Angular-google-maps: How about 2-way binding on marker lat/lng?

Created on 7 Jul 2017  ·  4Comments  ·  Source: SebastianM/angular-google-maps

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P.S. exportAs: 'agmMarker'


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@matt-lethargic Smth like this:
<agm-marker [markerDraggable]="true" (dragEnd)="markerMoved($event)" [latitude]="latitude || 39.8282" [longitude]="longitude || -98.5795"></agm-marker>

markerMoved(e) { const geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({'location': e.coords}, (res, status) => { if (status === google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK && res.length) { => this.setLocation(res[0])); } }) }

setLocation(place) { this.latitude =; this.longitude = place.geometry.location.lng(); }

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I'm new to Angular2 and AGM, but I would love this, really thought it would have been in already.
Does anyone know how to get the lat/lng from a dragged marker??

@matt-lethargic Smth like this:
<agm-marker [markerDraggable]="true" (dragEnd)="markerMoved($event)" [latitude]="latitude || 39.8282" [longitude]="longitude || -98.5795"></agm-marker>

markerMoved(e) { const geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({'location': e.coords}, (res, status) => { if (status === google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK && res.length) { => this.setLocation(res[0])); } }) }

setLocation(place) { this.latitude =; this.longitude = place.geometry.location.lng(); }

<agm-marker (dragEnd)="draggEnded($event)" [markerDraggable]="true" [latitude]="tripMirror.departure?.latitude" [longitude]="tripMirror.departure?.longitude" iconUrl="assets/icons/icon_marker_red.png"></agm-marker>

For some reason when I try to drag it I only move the entire map, I'm not able to move the marker...any help on this?

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