWindow?

@soyersoyer 's "template only" solution works great. However, once the initial agm-marker array is replaced with new marker elements (e.g. after ajax update), all of a sudden, the previous infowindows don't close automatically anymore. What could be the problem here?

@markschmid my workaround when the initial agm-marker array is replaced.

My solution, based on @lauwrentius answer:


    *ngFor="let marker of markers; let i = index"
    (markerClick)="showInfoWindow(infoWindow, i)"
    <agm-info-window #infoWindow></agm-info-window>


infoWindowOpened = null;

filter() {
    infoWindowOpened = null;
    // redraw the map with filtered markers

showInfoWindow(infoWindow, index) {
    if (this.infoWindowOpened === infoWindow) {

    if (this.infoWindowOpened !== null) {

    this.infoWindowOpened = infoWindow;   


Can you explain how you are running filter(){infoWindowOpened = null;} without it throwing a 'cannot find infoWindowOpened' as an error? This occurs after changing the marker icon array.

I solved the problem.
I shared the code:
(markerClick)="clickedMarker(infoWindow, point, point.latitude, point.longitude)">

clickedMarker(data = undefined, currentPoint: any, lat: string, lng: string) {
if (this.IW) {
const details = data._infoWindowManager._infoWindows;
if (details.size > 0) {
details.forEach((element, key) => {
if (key.hostMarker.latitude === lat && key.hostMarker.longitude === lng) {
this.IW = key;

i Hope it help.

Thank you.

On Sat, 28 Apr 2018 at 02:04, Cristian Hernandez

I solved the problem.
I shared the code:
[latitude]="point.latitude" [longitude]="point.longitude"
[iconUrl]="iconUrl" (markerClick)="clickedMarker(infoWindow, point,
point.latitude, point.longitude)"> [disableAutoPan]="true" *ngIf="!isDetailMovil">

clickedMarker(data = undefined, currentPoint: any, lat: string, lng:
string) { if (this.IW) { this.IW.close(); } const details =
data._infoWindowManager._infoWindows; if (details.size > 0) {
details.forEach((element, key) => { if (key.hostMarker.latitude === lat &&
key.hostMarker.longitude === lng) { this.IW = key; } }); } }

i Hope it help.

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Here's my solution. Works with angular 6.

<agm-marker *ngFor="let marker of markers" [latitude]="marker.latitude"[longitude]="marker.longitude" (markerClick)="markerClick(infoWindow)">
<agm-info-window #infoWindow>


lastSelectedInfoWindow: any;
markerClick(infoWindow: any) {
        if (infoWindow == this.lastSelectedInfoWindow) {
        if (this.lastSelectedInfoWindow != null) {
          } catch {} //in case if you reload your markers
        this.lastSelectedInfoWindow = infoWindow;

After a long research and unclear solutions a finally got a fine solution for clear previous agm-info-window when a new one is opened

This is my component.html:

 <agm-map (mapClick)="close_window($event)" [fullscreenControl]='true' [mapTypeControl]='true' [latitude]="lat" [longitude]="lng" [zoom]="13" [scrollwheel]="false">
     <div *ngFor="let data of zonas">
        <agm-marker (markerClick)=select_marker(infoWindow) [latitude]="data.latitud" [longitude]="data.longitud">
           <agm-info-window #infoWindow >            

And this is my component.ts:

constructor(public apiService: ApiService) {}
infoWindowOpened = null
previous_info_window = null
if (this.previous_info_window != null ) {

 if (this.previous_info_window == null)
  this.previous_info_window = infoWindow;
  this.infoWindowOpened = infoWindow
 this.previous_info_window = infoWindow

So every time a new window will be open it detect the event and closes the previous one, also this is working for closing a opened window if the user clicks outside the window in any other part of the map

Thanks @JimmyTheNerd, It worked for me!

My solution, based on @lauwrentius answer:


    *ngFor="let marker of markers; let i = index"
    (markerClick)="showInfoWindow(infoWindow, i)"
    <agm-info-window #infoWindow></agm-info-window>


infoWindowOpened = null;

filter() {
    infoWindowOpened = null;
    // redraw the map with filtered markers

showInfoWindow(infoWindow, index) {
    if (this.infoWindowOpened === infoWindow) {

    if (this.infoWindowOpened !== null) {

    this.infoWindowOpened = infoWindow;   

Thanks @JimmyTheNerd , Its Working.

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